My friend canceled at the last minute, they had family plans. If I were you and my mom made me do things like that, I would want to forget too. she said softly leaning closer to him now so their shoulders were touching. "No wonder the Neverseen captures you so easily. Not wanting to make more of a scene, or give Marella and Cora another reason to tease her, Sophie simply vowed to ask Keefe about it later. We didnt take that long! Biana protested, Right Sophie? Sophie stood silent, zoned out and staring puzzled at her friends. You know even Biana packed faster than you? Thanks for all this. I really like it. "Keefe!" Sophie exclaimed hugging him,and not caring about how close she was to his body. What do we want to tell people about us? he asked, sounding serious for once, After all, theyre not as oblivious as you, so theyre bound to know somethings up.. Are we okay? she asked them, I really do wanna stay friends, even if it is a little awkward at first. Dex only took a few seconds to reply, assuring Sophie that they would always be friends. This is my first real attempt at a published fanfic, so please check it out! The torso was beaded and I gotta say, she looked spectacular. "Have you even been to a wedding before?" Sophie is only about to be seventeen and finds out the reason she can hear people's thoughts is that she's an elf. I'm so sorry Keefe, I caused so much fighting and drama between you and Fitz. You might need something nice to wear, she finished with a smile. Do you want me to back it up? Keefe asked with a small chuckle. Rated M because of stuff in the beginning. Sophie looked down at her own ring, which also glittered a perfect shade of ice blue. Arent you forgetting something? He asked, waving a bright blue elephant in a Hawaiian shirt in the air. Smooth, Keefe butted in. Im glad youve come to the same conclusion I did., Yeah, me too. And I bet Grady and Gigantor agree with me. he mumbled, sounding sad rather than witty. Sophie turned around and exclaimed, Ella! That was something. Sophie didnt quite know what to say now that Fitz had left. Yeah, this is for us. We were so surprised, we didnt think to take out our cameras until it was too late. She took a bite of the buttery, fluffy waffles. And nothing can change that. Before he could respond again, Sophie leaned over the makeshift table and pressed her lips against his. Truth or Dare/Sleepover A SoKeefe fan fiction story This is a fan fic I have made about the Keeper team getting together for a sleepover and playing some games, leading to spilled tea and mild drama. Thats not a healthy relationship, and if you cant acknowledge that, then I dont want to keep trying to be friends when Im the only one putting in any effort. Yep, Sophie confirmed, amused by her friends reaction. It was too late to fold the pile of clothes swiftly building up in her suitcase. The shuttle rumbled along through the breathtaking scenery as their hotel came into view. It was filled with millions of stars, almost as many as she was able to see from Havenfield. #teamfoster-keefe He turned around opening his eyes, just as the song reached the highest note. That's good, Sophie replied, I think Edaline will be at least ok with it, if not happy about it., Yeah, there is one problem though. If I didnt want to forget Im the one who did most of the tasks my mom put me up to. His shoulders relaxed when he saw she was joking. Wanna take a walk?. It killed a little of Sophies good mood too. Just thought Id give it a try. Fitz started to walk away, then stopped, turning around again. Its nothing more than couple of dots!, I know. Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic by @bookreader209 - Chapter 6 Well he WAS an Empath. Login to review. Keefe opened his eyes slowly as the light filtered through his eyes. And so are you. She was done letting him sweet talk her into giving him another chance. Back in San Diego, even before the fires, the light pollution had made it near impossible to see any stars at all. He gave her a half smile, and she couldn't hold it in any longer. Find out what happens, tomorrow in Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic *this is my 1st fan fiction* please don't judge. Sophie reached towards his hand and this time he didnt let go. She sat up, wondering where he could have gone. Everything went smoothly, though Biana did receive some odd looks from the cashier when she set down all of her clothes. He had changed back into his button down shirt, but he hadnt grabbed any sort of jacket. It wasnt cool of me to put pressure on you about matchmaking, or about anything at all. How could I forget you? She grabbed Ella out of Keefes hand and ran outside, leaving Keefe standing in the middle of the room. Sophie twined her arms around his neck and leaned in closer to him, until she was almost engulfed into his embrace. Seems pretty suspicious to me.. :). Just then, a doctor came out and took off his surgical mask. That hasnt changed. You have? Actually, he did ask that I made sure you didnt try and follow him, so. Is there something you want to tell me? she asked, knowing deep down what he was about to say. Keefe is this whole plate one piece of pasta? Sophie asked suspiciously, as ridiculous as it sounded. Anyway, now that Im cool about the whole matchmaking thing, dyou think we could maybe, No. It wasnt Sophie that answered, but Keefe. Is there anything we could do to make it better? she