El propio Vicente relat en una de sus cartas a su abogado que fue El Chapo quien le dio el contacto para comenzar a colaborar con la agencia en 2008. Sucedi con Pablo Escobar aos antes, explica Hernndez. In return for Zambada's cooperation the government recommended more lenient sentencing guidelines and that measures be taken to ensure his family's safety. La informacin oficial le atribuye al menos 9 hijos: 5 mujeres y un hombre que nacieron del matrimonio con Rosario Niebla. Desde las 19.15, por ESPN Premium, Operativo federal en Durango era para capturar a El Guano, hermano del Chapo Guzmn, EEUU solicit formalmente extradicin de Ovidio Guzmn, Cmo unas llamadas telefnicas destaparon los nexos del narco con policas de CDMX. Margarito had a recording of Zambada asking over the telephone about payment for twenty kilos of heroin. Nel 2009 venne inserito dalle autorit federali messicane nell'elenco dei . Sus hijos hombres tambin formaron parte de su red de operadores en el negocio de las drogas. Es coautora del libro Rabia: ocho crnicas contra el cinismo en Amrica Latina (Anagrama, 2022) y Premio Gabriel Garca Mrquez de Periodismo a la mejor cobertura en 2020, Recibe el boletn de Mxico en tu bandeja de entrada, Si quiere seguir toda la actualidad sin lmites, nase a EL PAS por US$ 1 el primer mes. According to the younger Zambada, his cartel apprenticeship began in 1996, when he was living in Cancn with Javier Diaz, the Sinaloa lieutenant in charge of the regional plaza, or area of control. Send us a tip using our anonymous form. In May 2019, Zambada Niebla, "El Vicentillo", who was one of the key witnesses in the trial of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn, was sentenced to 15 years in prison and 5 years of probation in a federal court in Chicago. There is no end in sight yet for the trial, which began in early November, but Zambadas testimony functioned as something of a capstone to much of the evidence that the government has presented so far, backing up claims by earlier witnesses, connecting dots between different aspects of the cartels activities, and shining light on the close relationship between his father and El Chapo. His aunt and uncle are Agueda Zambada Garcia and Jesus Zambada. Copyright 2023 Penske Business Media, LLC. Zambada sigui en la resea . En su testimonio dijo que pag seis millones de dlares en sobornos a Genaro Garca Luna, exsecretario de Seguridad Pblica de Mxico en 2005 y 2006. Hijos de El Mayo Zambada cayeron gracias a sus BlackBerry The federal agency, Univision reported, refused to confirm or deny whether both individuals were under the protective custody of law enforcement and did not provide a date and reason for their release. In a sentencing memo filed last week, however, prosecutors portrayed Zambada as a somewhat reluctant heir to the throne, describing repeated attempts to distance himself from his fathers empire but being drawn back into the world of drug trafficking. El juicio de "El Chapo" sigue As part of the plea agreement, Zambada agreed to forfeit more than $1 billion to make restitution for his nearly two decades of involvement in the drug trade. He was arrested in Mexico City on 19 March 2009 and extradited to the United States in February 2010 to stand trial on narcotraffickingrelated charges. I have proven my repentance with my deeds, not just with words, said Zambada, dressed in a well-fitting gray suit and standing with his hands clasped behind his back. Su historia se remonta a enero de 2011, cuando la contact uno de los abogados de Vicente Zambada Niebla, mejor conocido como Vicentillo, quien enfrentaba un juicio en una corte de Chicago. The federal jury found him guilty of drug trafficking, murder conspiracy, use of a gun in crimes involving drugs and money laundering. Porque la relacin de dependencia con su padre es muy fuerte. El veterano periodista luego de conseguir la entrevista exclusiva con el siniestro personaje llamado Ismael Zambada, saba que haba preguntas que le resultaran incmodas; pero el no se perdonara el hecho de perder la oportunidad de hacrselas y menos ahora a tan avanzada edad y 50 aos dedicado al periodismo de . Vicentillo era el mensajero cautivo de la DEA, que serva de fuente de primera mano para la agencia entre lo que suceda en las montaas de Sinaloa y lo que se despachaba en los pasillos de la justicia estadounidense. Theres a need to incentivize other criminals out there who engage in serious drug trafficking who are thinking about engaging with the government, she said, adding that Zambada was one of the most cooperative individuals Ive worked with.. Segn le dijo a Scherer, Zambada tena en el 2010 una "esposa, cinco mujeres, quince nietos y un bisnieto". Jess Vicente Zambada Niebla (born 24 March 1975), also known as "El Vicentillo", is a Mexican convicted drug lord and former