Are Tesla Powerwall smart enough to let majority of power export to grid and only start charging battery as inverter approaches its export limit? 4. There are exceptions for off-grid installations and systems that are installed with a battery. We installed 4.5kw with a 5kw inverter in 2014. As your sister can presumably export as much power as her solar inverter can produce it wouldnt need this device. Unfortunately, SAPN wont allow more than 5 kilowatts of inverter capacity on an SWER line. driving range of 200km depending on ambient temperature. I was lucky to have an early approval, so limited to 10Kw (or due to bad calculation by the approver, 8.6Kw, where he said ALL the Neutral current went down the common Neutral wire, where in fact only the difference between the phases goes down the Neutral (2 phase, 180 degree). If they face in two or more directions, it will further reduce the losses by reducing the peak solar output while stretching it out, so it lasts longer through the day. Depending on their location, some may be constrained to a lesser export level or even no exports at all. We respect your privacy and you can opt out from the newsletter at any time. So the solar inverter has to have its own energy meter installed in your switchboard one that talks to the inverter to tell it when power sent into the grid reaches the export limit. Actually I made a chart showing the percentage of electricity lines in each state that were SWER but I left it out for the sake of brevity. But if people send a lot of power into the line then the voltage at the far end, instead of being lower than at the sending end, becomes higher. I have a new residential PV system in Perth WA, 6.6kW total panel capacity and a 5kW inverter (Growatt Min 5000TL-X). We are on a zero limited export. I had applications rejected, and when I asked there was NO course for negotiation or discussion its the RULES is s synopsis of the responses. Similarly, which would be more detrimental to a fragile electricity grid, through power exporting; a 5kW inverter with no export limiting, or, a 10kW inverter, with export limiting set to 1kW? Yes I do have Enphase micro-inverters and an Envoy gateway, though not enough sunny roof to exceed 5kW, so my interest is rather academic but real. But given average voltages are probably well above what they should be in lots of places, and once you factor in your local voltage rise, and pretty low values under AS4777 etc, there is not much room to play with until the distributors get the act together and deliver us power that better matches the 230v standard they are required to deliver us. 0% No unfortunately. This profile also doesnt impose any export limits, because Endeavour Energy didnt require them of my installation (maximum is 30kW for a 3-phase installation, which my one is well under). Powercor program works to increase solar export capacity for 50,000 The solar PV system is connected to the network via an inverter. I am not sure whether it has been explicitly explained, but, what exactly, is the limit of panels generating capacity, that is covered by the federal solar panels rebate? And for this reasons, I have increasingly seen that it is more challenging to run micros without the envoy which would no doubt be extra code required in later versions of the envoy to enforce implementation of various AS4777 and export limiting requirements that cant be done in the micros alone. Theyd be higher for a sunnier location such as Perth and lower for cloudier places such as Melbourne or Hobart. 0% Some battery powered cars can not be programmed to only recharge at particular times of the day, and, so, if someone drives one to work (that is, if and when battery powered cars become affordable to the working class) and home after work, then puts the car on the charger, the drain to the grid, that would consequently occur, during peak demand hours, needs to be covered. No-one seems to have replied Dirk, so I will try. 0000037380 00000 n In looking to the future, regardless of whether we like it, in spite of, and, despite, the great efforts of the WA state government, and its parent, the Australian feral LNP/ALP government, battery powered road vehicles will come to Australia, and, displace ICE vehicles. 