tried one last time to be friendly, but Fitz just wasnt having it. Sophie was not looking forward to this conversation again. I wasnt actually cold, but I could tell you were, and I knew you wouldnt go back to the hotel unless we both needed something. There was no awkwardness. You too. This would have also been embarrassing and made her turn red like crazy but right now she didn't care. Sophie pulled Keefe aside once again as the group continued back to the hotel to discuss what to do that day. But I wouldnt mind having a bite if you wanna try mine. The two of them traded forks, each taking some of the others food. Sophie strolled over to the boys suite. Ok, just get something you like, Ill probably like it too. He said, not looking up from the iPod. And that's not all- Alden Vacker- someone who'd been looking for her's mind is broken. Thanks for inviting me to sit with you, I kind of needed somebody to sit with. You prefer the crepes? she questioned, wondering why she hadnt ordered waffles herself. Yeah, sure, that makes sense. Fitz mumbled as he took several deep breaths to calm himself. Thats kind of weird, isnt it? she asked. That also sounds good for me. After that, it only took a few minutes to get everyone else their shave ice. Short SoKeefe One-Shots: "I have to go soon, it's almost 5," he whispered. Hey there Foster! Keefe called with a smirk, looking doubtfully at the mountain of clothes. Syrup and whipped cream dribbled down her chin slightly. After we last talked, I took some time to really think about how my actions have affected you guys. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Grady isn't exactly my biggest fan., Sophies stomach felt like she had eaten rocks for dinner. Sophie was sure that her arm would be crushed completely by the time the plane landed. I was kind of under the impression you still liked me. he finally said, his voice icy cold. Check. Lady Cadence was one of her toughest mentors yet, and she had made it clear from their first meeting that she wasn't exactly Sophie's biggest fan. She could see the confusion playing across his face as she took a deep breath for what felt like the 100th time during their conversation. Thankfully, I had Juline," Edaline said, grabbing a few bobby pins for Biana. So were Keefe and her like boyfriend and girlfriend? It wasnt fear, or jealousy, for once she didnt mind Fitz ignoring her. It's a pretty big surprise, kind of a memento for everyone of this trip. thank you and enjoy!!). And don't you forget it, Sophie told him, in mock seriousness, though she might've been just alittlesmug about beating Keefe. UPDATE: Keefes joke. She was sick and tired of Fitz acting this way, and she needed him to know that. Of course it was. I'm so glad you like it; your opinion is the only one that really matters to me. Those are chickens. Without another word, Linh ran towards the flightless birds, leaving Tam with an exasperated look on his face, shaking his head at his sisters behavior. Sophie felt the guilt radiating off of her in waves, and she was sure Keefe could feel it too. SoKeefe One-Shots by Smiles1001 142K 1.7K 34 He turned towards her side of the bed, snaked his arms around her waist, and slide his leg between hers, kissing the back of her neck lightly until she started to wake. Do you want anything? She asked Keefe as Marella ordered her drink, It probably won't be as good as what you're used to but youll probably get hungry or thirsty later if you dont get something. And even if it was your fault, which it isn't in any way, youre worth it Foster. Everyone all complained, but agreed that he needed rest in the end. "No. She felt better now that they had talked about tit even if it hadnt felt good in the moment. The Lost Cities are finally restored to peace, the Neverseen defeated, the rebels caught, and the bad erased. Once he heard Sophie order though, he quickly made up his mind, similar to what he had done on the plane. Yep. You know that Im unmatchable. He stood up as Sophie woke up to the three of them staring at her. Remarkably, it didnt take hours for all of Bianas bags to arrive, and they were on the shuttle to the hotel in no time. This flight is like 6 hours.. Foster here might be willing to give you a second chance, but we have somewhere to be, so spill it.. Keefe sat, pulling Sophie down with him until she was sprawled in his lap comfortably. This is just a a short little KOTLC SoKeefe fanfic :) It's staged in the middle of book four of the KOTLC series, where the Keeper Crew is banned from the Lost Cities and are living in Alluveturre, one of the Black Swan's hideouts. "What are you doing? Never forget that. Keefe snorted in background as Sophie flushed and awkwardly looked away. #butwerecongnates Keefe sighed in obvious relief, his previous embarrassment disappearing. "It's twins!" But for some reason, a mysterious group wants to kill her. While everyone else chattered and laughed, she contemplated the events of the day so far, thoughts swirling in her mind. Fun Fandom KotLC Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. How are you alive? Youre better at human constellations than I am. Keefe held his hands up in mock defeat, but he was struggling not to laugh. I said that I didnt care if you wanted to find your bio parents, or if you didnt want to think about them ever again. Fitzy. "Foster and the Fitzy!". Sophie, not bothering to play along, said "I already know your voice