high-ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel, a criminal group based in Sinaloa.He is the son of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, one of world's most-wanted and powerful drug lords.He was arrested in Mexico City on 19 March 2009 and extradited to the United States in February . He was met with a glare from Benjamin Arellano Felx, who screamed in his face and demanded to know what Zambada was doing there, and promised revenge against Sinaloa, Zambada said. In one hair-raising anecdote, Zambada told how as a young man, he had gone to Tijuana with Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a close ally of Zambadas father, to see about brokering a peace between the two cartels. Unas horas antes, se haba paseado por la ciudad con un coche de alta gama y su equipo de escoltas. El Mayo's son, Vicente Zambada-Niebla, was removed today from the US list of sanctioned drug traffickers. Castillo, a Clinton appointee who is the first Latino to serve as chief judge in the Northern District of Illinois, also issued a sharp, thinly-veiled rebuke of President Trump, who has often tweeted criticism of people who flip, or turn on former co-conspirators and cooperate with authorities. In 2007, an unlikely figure vowed to leave the Sinaloa drug cartel: Vicente Zambada Niebla, a son of one of its leaders and the group's heir apparent. Es el nico de los cinco hermanos Zambada Niebla detenido. 50 Cent to Host Podcast About Twin Brothers Who Took Down El Chapo La tierra siempre es buena; el . Tambin dio informacin clave para detener a otros lderes de crteles . He pleaded guilty on April 3, 2013. After El Chapo broke definitively with Tijuana, the two organizations engaged in a vicious tit-for-tat battle that ultimately led to Guzmns first arrest in 1993. "Vicente Zambada Niebla y Jess Zambada Garca (su to) no estn bajo la custodia del Departamento de Prisiones", seal Emery Nelson, portavoz del BOP a la cadena Univision. In a brief press conference following the sentencing, Zambadas defense attorney Frank Perez said the former drug lord was grateful for Castillos relative leniency. Le haba enviado un mensaje a su esposa y se haba metido en cama. He was convicted in July 2019 to life in prison plus 30 years. Rancho Ganadero Las nimas, S.A de C.V; Zarka de Occidente S.A de C.V; y Zarka de Mxico S.A de C.V, fundadas por Zynthia Borboa, tampoco aparecen en la lista de las autoridades estadounidenses. Vicente Zambada Niebla, also of the Sinaloa Cartel, was released by U.S. authorities as a collaborating witness to testify against other drug traffickers. Tambin relat que su padre sobornaba frecuentemente a un militar que alguna vez trabaj como escolta personal del expresidente Vicente Fox. The Netflix docuseries World's Most Wanted establishes the professional relationship between Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn and fellow narco Vicente Zambada Niebla (a.k.a. Copyright 2023 Penske Business Media, LLC. Esposa, hijas y nuera: las mujeres que protegen los - NoticiasPV Fui a Los Pinos por auxilio: 'Vicentillo' - Milenio Mxico: capturan a "el Vicentillo" - BBC News Mundo First came the break with the Arellano-Felix crew, also known as the Tijuana Cartel. Hasta el momento, cmo califica el trabajo del actual gobierno de Puerto Vallarta? Vicente Zambada Niebla was a star witness in the El Chapo trial, and prosecutors have gone easy on him as a result. Are you kidding me?. El ejemplo ms claro de aquella colaboracin fue la declaracin contra El Chapo Guzmn en enero de 2019, en la que arroj a los leones a su compadre, fiel socio de su familia. The former heir apparent and star witness at the El Chapo trial could be out of prison in as little as five years. Durante ms de cinco horas de declaracin, prob que estaba familiarizado tanto con los negocios de Guzmn como con su squito personal. 'El Vicentillo' ya no est en una prisin de EEUU I think everyone deserves a second chance.. MAS:Esposa de Joaqun 'El Chapo' Guzmn por comparecer en EEUU. Cont a los jurados historias no solo acerca de las operaciones del narcotraficante en Mxico, Honduras y Belice, sino tambin sobre sus proveedores, distribuidores, escoltas, sicarios, primos, hermanos e hijos. Zambada is the son of Ismael El Mayo Zambada, 71, a longtime partner of El Chapo who is now according to his son the sole leader of the Sinaloa Cartel. Y que, debido a que los lderes del Cartel de Sinaloa proporcionaron a los agentes federales informacin sobre las pandillas rivales de la droga, debera salir en libertad. El arresto de Serafn ocurre cuatro aos y medio despus de que otro hijo del Mayo,Vicente Zambada Niebla, fuera detenido en la Ciudad de Mxico, siendo extraditado a Estados Unidos el 18 de febrero del 2010. . In his statement to the judge, Zambada acknowledged the harm he had caused, and apologized to his victims and his family alike. Vicente Zambada Niebla is the subject of the book El Traidor by Anabel Hernndez.