0000037764 00000 n Ready for some quotes? I think it is illegal in WA to rewire your inverter or modify any parameters, as it may result in more than 5kW being sent to the grid, so I will just bite the bullet and see that I use as much solar as possible. Wouldnt it be better for the inverter to display its total actual potential output under current conditions? You could contact Powercor and explain your situation, but I suspect theyll say you need to be an installer to check if an increase in export capability is available. Many NSW rural situations are limited to 3Kw export, due to the length of the transmission lines. Store it and use it later (this requires solar battery storage), or it disappears into thin air via a heat sink. If we consider a home in Sydney where no electricity is used during the day, and all the solar panels face directly north, then the percentage of output that will be lost due to a 5 kilowatt export limit would be: So even in a worst-case situation for Sydney, an 8 kilowatt solar system that is exported limited to 5 kilowatts will only lose 4% of generation. Self confessed newbie to the mechanics of Solar so bear with me. In future, will powercor allow export limit if they upgrade transformer? Exporting surplus solar power is good because it reduces fossil fuel generation and pays you a feed-in tariff that reduces electricity bills. 11kW panels with 10kW 3-phase inverter (Fronius Symo + Fronius 3-phase meter). But your situation is complicated by already having a 3 kilowatt system. Thanks Ronald! FAQs - MASH: Community Solar 258 In contrast, most other network distributors set a strict upper limit on the size solar panel system you can install, typically 10kW for single-phase properties. Please stay on topic. Of course the manufacturers dont want this to be public knowledge and pretend that once you paid for a system you are set for life (yours, not that of the system). I have noticed that one string seems to be performing well under the performance of the slightly smaller string. Even if I were exporting 100% of it, it still would only bring down my bills by a tiny amount per month. No active system controls whether you use inverter of imported power. I have seen my panels producing over 13 kW of power when the battery is drawing 3 kW DC power and the battery, house and car 10 kW of AC power. Australian network service providers (including CitiPower) use solar export limits to keep voltage levels in transmission lines operating within safe . MPPT2 always shows better performance than MPPT, usually quite significantly better. The inverter reduces the amount of electrical energy supplied by the solar panels. This gives the advantage of having a new system covered by a new set of warranties. 253 So while the article suggests 10kW inverter ( 13.33kW DC) in fact the limit seemed to be 10kW DC ( hmmm what does 10kW generation mean exactly ?.) I suspect that it is likely, that that they are all signaled equally, not in truth I dont know for sure. Weve seen a rapid growth in rooftop solar systems.With each installation, were facilitating rapid growth in the amount of solar capacity on our network. Please confirm the maximum export limit in the relevant section of this application.. 0000000016 00000 n If you are in the solar industry - try to get to the truth, not the sale.5. I also dont know if my meter has limiting but suspect not as it is a pretty dumb device. If you are export limited, the only way to implement that is with some sort of meter as Ronald says. Voltage (V) measured at inverter terminals Is it the 6.66 kW, as the 1.3 overload factor of a 5kW inverter, or, is it the maximum allowed (by the manufacturer) panels generating capacity, for an inverter that is allowed by a state/territory government? But you probably would not recover the cost of the battery within its lifetime. The new home didnt have solar. This is sufficient to charge a battery, although larger solar systems generally improve the return from batteries. 352 0 obj <>stream So, if a contractor or tradesman, using one of these during the day, or, another type of worker, gets home after work, and, plugs one of these in to charge, an immediate drain of 7 kW (I believe that it is actually 7.4 kW), and immediate significant drain is imposed on the grid, for several hours, during peak demand. To add to this, in the installer section of the Envoys web server control panel, you can set the profile by which all microinverters operate. 306 0 obj <> endobj given that we are working from home all the time these days. The installation of solar photovoltaic systems as well as the correct inverter settings are critical to ensuring customers get the most for their investment in this technology. So yeah, the Envoy is essentially all you need to configure export limiting or anything else if you have an Enphase microinverter set-up. Rooftop solar works by turning sunlight into electric power. There are lots of variations to this theme, however. Talking of which, the fact often gets dropped under the table that neither batteries nor panels and inverters (being mechano-electronic devices) have a limited life span, and their efficiency deteriorates gradually after only a few years. People have done it at fairly low cost with second hand panels and a DC pump.) . 