Keefe, and you ruined the surprise by calling me Foster, you're the only one that calls me that anyway. Sure, Cora giggled, I can show you all the best stores.. Dex snickered and whispered back, I brought balding serums. Sophie barely resisted the urge to groan and hit him over the head with a suitcase. It does sounds kinda bad when you put it that way. She replied, but went on when she saw the dejected look on Keefes face. Thanks for taking the time to do all this. She smiled what she hoped was a convincing grin. And she pretty much packed her entire room. Yeah, youre right. + They crashed together, nearly falling in a heap, and they were so busy untangling themselves that it took several seconds for them to realize that they had made it to their friends. Just then, Sandor marched over, glaring at Keefe. Strange occurrences seem to follow Sophie. It was a fine excuse though, as long as you didnt think about it for too long. Even though this homework was from her Polyglot class, which normally came easy to her because of her special ability, she still took the homework very seriously. Hi! Yes, yes I can. Countering with yet another star, they went back and forth several times, until Sophie found an opportunity to win. Biana seems happy for us and over her crush on you, but I still think we should talk to her along with Fitz just in case she isn't fine.. No, Sophie, she told herself. You two are my best friends, and I want you to be happy. he finished, and looked at Sophie expectantly. Aww, thats one of my favorite movie moments of all time! Sophie mentioned. It was the dress she had bought during Bianas shopping spree several days ago. Keefe stepped away in shock, at a loss for words. Sophie and Keefes mood on their walk back to their friends felt completely different now than when they had first left to talk. She cleared her throat and bit her lip, a debate going on in her head. If I can survive you being with Wonderboy, I think I can handle a little Team-Foster-Keefe, he answered. More episodes to come! The group laughed, remembering the many times that had been said before. That was worth so much more. Sophie smiled at him one more time before taking his face into her hands and pressing her lips to his. After a few seconds, she started to realize just how long the strand of pasta was. Keefe just smirked, but she could see a tint of pink in his cheeks too. I dont want to find out who my biological dad is though, which means theres no chance Im every going to be able to be matched. Biana gestured to the stack of dresses on one of the changing room chairs. I can't believe we forgot to get some earlier! she called, her eyes wide. Sophie turned her hair in his direction and inhaled sharply. Ill also have that. Besides, Im not sure the kiss wouldve worked out as well as it did in the movie., Thanks for understanding. Thanks for reading, enjoy! But, in that moment, the world seemed to sit still just for them. Marella lay on the bed next to her, taking a nap after having gotten ready to go. Cool, Ive kind of always wanted to try this iPod thingy, He said with a grin. Sophie should have been angry with him for making her worry like that, but she was too relieved to even think about it. Madly, Sophie said with an obvious eye roll. That was strange, but something to think about later. Elwin reluctantly let Sophie stay with Keefe. Something big. The Kotlc gang has grown up and have kids of their own, and while the Neverseen may be gone, danger is ever-present. Yeah, just friends. Sophie stuttered, her cheeks suddenly on fire. She frowned and put her own arms around his torso holding him against her. Ive said said it many times before and Ill say it again, it istooeasy to annoy you Lady Foss-Boss, Keefe replied with a wink. Why did you get blue raspberry Dex? Marella asked, It doesn't even sound like a real thing.. It seemed like a burgundy color. "Oh hey." Sophie said once she got over the element of surprise. There was obvious annoyance in his gaze, but something else too. Even now she could hear him whispering words they weren't supposed to say under his breath. She shouldnt be thinking of Fitz right now. Sophie lay back down, but she was once again too plagued with questions and worries to actually rest. A boy and a girl. Tam was comforting Linh, but Sophie knew he was just as scared as his sister. Sophie sighed. Im starting to get worried.. Keefe. Hope you like it!!! UPDATE: Keefes thoughts chapter. Colorful awnings to shade the tourists swept across the large windows in front of each shop. shortstory love stellarlune +22 more # 6 Seventeen | Soulmate AU | by 359K 8.7K 60 She felt her heart flutter, the same way it usually did for Fitz. Dude. I didn't want to cancel the whole trip so here I am. She winked. It seemed completely natural for her to just lean her head against his shoulder and relax and just talk. I'm a little cold, Sophie shivered, I didn't even know that was possible in Kauai. She had been right. You know I dont like this kinda stuff, Sophie complained, Why are you still making me do it?, Because unlike you, the rest of us are enjoying this. Across the many aisles of clothes, Sophie could just make out Linh, Marella and Cora talking excitedly about something. Oh. Quickly, Sophie changed out of her beach clothes and into the flowy red dress. Before she could change her mind, she shoved her face towards his. After leaving the hotel, they had walked down