He doesnt want discord and conflict to ever appear in his love life, nor does he want to ever have to compete with his partner for something. He is inconspicuous in his chase. The more he enjoys the chase, the more he begins to idealize his crush. With Venus in Pisces, you enjoy shows, movies, books, or other things that you can get lost in. You have bursts of energy tied to emotion that are coupled with periods of inaction. Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Pisces | Cafe Astrology .com While those with Mars in Pisces dont outwardly get angry very often like an Aries might, they can have a lot of difficulty controlling their emotions. They are romantically confrontational. You easily miss red flags and tend to fall in love at first sight, but often youre holding onto theidea of love without really knowing the other person. Take this all with a grain of salt: this is the traditional way of doing it. In extreme cases, there can be celibacy and a denial of physical pleasure. At risk of becoming combative, this person will protect him or herself with a great deal of zeal. Moreover, her traditional take on marriage only serves to make his dreams of a comfortable and perfect relationship come true. This can make you a bit of a bleeding heart and you want to help everyone that you meet. Although somewhat self-protective and cautious . If youre unsure, I recommend reading the description of each energy for Venus in Pisces (below) and choosing what resonates with you. Mars in Taurus also likes to play the role of the savior and to be in command in every aspect of a relationship. The Mars in Pisces man has an etherial, mysterious vibe that lures women to him. An individual with Mars in Pisces also has a kindhearted, sympathetic side that not many are lucky enough to experience. You gravitate towards the needy or the underdogs because imbalance intrigues you. A man having Mars in Pisces can seem puzzling. If you have Venus in Pisces, you take pleasure in anything creative and expressive. Sometimes, this can mean that the Mars in Pisces woman is attracted to musicians, artists, or spiritually-inclined people, or she may just be captivated by those who have a deep and tortured energy, regardless of their job. Youll know that the Venus in Pisces woman has settled down and foundtrue love when she begins making realistic plans. This means that you can be the perfect lover for a variety of different people, no matter how contrary they are in their inclinations. You will typically be successful when you feel emotionally tied to a career. The Venus in Pisces man is a highly emotional individual, sensitive, and affectionate with his partner. Mars in Pisces can get angry, and this will probably be triggered by a threat to her dreams. The soul is what the Venus in Pisces person seeks to understand, but its on the path to this knowing where they stumble. You have a tendency to get lost in your spiritual fantasies and the places you visit so having a good grounding routine is necessary for this Mars placement. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. You will probably find yourself well-equipped for the role, but later you might wonder what you actually gained from the experience. They will play very passionately, they will give their entire heart to whatever game they play. Finding a soul mate, a person with whom to share all the moments of happiness, someone whom to support him in times of need, is his greatest desire. Unlike other placements, she cant separate from her emotions. The Mars in Pisces male is so soft-spoken that people may wonder if he is sad on the inside. Read more about Venus in Pisces and compatibility. This is because you help people understand what they are feeling rather than trying to tell them what they should do. Pisces woman dating a cancer man. I love him but I feel like he No one and nothing else matters to him because his emotions are what drive him. They will learn what their love interest loves and they will give that to them, do that for them. His partner will have to make sure that he doesnt get seduced or enchanted by another woman. Horoscope Compatibility For Marriage, By Mars & Venus Zodiac Signs When you are born with Mars in Pisces you are a natural empath and very good at understanding other people. Pisces Mars Man Men born with Mars in Pisces are often introverted and dreamy. You may be very passive or even a little detached, but this is only because youre invested in your own daydream. She is imaginative, creative and talented. There is an almost transcendental nature about individuals with this Mars placement. When this is combined with the energy of Pisces, you might feel like you are the one making all the sacrifices and getting none of the gains. For the most part, your needs in love and sex are straightforward, making it easier for you than most to feel satisfied and to know what you want in a partnership. At times relationship boundaries can seem confusing to you. You can easily project your idea of the other person (rather than who they really are) and the chase gives you time to do this. Too much turmoil can cause the Venus in Pisces man to withdraw from a relationship either emotionally, physically, or both. Transiting Saturn joins Neptune in Pisces - Lindaland Women worry about their path toward self destruction and men admire their unwavering commitment to their beliefs and their cause. But if you do this too often, you might start to see yourself as a victim. Gemini These high-minded men are dreamers. Keep in mind that, with Mars in Pisces, you wont necessarily have allof these qualities. They can usually sense what their partner desires energetically because Venus in Pisces is so sensitive, but the goal is to be comfortable showing their true selves rather than conforming. Is It Love? Why Would A Younger Man Be Attracted To An Older Woman? He enjoys traveling to places that are not too crowded.. Its easy for the Venus in Pisces woman to become jealous, but this is usually based on her fear that her partner will leave her, which would wreck her emotionally. Once she has created a fantasy world around her partner its difficult for her to let go of it. How to Attract a Cancer Woman - Powerful & Proven Tips Mars and Venus will showcase different qualities for men and women depending on how they self-identify. A Man with Mars in Pisces will say the exact words you want to hear. You dont like conflict, you tend to use guilt rather than confrontation to get your own way. Check out this list and see if you can find elements of Mars in Pisces in each of these famous individuals. Colors: Pearl, Holographic, Silverif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'astrologyowl_com-box-3','ezslot_1',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astrologyowl_com-box-3-0'); Individuals with Venus in Pisces in the natal chart often remind people of unicorns. She wants someone to help her create an emotional space she can retreat to when the world feels overwhelming. Libra They have charisma and confidence to their name. The Venus in Pisces man gravitates towards those who are etherial and mysterious. Her feelings will often be based around the first meeting instead of the relationship today. He is super mushy when he likes someone. You find it more difficult than most to share your partner, requiring loyalty from