1. When an inverter is export limited, it has to know how much solar energy is being sent into the grid so it can immediately reduce output if its about to go over the limit. Even then, the losses from the limit are minor. Anyway you are probably not supposed to be messing around with the profiles without agreement of your DNSP. 0000028638 00000 n ACTs EvoEnergy Network Area: Covers most homes in the ACT, especially in built-up areas. Victorias Powercor area: Western Victoria, including a large portion of West Melbourne. Solar Export Limiting Explained -- What It Is & Why It's Useful But this is at least partially because when you throttle back output, you also reduce the amount of voltage rise you are causing on your local connection to the point of interconnect which is probably contributing to the issue. Single-phase properties can have up to 5 kilowatts of inverter capacity, and 3 phase properties can have up to 30 kilowatts. I am not even sure the inverter would support that, but I fear that sadly up to 25% of the PV energy might be going to waste! %PDF-1.4 % 220 A Decent Battery From sonnen. It does this by adjusting the MPPT but instead of working to maximize power from the panels it reduces it. 0000005986 00000 n Powercor wrote back with the following response:"Due to the size of t . The majority of customers are approved for the export level they request. Sometimes Powercor can reduce that to a lower figure, or even set a zero-export limit. First read the section How Export Limiting Works at the top of this thread. Will this mean any additional system would be limited to 0kW output?? 60% lagging It appears the wire from the inverter is directly connected to my main fuse for the house circuits. But, if you are really keen, I suppose you could use a site such as PV Institutes Live PV Map to see how other solar systems in your general area are performing: Note that patchy cloud can produce a lot of variation in output. And, when battery powered road vehicles with adequate distance capacity (I have read that VW expects to release a battery powered station wagon, with range between charges, of 700km, in 2023 (although, unless Australia wakes up, such vehicles will be unlikely to come to this neolithic country) ) are available, and, even for the rare ones that apparently, already exist in Australia (having not yet seen a battery powered vehicle in Australia, I wonder whether they are simply an urban myth, as to their presence in this backward country), when would they get charged, if people would only charge them at home? 306 47 Im afraid in a typical situation the inverter wont show its potential output. Real names are preferred - you should be happy to put your name to your comments.2. That would provide both export limiting, and, the incorporation of a battery system (for my household, if we would have a 6.6 kW panels generating capacity system, rather than the 5kW one that we have, something like the BYD LVS 20 or 24kWh battery tower, would, I believe be appropriate), which would provide for energy arbitrage, smoothing both power exported to the grid, and, power imported from the grid, especially during peak demand periods. So-called wasting of the extra electricity produced is irrelevant: sunlight is FREE, and whether I use it or not has no bearing on the environment. Am I wrong? Does anyone know how the limiter works in this scenario with 2 inverters? How to correctly configure inverter settings. We want to add a battery and it seems logical to add more cells also to another inverter/battery setup. Just last week, Powercor (Western Victoria) advised that they now have more room in the grid for export. My assumption is (and I may be wrong after all) that the idea of using my own energy first before buying from the grid is an illusion, and in fact it only appears like that because all the energy from the inverter (up to 5kW) is measured as exported, all energy required by the house is actually imported from the grid (as if there was no solar system at all), and it is just because the exports are offset against the imports for billing, why it appears that my PV system is reducing the imports. (Although they will also allow an additional 5 kilowatts of battery inverter capacity.) Whats the logical and practical way forward? There are two options: 1. Thats a furphy from go to whoa. 100 litres alone means little, but if there are 100 litres per hour, this means 100 litre hours of output. This is assuming that my understanding of what I have read, is correct; that such a system would be permitted, in a single phase connection to the SWIS grid. 0000018244 00000 n We respect your privacy and you can opt out from the newsletter at any time. Because people have been refused any STCs for being just a few watts over, no installer will go over the limit for a normal installation. I dont quite understand how the DC energy from the inverter can go to my home circuits first, before any excess current is fed into the grid. 1. I want about 10Kw of panels so I can run pumps etc. We are in an area where only about 20% of the homes have solar. Efficiency has and will improve further over time, but never to the point of perpetuity. So, the whole of the system of restrictions