to the beach, which was now significantly emptier than it had been when they had left several hours ago. But its totally different. Sophie hurriedly packed her suitcase, wishing she had started packing a little sooner. You're welcome Foster, Keefe said with a forced smile. Well, hope you enjoy this random KotLC stuff! A red and white checkered picnic blanket lay sprawled out on top of a wooden crate lying in a grassy clearing. The candle Keefe had set on the overturned barrel flickered softly in the evening light. And Keefe? Hey people! You know, I used to think you were a good friend, but Im starting to realize you can be pretty selfish. Fitzphie shippers- a DO NOT READ. As a friend, she added, and Keefe chuckled. The wheels touched the ground softly, as the plane screamed to a slower pace with an ear-shattering rumble. I know you're afraid but I really cannot feel my arm right now, Sophie whispered. I broke up with you for a reason. Sophie replied. She was positive she knew what she wantedbut that was before she realized she had more than one choice. That makes sense, should we go do that now? She asked, cringing at the thought of the conversation. Stay with me." His heart leaped, no matter how much she assured him that she's in love with him, every time she said something like this his heart felt more full. Short SoKeefe One-Shots: "I have to go soon, it's almost 5," he whispered. Could you fold these clothes? I never considered Gradys reaction. Its okay if you cant right now, but I just have something I wanted to say. Fitz stepped out into the hall, hands fidgeting nervously. Soooo.. Keefe said after a nervous and awkward silence. I know its not going to be easy. She liked Keefe, she really did, and she didnt want to hide their relationship. Ready? she said expectantly, looking around at the group. Hi! Just friends? What are you getting Biana? Sophie asked, shaking her head. Yep, she said nervously, biting her lip to keep from laughing. She burst out laughing, clutching her sides as Keefe joined in. She knew the homework was due tomorrow, but he felt so warm and nice and before she knew it, she had already given in to the temptation of Keefe's distractingly warm arms around her. She, of course, has a person in mind Sophie Foster, and her adoptive cousin, Dexter Dizznee, are about to go to the Academy of Good & Bad. People around turned their heads as she whispered, Sorry. Keefe cracked up as she turned back to keep watching the movie. She wasnt sure why she felt so giddy, but something about laughing with Keefe made her feel warm inside. Fitz and Biana sat across the aisle, next to a pretty human girl absorbed in her book. Dex was tinkering, Linh was watching a movie about mermaids, and Tam was asleep, a few girls openly staring at him as he snored. Meanwhile, Biana, Dex, and Fitz wandered off to look at different parts of the airport. Wasnt it?, With that, he looked up at Sophie, and she couldnt help but agree. I think Ill have a rainbow flavor. Its supposed to be a flying horse, but, Thats supposed to be a pegasus? Didn't see you there Foster, he mumbled, his eyes dropping to the ground in embarrassment. One Shot Collection Chapter 5: Sokeefe 34, a keeper of the lost cities This moment couldn't last forever, but Sophie was determined to make it last as long as possible. I forbid it. Agh, Im sorry, this wasnt how it was supposed to go. And this was a constant cycle for about an hour or two. Thats Pegasus. Really? It was another day before Sophie was able to talk to Biana. When Sophie turned seventeen, Edaline and Grady made the surprise they were going to have another kid. #alwaysopentosuggestionsorcomments They both hope they'll end up in Good. she yelled, grabbing his upper forearms with her hands. I hope you arent mad at me, Sophie finished, looking sheepishly up at Biana. She thought about it, and listed off things in her head. She felt Keefe stiffen in surprise before he relaxed, draping his arm around her shoulders. A glimmer of disappointment shined through his eyes. But if you say youre just friends, then okay. Cora continued, stopping only when Keefe walked up. Keefe swiftly nodded as people looked away again. CONTAINS SPOILERS The title basically tells you everything you need to know, but here are some short and sweet, semi-related SoKeefe stories! Im not that oblivious! Ive come to realize that whenever I get angry, I tend to take it out on you, and thats not okay. And you already know Fitz and Biana of course. Sophie pointed to each person in turn. He started, turning around, then grimaced when he saw it was Sophie. Good. But even if they suspect something, I dont think nows the best time to tell everyone. Hes become a less and less dependable friend, and with the way hes been acting this trip, I just gave up trying to keep our relationship intact. I know yesterday didnt go so well, but I really did want to talk and see if we can make things better between us.. But now I understand that you were right. That's when she noticed she was staring at Keefe's handsome face. SO-KEEFE :3 Fan fiction! - Fun Fandom KotLC Wiki Just then, Sophie notice a lone figure walking down the beach, looking around. Remembering what she needed to talk to him about, she regained focus, her smile disappeared. Id say Im a pretty bad influence on you. After a few more minutes of quiet, Keefe stopped walking, and squeezed his eyes tightly closed, taking a few deep breaths.