After doing the following I ran a Hardware Inventory across toe building. Not sure if there is a fix for this now? If you enjoyed this post consider sharing it on, "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*", "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*", # Excplicitly set default param to True if used to allow conditionals to work, # Check if running with Administrative privileges if required, "Finding all user applications requires administrative privileges", "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*", "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*", # Retreive globally insatlled applications, # Run manual GC to allow hive to be unmounted, # Find installed applications installed globally and inside all user profiles (default behavior) and export to a CSV, # Find installed applications within user profiles, # Find installed applications within the current user profile. I have not included the results with the version filter. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. KACE Cloud, now with third-party application patching, has transformed endpoint management with automated patching for all devices. The view is also listed and described in the Asset intelligence views in Configuration Manager topic. Lists information about the video controllers found on Configuration Manager clients. The v_r_system view is the "default" view of the SCCM database. Lists information about the inventory changes on Configuration Manager clients, including name, MIF class, time stamp, change type, and more. In the next window select Show Query Language. Lists information about the network item found on Configuration Manager clients, and organized by ResourceID and then by GroupID. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Launch the SCCM console and go to Assets and Compliance > Overview > Device Collections. Check out the Run Time (ms) taken to complete the Full evaluation of the Google Chrome collection, and the Run Time is 1218. Also, its better to avoid using the option called Use Incremental updates for this collection.. This view is unlikely to be joined to other views. SCCM Collection Based on Installed Application Version Let's specify the basic details of the device collection. This includes BIOS duration, boot duration, event log start, group policy duration, system start time and update duration. So it needs to go to only targeted devices. The output is going to be definitely longer and you might have to export the list to a CSV file and review the results. I thought they were intended to use to see if the App is now showing up as installed. When someone installs the application we need to make sure the installed application remains up to date. Globally installed applications and applications installed under the profile of the user executing the function, Applications installed under the profile of the user executing the function, If a user is logged in, this can be accessed by, If a user is not logged in, the hive can be manually mounted using, You must be running PowerShell 5.1 or newer, It wont pull applications installed into user profiles that are not the user running the command, Applications installed into the user profile of the user running the command. There is some good documentation from Microsoft on this in KB974524. The software inventory views are typically joined to other views by using the ProductID, FileID, and ResourceID columns. This includes the manufacturer, the install date and more. The limiting collection establishes the resources you can add to this collection using membership rules. Can we export a list using SCCM/Powershell to extract all the GUIDs for an application? Navigate to \ Assets and Compliance \Overview\ Device Collections. To create an SCCM group follow this post. I hope this post helps in finding the installed softwares from your computers. The view is also listed and described in the Mobile device management views in Configuration Manager topic. OPEN - SCCM Report on software installed through software center | SCCM | Configuration Manager | Intune | Windows Forums Home Forums What's new Contact Log in Register This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. This post contains the SCCM SQL query for Microsoft office 32 bit and 64 bit. SCCM Report of Most Installed Applications. I notice under Applications > Scripts the only option is Powershell. Lets complete the process of creating the SCCM Dynamic Device Collection based on the Installed Application in this section of the post. I'm not a VBS person by any stretch as you can tell! This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The advice online for this particular app is to use a WMI command and then deploy it as a package. CMPivot for real data in Configuration Manager, Find all Installed Softwares from Specific Computer with CMPivot, Using CMPivot find Specific Installed Software on Specific Device, Find Installed Software using Publisher Name with CMPivot, Overview of Windows 365 Cloud PC Reports in Intune, How to Disable Remote Help Chat in Intune Admin Console, How to Install VMware Tools on Windows Server Core VM. We can adjust the frequency at which the client runs the hardware inventory cycle, please see: From what's been said above it sounds like that is in fact a part of your script. specific to ConfigMgr. Lists information about the desktop settings on client computers including the icon size, wallpaper settings, fonts and more. Would love to be able to do the same for managing applications in Intune. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. In, Thank you for the information. This view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID column. on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName like "APP%NAME", select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System Or is there some sort of quick thing to run that you're referring to? Installed Applications and Installed Applications (x64) is raw data from the uninstall keys in the registry. Please let me know if any particular logs or information would be useful to help resolve this. What is SCCM Limiting Collection? What is the difference between Installed Applications and Installed Software in Resource Explorer? rev2023.3.3.43278. That is an example someone else came up with to solve this problem. Twitter. Based on your description of the problem and the responses from Jason and Richard, please allow me to share some additional information with you: If you have enabled hardware inventory, after the client runs a hardware inventory cycle, the client sends the information to the management point in the client's site. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. In intune I want to create a dynamic group that checks wether or not some app is installed on this user's device. We regularly update the Available application so users always install the latest version when they have not installed the application yet, but this leaves us with all the users that already installed a previous version. If you see above, that's where I'm at now. Many organizations today use Microsoft office to simply the work. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If not, the application is installed and as such the old version is updated to the new version. Lets find installed software using SCCM CMPivot query. This method seems to be exceptionally prevalent and can be dangerous. Get-Package also returned PowerShell modules installed via the PowerShell Gallery. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. This view contains the information in the v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE view and joins several other tables to provide additional details about the installed software. Launch the SCCM console and go to Assets and Compliance > Overview > Device Collections. and underHKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Uninstall (which are exactly what my script checks and what ConfigMgr hardware The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The dynamic device collection created based on Google Chrome installed Windows PC helps to target Google Chrome upgrade scenarios; however, I dont recommend using this method for upgrading the Chrome version. Learn More SQL Server Developer Center Sign in United States (English) How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Lists details about the Windows environment variables found on client computers. I think its very common to create Configuration Manager collections based on information in the ARP. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Many hardware inventory views are created in Configuration Manager by default, and many more can be enabled or creating classes by using the hardware inventory classes dialog box, accessible from client settings. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. SCCM Query To Fetch Installed Software This Wiki is to create an SCCM query for fetching the listed machines in which any software is installed. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. It reads the ARP data and uninstall all apps that match the string. When you run a command such as Get-CimInstance Win32_Product it causes every single application installed via Windows Installer to perform a consistency check, and if any problems are found, it runs an automated and silent repair. Hi Deepak Is the license details available via the resource explorer node? Lists information about the operating system found on Configuration Manager clients. Lists information about the Windows services found on Configuration Manager clients. So well need to enumerate a list of profiles in the system, determine whether we need to load their registry hive, mount it if we need to, pull the application install data, and finally unload the hive. The following query lists all software files for the Configuration Manager product that have been inventoried on Configuration Manager clients. Lists information about the ports on each client computer. Lists information about the Windows processes that were running on client computers at the time they ran hardware inventory. There are six (6) devices with Google Chrome Installed, as you can see in the below screenshot. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The amount of information that you can gather from remote machines is simply awesome. Check the answer for how it can be solved :), What an elegant solution! It doesn't matter if you use a package or application, both will run a batch file or script. (You have to check the resource explorer as discussed above to get the version details of Chrome). Click Next. For example, the below CMPivot query finds the installed software whose Publisher name contains VMware. And what the problem? Click on the Edit Query Statement button to continue building dynamic queries from Query Statement Properties. Lists information about the operating system found on Configuration Manager devices. Avoid using All Systems or All Devices collection as Limiting Collection as explained in fix SCCM Limiting Collection Issue. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Lists computers that have the App-V client package installed. Lists information about the browser objects found on Configuration Manager clients through Asset Intelligence. about creating a query with that in the query text? Quick Question. if you have SCCM in place already all the GUIDs are within the db you can see them by running. If I run resource explorer on the machine that ran the script successfully, the application still shows under Installed Applications and Installed Software. This would be to assign configuration profiles for specific apps. Our SCCM environment consist of about 400+ packaged applications that are deployed to our end user devices. Lists information about the processors found on Configuration Manager clients. As it's much easier to understand what the two actually do that way! Queries: Installed application vs. NOTE! Enter the Name Of the Collection - HTMD Google Chrome Installed Devices. Lists information about the USB devices found on Configuration Manager clients through Asset Intelligence. Or is there some sort of quick thing to run that you're referring to? This view is based on a "ResourceID" that's a numeric value. To learn more about CMPivot, refer CMPivot for real data in Configuration Manager. I'm looking to deploy 64bit office to new devices or device missing office. IOW, what will you use it for? Ill also note that the WMI class Win32reg_AddRemovePrograms referenced in the above KB only exists on systems where the SCCM agent is installed, it is not included in the standard Windows WMI namespace. These applications are everything from mission-cricital to Adobe Reader. We also notice that during the ESP user phase all the applications are checked because they are required. Reply. I didn't realize the app detection rules were used to also detect if the app was already there. v_GS_1394_CONTROLLER Lists details about 1394 controllers on clients. That mistake is querying for both x86 and x64 software titles using an Inner Join between x86 and x64 views. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lists information about virtual applications found on Configuration Manager clients. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Your results show at the bottom. Lists software licensing product information for Windows Configuration Manager clients found through Asset Intelligence. Mutually exclusive execution using std::atomic? Make sure you replace the product name with one that you want to find and device name as well. You need to check the Hardware History section from resource explorer and Navigate to Installed Software Current node to get all the list of applications/software installed on Windows 11 or Windows 10 PC. Using this info we can put together a smarter function that pulls system wide installed applications, as well as those deployed across all user profiles. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. When a resource is in a collection, the application installs. Lets complete the dynamic device collection based on the installed application creation process by clicking on the Next button three (3) times and clicking the Close button. Lists information about power settings and the battery on Configuration Manager devices. One day I will learn C#, it's one of my goals :) Better start getting used to that notation then ;), As a suggestion, I'd probably assign the wmi output to a variable, and pass it along as needed, maybe constructing my own. You can right-click any item in the right-pane of the Resource Explorer window and choose Properties . This includes the name and URL to the application. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Cheers, wish Google landed me on this page sooner. His main focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM 2012, Current Branch, and Intune. Not the answer you're looking for? The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. January SCCM Collection Query for Devices with specific software installed and version or below [2023 Updated] Query Microsoft SCCM SQL SCCM Collection Query for Devices with specific software installed and version or below [2023 Updated] A.J. The v_GS_SoftwareFile and v_SoftwareProduct views are joined by the ProductID column, and the v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK and v_R_System views are joined to v_GS_SoftwareFile by using the ResourceID columns. Okay then I'll have a read through that thanks - Would you guys recommend Powershell instead to do this sort of task? Click on the Next button to continue. The view is also listed and described in the Mobile device management views in Configuration Manager topic. | where (Device !like %PC001%) | where (Device !like %PC002%) Click the OK and OK buttons to complete the dynamic query creation process. To reinforce one point, neither Installed Software nor Installed Applications has anything to do with the "Software Inventory" feature. In this case, its based on the Installed software (Google Chrome) of a particular Windows 10 or Windows 11 device. Yo ucan certainly automate the task with PowerShell, but you can also automate it with VBScript, a batch This includes the initial size and the maximum size for the page file. Lists information about the displays found on Configuration Manager devices. I would have the same question, how to have a dynamic group based on installed software. Both come from hardware inventory though so until the systems perform their hardware inventory and send this to the site, the site is unaware of any changes and thus the collections can't reflect the changes and neither can resource explorer as resource However note that these are the SQL queries and not the WQL queries. You can check the collection evaluation details from the console \Monitoring\Overview\Collection Evaluation node. You need to choose different attributes from the Criterion Properties window from the Criterion Properties window. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Listing out office versions installed on all machines is a big task. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. This view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID column. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Lists information about whether the write filter is enabled on Windows Embedded devices. Recently we had the need to get a list of all software installed on a group of systems in a collection in ConfigMgr. Yes was discussing Windows in this situation. Lists information about the certificates on devices, including the revision ID, issuer, where it is located in the certificate store, the subject, the dates the certificate is valid, and so on. Lists details about hardware inventory collected from clients that have custom hardware inventory client settings deployed. My goal is to list 3 things : Computer name - Display Name ("Google Chrome") - Display Version (of that Google Chrome entry) Lists information about the device drivers found on Configuration Manager clients. You can also use the Windows Installer APIs to get this info as well. We have a lot of applications inside the Company Portal that are available to users to install. stay informed, earn points and establish a reputation for yourself! Open SCCM Admin console.Navigate to \Assets and Compliance\Overview\Device Collections.Right Click Device Collection node and select Create Device Collection. Is there a way to make this easier and quicker? It all depends on exactly what your purpose is and none of this is Lists information about the serial ports on clients. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Create a SCCM Device Collection by IP or Subnet. Lists information about the installed executable files (files with the extension .exe) on Configuration Manager clients found through Asset Intelligence. Lists all system console usage information for Configuration Manager clients found through Asset Intelligence by polling the Windows System Security Event Log. Lists, by resource ID, information about jobs that are in the printer queue of client computers. The view is also listed and described in the Asset intelligence views in Configuration Manager topic. If you are interested in exploring CMPivot, you can check out all my ConfigMgr CMPivot queries. Find Installed Software using SCCM CMPivot. Hi all, I am looking what all applications are installed in ADD/remove program from all collections? Lets find out the best way to create an SCCM Collection based on Installed Application and its version. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. | where Device == PC001 | where Device == PC002. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Unfortunately, users, with low user-rights, can install many software programs directly onto their work computers. Lists information about Windows hotfixes installed on client computers. Not only for Chrome but any installed software. Lists information about the Configuration Manager devices, including the device ID, number of processors, platform type, processor type, and so on. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column and with Asset Intelligence views by using the SoftwareCode0, SoftwarePropertiesHash0, FamilyID, CategoryID, and SoftwareID columns. > "The advice online for this particular app is to use a WMI command and then deploy it as a package.". The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Also when using your script to uninstall Dell SupportAssist as a test I get the following error: Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Object not a collection. What exactly is wrong with that? . This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. But please read above the issue with having 20++ MSI GUIDs for the same product, Installed Applications vs Installed Software - After successfully removing an installed program via WMIC script (package), Configuration Manager 2012 - Application Management. Is there a solutiuon to add special characters from software and how to do it, Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. This class is Win32Reg_AddRemovePrograms and is under the root\cimv2 WMI namespace. NOTE! For instance, the example will show define a query for all computers running Firefox 24.2.0 or lower version and creating a dynamic group from that query. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? And click on the Next button to continue. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The hardware inventory views contain information about the computer hardware scanned on Configuration Manager client computers. Installed Software pulls from Asset Intelligence, which is a combination of multiple locations. inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_64 on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_64.ResourceId = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_64.DisplayName like "APP%NAME". Of course we could choose to create AAD groups, add the users to the groups and add these groups to all our applications and make them Required so they are automatically installed when they are part of the AAD group, but this takes away the possibility to let users do their own installations. Lists information about the Windows Update Agent found on Configuration Manager clients. SCCM Query - PCs with More than One Software Dane 21 May 2021 1 min read Really short post for today! SCCM WQL Query - List version of a specific installed application? The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. I recommend using whatever the native uninstaller is for the application and *not* the Win32_Product WMI class for the reasons given in the blogs. Now click OK and save your collection. Lists information about the software installed on Configuration Manager clients that is shown in the list of installed programs in Windows Control Panel. Here we have tested the Query using this we've created a listed device collection; for which the deployment will be mapped in order to upgrade the software Remember, friends dont let friends query Win32_Product. Now in some cases not all computers in the SCCM device collection are online due to users located in different time zones. Software inventory views in Configuration Manager, More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Is it possible to get license information too. If the application is present MEM will check the detection rule to see if the correct version is installed. In the Assets and Compliance workspace, choose Devices or open any collection that displays devices. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. From the select attribute window, you need to select class, alias as, Attribute, etc. The least important reason is that its not very fast. This is all available data in the V_R_SYSTEM view. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column and to the v_LU_CPU asset intelligence view by using the CPUHash0 column. Now Paste the below into the window that shows up (make sure to delete whatever was in there by default). Not all of the items listed are collected by default when using Configuration Manager hardware inventory. InstalledSoftware Win32_product Class is not query optimized. Most of the client data within Configuration Manager is contained in one of the two hardware inventory schema views: v_GroupMap and v_GroupAttributeMap. This view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID column. previously one had to uninstall the 32 bit version of office and then deploy 64 bit but this solves that issue. Thus, asking for a PowerShell way to do this is meaningless as it doesn't exist. I don't see what's so harmful about running that via a package? Lists information about the type, capabilities and status of any PCMCIA controllers inventoried on client computers. If you dont see the software or application in the list of installed Software means that the hardware inventory details of that application are not received from the Windows device. We make this application Required for all users with a requirement rule where the requirement is set to check if the application is installed on the system (just a simple check on the presence of an executable). In your device collections membership rules select Query Rule. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. I've followed guidance from several KB articles but the issue is not resolved. He writes articles on SCCM, Intune, Configuration Manager, Microsoft Intune, Azure, Windows Server, Windows 11, WordPress and other topics, with the goal of providing people with useful information. When you run a CMPivot query, it immediately runs a query on all currently connected devices in the target collection and returns the results. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Such as a RMM tool, or antivirus, etc.? I'm struggling to create a WQL query for SCCM as I'm really new and rarely use it in a complex manner. and It don't use the evil Win32_product wmi class and yes it is powershell. The resulting collection will have both the applications. Lets check how to add additional filters such as Installed Application Version details to the existing dynamic query for Collection. Dell Optimizer is screwing up our connection management and stores a large amount of unwanted data. Lists information about the pointing devices connected to Configuration Manager clients. I have to same questions. Lists information about the time zone settings on clients. Lists information about parallel ports found on Configuration Manager clients. Sometimes I forget even the most basic stuff. In this section of the post, lets check how to create WQL Query to create a collection based on installed app or software details for Windows devices. about creating a query with that in the query text? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It would be best if you tried to use the implicit uninstall feature introduced with the SCCM 2107 rather than using collection based on the installed application. The following query lists all inventoried products and the associated files for a computer with the NetBIOS name of COMPUTER1. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. This view is unlikely to be joined to other views. Your email address will not be published. Lists the inventory classes and properties used by Configuration Manager hardware inventory. SCCM dynamic device collections based on the installed application can sometimes be tricky because of the dependency on hardware inventory. file, Python, Ruby, etc. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Returns details about any computer that contains a battery, such as a notebook computer.