and available components, for domestic rooftop photovoltaic systems, needs to be reviewed, to provide for greater usage demands during peak demand hours, greater battery storage provisions (and financial assistance for householders to implement big behind the meter battery storage systems, and, regarding the fragile, decrepit SWIS grid, the allowance of large capacities of panel generation, limited export, inverters, such as the hybrid one that I proposed. The Good: In these locations, properties can usually install up to 10 kilowatts of solar inverter capacity if they have single-phase power and up to 30 kilowatts with 3 phase power. The new inverter standard AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 has new inclusions to address grid stability issues - a new feature that is necessary to further enhance the hosting capacity to accommodate more solar and renewable energy systems. All is explained here:, ( 5kW per hour is a non-sensical unit unless you want to describe an acceleration of energy! Powercor is telling increasing numbers of households looking to install new systems in this area they will have a zero export limit. If thats not a good option, you can consider getting a demand tariff and doing pumping outside the peak period when the cost of grid electricity will be relatively low. This seems technically impossible, because theres only a wire going from the inverter to the meter (the export or feed in to the grid) and a wire going from the meter to my homes main fuse. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Once voltage thresholds etc are configure in the profile by the Envoy at install, each micro operates largely independently. We installed solar power in November last year and were refused export (zero export). To get your quotes, please enter your postcode: AEMC: Electricity Prices To Continue To Fall,,, Why Australian Solar Installers Love Austrian Fronius Inverters, Tesla Powerwall Price Takes A Tumble In Australia, "Snail Mail" Home Battery Offers: Be Wary, New Minimum VIC Solar Feed-In Tariffs Locked In, Glenrowan Solar Farm Construction Gets Cranking. Regarding batteries, as we all know from our mobile phones, constantly being charged and discharged, will deteriorate much quicker than PV panels (and the same that goes for phones, laptops, and your electric toothbrush also goes for solar and electric vehicle batteries, unfortunately). 0000038752 00000 n Powercor will respond in one of three ways: Approve the size system you've requested Limit the amount of power you can export to the grid (e.g. Three-phase homes can install up to 15 kilowatts of inverter capacity or 30 kilowatts with export limiting, except in South East Queensland where special permission is required from Energex to install an export limited inverter over 15 kilowatts. Powercor is the Distributed Network Service Provider for central and western Victoria, as well as Melbournes western suburbs. What I find is installers dont seem to like it when I tell them my plan. Now, there are quite a few profiles on offer that can be programmed into the microinverters. While there are some energy management measures that could help around the edges, I cant think of any good solutions for the typical business. That said, provided the Installer included your details and phone number in the customer section when the SPA was lodged, the solar team intends to follow up with customers if capacity becomes available to export into the grid through upgrades to the network.. In a Enphase system, only the Envoy can provide this. I am trying to get a system installed (6.5k smart hybrid inverter with a battery) and have been told by Western Power that I am limited to a 3.0 kva system. I was always of the belief that a 5kW inverter limited the total output/ production from my 6.5kW solar system to 5 kW, irrespective of what is being used in the house. You could approach SAPN and ask for special permission to install more solar capacity on an SWER but I would not be optimistic about that. Now, such a hybrid inverter, as I previously submitted as a post, as being needed, would have the capability of providing for up to 10kW of panels generating capacity, and, of power conversion of up to 10kW, to provide for up to 5kW to provide for charging a battery system, and, the other 5kW to provide for the household load and with surplus (to the household load, out of the 5kW provision) being exported to the grid. That is correct. This is often referred to as 'network constraints'. Finally, there are profiles for other countries that run 220-240V networks, and its remarkable how many of them use the older AS4777.3:2005 standard in their countries, because for many of these countries, this is the only profile the Envoy offers. Power failure: Homes hit by solar limits as distributors protect I believe it must have been set up during installation, but the installer company claims that this is handled