[4]. I dont understand it the reality is that 20 to 30 percent of cases rely on individuals cooperating, Castillo said. El Mayo, el Vicentillo y Serafin (Foto: especial). El traidor: El diario secreto del hijo del Mayo - Goodreads Le digo "Mijo". Esposa, hijas y nuera: las mujeres que protegen los millones del Mayo Mexican drug trafficker Vicente Zambada Niebla, son of Ismael El Mayo Zambada, leader of a faction of the Sinaloa cartel, is no longer in a US federal prison, the US Bureau of Prisons reported. Pero, segn han reconocido las autoridades a la cadena estadounidense Univisin, el hijo de El Mayo, que declar contra Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn durante el juicio contra el capo en Nueva York, no est ya en ninguna prisin federal. Adems de ser el lder del Crtel de Sinaloa, el cual lleg a expandirse a al menos 51 pases de los cinco continentes,Ismael El Mayo Zambadatambin es un acaudalado empresario ganadero y agricultor. Vicentillo Zambada, el hijo del gran capo mexicano de la - El Pas High-Level Sinaloa Cartel Member's Guilty Plea Unsealed; Zambada-Niebla While other witnesses were able to give insight into portions of the cartels activities, Zambadas presence at his fathers side gave jurors a first-hand look at nearly every significant smuggling operation and internecine feud of the years he spent as a messenger, mediator and right-hand man to the cartels leadership. One of 14 cooperating witnesses to testify during El Chapos marathon three-month trial in Brooklyn federal court earlier this year, Zambada delivered one of the trials most most wide-ranging and damning tell-alls, recounting incidents from nearly every aspect of Guzmns 30-year drug trafficking career. Vicente Zambada Niebla - Celebrity Age Wiki He is the son of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, one of Mexico's most-wanted drug lords. Vicente Zambada Niebla se encuentra preso en Estados Unidos, pero en dos aos ms cumplir su condena luego de que su testimonio fue contundente en el juicio contra Joaqun el Chapo Guzmn. You made the right decision in cooperating.. Vicente Zambada had been scheduled for a 2022 prison release as part of a reduced sentenced for his cooperation in El Chapo's trial and would have had his name changed as a protected witness. Se trata de su primera esposa y gran amor de su vida . [15], 13. He was arrested in Mexico City on 19 March 2009 and . Cules son los bienes que EU liber a los Zambada? - Rodoce "With the information we have available at this time, we can tell you that Vicente Zambada-Niebla is not in the custody [] Vicentillo Zambada, compadre de la DEA y traidor del narco En 2019 se declar culpable y fue sentenciado por el magistrado Rubn Castillo a 15 aos de crcel. Modesta Zambada Niebla - hija de El Mayo y Rosario Niebla; . El Chapo, who was extradited from Mexico to New York in January 2017, was convicted on 10 counts in February 2019. 'The Marshals Service does not confirm or deny any information about anyone who may or may not participate in the Witness Security Program,' US Marshals spokesmanJames P. Stossel told Univisionon Friday. Rewards: US$2 million offered by the Mexican Government, The New Yorker, 10 April 2014, "A Billion-Dollar "Narco Junior" Cuts a Deal", BBC Two Program "This World:"Secrets of Mexico's Drug War", 11 March 2015, United States District Court for the District of Illinois, List of Mexico's 37 most-wanted drug lords (2009), "Secretara de la Defensa Nacional | Gobierno | gob.mx", "Vicente Zambada sentenciado a 15 aos de prisin en Estados Unidos | Video", "Condenan a Vicente Zambada, El Vicentillo, a 15 aos de prisin en EU", "Witness against 'El Chapo' given 15 years in prison in Chicago for key role in trafficking cocaine, heroin for cartel", "Upset About a Controversial Narco Deal, Mexico Reaffirms It Will Not Extradite Drug Kingpin el Chapo Guzmn to the U.S", Photograph of Vicente Zambada Niebla Miriam Reyes, Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars, El Narco: Inside Mexico's Criminal Insurgency, Manhunt of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn (20012014), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vicente_Zambada_Niebla&oldid=1141013985, Fugitives wanted on organised crime charges, People extradited from Mexico to the United States, Prisoners and detainees of the United States federal government, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox criminal with known for parameter, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 22:53. Zambada Niebla quedar libre en marzo de 2024, aunque fuentes extraoficiales aseguran que ya est libre, rumores que ni los US Marshals ni el USDOJ ha podido negar ni confirmar, aunque el hecho que el Tesoro lo haya quitado de su lista .