by Growatt themselves. A small solar system can be financially viable. SAPN has told me I cant have more than a 5 kw inverter , but thats just not enough. Here at SolarQuotes, we had been hearing quite a few complaints about Powercors zero export limits. Powercor claims 30% increase in rooftop solar export approvals Victorian network service provider Powercor claims a major works program designed to alleviate grid congestion in areas of high rooftop solar PV penetration has boosted the approval rate for new solar connections to export excess energy to the grid by an impressive 30%. Im in regional WA with a rural 2 phase supply. Hi Everyone, However they have been advised that this wont be allowed anymore. The good news is, if you had a total of 6.6 kilowatts of solar youd probably loose very little due to export limiting if you consume half the output of a 3 kilowatt system and can export 3 kilowatts. Some households lose 20 per cent of their solar output from grid So an Enphase setup, without a continuously operating Envoy with not be providing this functionality and likely to raise some concerns in the AS4777.2015 certification process if they did not take steps to make sure these functions are always guaranteed to be implemented. Major upgrades supporting more solar exports for homes in Victoria's I have a 10kw Solar Edge inverter limited to 5kw. But there is also the DNSP rules which need to be followed. But a sub optimally configured grid sometimes forces installers into implementing setting that are probably less than ideal if the high voltage events in the grid were just occasions where there is too much generation and they do want have all generators throttle back to allow some time for rebalancing supply and demand. Max. Powercor households stand to save even more with solar The fact is that Powercor does not set an upper limit on the size solar panel system you can install, up to 30kW. Unfortunately, the inverters parameters such as Export Limitation are all password protected, and so far I have been unable to even determine who knows this password. In exchange, the customer receives a small rebate on their bill for every kilowatt-hour (kWh) they export. 0000039018 00000 n Fronius Wattpilot: A Smart EV Charger With A Short Warranty, You Wont Believe How Dumb The NSW Governments New Battery Calculator Is. By the time he was eight, he was already focused on using the power of the sun to stop fossil fuel emissions destabilizing the climate. Please make sure you engage early with our team through eConnect to check on network capacity for your customers. To get your quotes, please enter your postcode: Flexible Solar Exports To Ramp Up In South Australia, Australian Solar Systems Interest Index: September 2021, Why Australian Solar Installers Love Austrian Fronius Inverters, Tesla Powerwall Price Takes A Tumble In Australia, "Snail Mail" Home Battery Offers: Be Wary, New Minimum VIC Solar Feed-In Tariffs Locked In, Glenrowan Solar Farm Construction Gets Cranking. 44% leading If you cant store the power (too expensive) and you cant export it, why the requirement (or desire) to put in large systems? STCs can be received for panel capacity up to one-third greater than the inverter capacity. This means you tend to see panels at the end of strings shutdown soonest on voltage risk conditions, as they have the highest voltage rise being at the end of the string. I have 3 x PV systems on one phase. As such, unless the investment pays for itself within at most 5-6 years, IMHO it is not a good investment/waste of money and natural resources. I have previously posted (or, submitted for posting), the proposition that what is needed, is a hybrid (not meaning in this instance, a hybrid inverter as is commonly used) inverter that is like a cross/combination, of the Goodwe GW5000-MS inverter (or, kind of, the GW10K-MS, in terms of power conversion), and the Goodwe GW5048D-ES; three GW5000-MS provides for up to 10kW of panels generating capacity, across three MPPTs (strings? We just applied for pre-approval from Powercor and were given a 0kW export approval which is going to make almost anything we choose uneconomical. The good news is, even in a worst-case situation, the amount will be fairly minor. 0000008043 00000 n (Image from Finns Tesla App). 3. and only supply me with power from the grid My sister has the same type of inverter (Goodwe) but she lives in the Estern suburbs of Victoria and she has been exporting but her Power Limit was set OFF. 5kW export limiter imposed on one inverter. Even if you have the Envoy-S, I believe at least on paper there was a Enphase Envoy-S 5 kilowatt inverter + 6.6 kilowatts of solar panels (no export limiting): 0%, 6 kilowatt inverter + 8 kilowatts of solar panels: 4% loss, 7 kilowatt inverter + 9 kilowatts of solar panels: 8% loss, 8 kilowatt inverter + 10 kilowatts of solar panels: 13% loss, So, on the one hand, the Victorian Government is.