them, although you are also a very understanding person and generally quite forgiving. You have a deep well of experience, real and imagined, that might fuel a variety of creative pursuits. Men with Mars in Pisces are often shy, withdrawn, and even timid. Sometimes, the Mars in Pisces man can even have insecurity about how emotional he is. His feelings are honest and pure. This isnt to say that they wont fight back if someone picks on them. These people can be prone to being used and dominated by others. You might release a quick burst of anger on someone else but then feel immediately remorseful. Venus in Pisces people can adapt to the moods of others, but they tend to lose themselves in the process. As those with any Pisces placements know, Pisces makes everything feel unstable and uncertain. He is quite a romantic and loving of nature, and is often rather spiritual. As individuals, they are often strong-willed and motivated to achieve goals. Since carers take time to pick a younger man is more likely to find an achiever in an older woman. The main characteristics that the planet Mars shows are ones drive and ambition, ones temper, how one pushes through career/conducts themselves in the workplace, and how someone acts in a romantic relationship. Mars in Pisces means that you feel compelled to do things that are special, bigger than yourself, or things that help people less fortunate. This results in a tendency to mirror the people around you in terms of opinions and emotions. In such relationships, he does realize what the future holds, or rather what it doesnt, but he finds it very hard to break-up with the other. When the Mars in Pisces man first meets someone, he willfeelwhat they want and can turn into his partners dream man. Sexuality: Mar in Pisces individuals with typically express their sexuality with an all consuming energy. Basically, Venus shows itself differently for someone with more masculine energy than it does for someone with more feminine energy. The Venus in Pisces Woman: Get to Know Her Better, Venus in Pisces: Key Personality Traits in Love and Life, The Venus in Aries Man: Get to Know Him Better, The Venus in Aries Woman: Get to Know Her Better, The Venus in Taurus Man: Get to Know Him Better, The Venus in Taurus Woman: Get to Know Her Better. beyond Sun Signs. You quickly build up energy because you feel so acutely. If someone makes you feel happy or high emotionally, youre more likely to spend time around them. This guy wants to live in harmony with the outside world, as he finds a sense of belonging in nature, but also a place he can call home in todays modern society, one filled with technological marvels. This is avery artistic placement, which is often easy to see in the eyes as well. Since Mars Pisces is so open and often without boundaries, many instinctively protect themselves by staying in the background. As soon as that Mars moves into Pisces, your energy gets an indulgent makeover. Its a personal journey to figure out how you use your Mars versus Venus, or you may have some combination of both (as most of us do regardless of our sexual orientations). Mars in Pisces is known as the peaceful warrior. Although Mars in Pisces people can be extremely driven, theyre also emotional and fantastical. She generally falls in love with the person she meets at first and doesnt quite understand that there is a deeper soul inside the mask of the individual. This woman is usually very sensitive. They like to protect the people that they care about. You feed off social energy, and can feel lethargic when you are forced to spend too long with your own thoughts. This can be a difficult alignment, as the natural aggression of Mars finds trouble when placed in a flimsy sign like Pisces. Maybe even channel it artistically. Every placement has both good and bad qualities. He may also have a fear of his partner leaving him once he has opened up. What are the signs of Venus and Mars in your natal chart? She may be eccentric and unrealistic at times. Mars and Pisces in Love bring you more self-confidence. But they are not the types to be directly confrontational. He might unconsciously attract women who feel bad for him and want to care for him. Highly empathetic, you are good at reading people and thrive when you are in the company of others and can bounce ideas off them. His partners are always worried that he will self-destruct so they tend to be more concerned about his needs than their own. It may be very unclear what it is they are trying to achieve because they sometimes get so lost in the drama of it all. They are loyal, caring, compassionate, and playful. Beauty fascinated his beyond description, both in the world and in other people. With this man, you dont ever need to pretend like you can take on the world or that youre strong enough to take on lifes hardest challenges. He needs to know that his partner will love him no matter what. She is very intuitive, in touch with all of her feelings and able to express them easily. He can be a bit reckless in love, especially at first. His partner may be very confused about why hes doing this, but the Mars in Pisces man lives in a fantasy some of the time, so the issue he has created feels quite real to him. If you manage to surprise and fascinate him, then its all good. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. ), but many of them are likely to show up. You need to be careful not to start believing in your own martyrdom. This man is considered the very definition of romance and all things beautiful. This post may contain affiliate links. The Influence Of Venus In Love Relationships | Everyday Health When this person is flirting, they will assume many of the qualities of Venus in Pisces. You are not a person who comes on strong or who is aggressive with a partner. They ride the waves of emotion and ambition as they come and dont fret when theyre just not feeling it. The man who has Venus in Aries is attracted to women who are assertive, feisty and free-spirited. It takes six to seven weeks to transit through each sign. Venus in Pisces is a floaty, etherial placement. He will rarely ask for the things that he wants, but his partner will inevitably feel guilty if they realize that they are not providing something. They like to go to another world when they have sex. You have very high expectations for a relationship. With Mars in Pisces, youre often moody, so your drive is completely tied to your frame of mind and changes quite a bit. While she is happy to do this, she needs someone who doesnt take advantage of that and takes the time to consider what she needs as well. They possess such extreme emotions they may suffer from mood swings. This transit can cause relationships to be difficult because there is often a different kind of bonding between two people that takes place during this time period. Venus in Pisces desires a spiritual connection when in love. He picks up on his partners energy very easy and negative feelings influence him over time. You also sense that there is a lot more going on under the surface than you can see. Men born under this combination are great friends to have. She will need some practice; its very difficult for a Venus in Pisces woman to discern reality from fantasy when shes young. You have a lot of room for error on the part of others, but if you feel like this care isnt returned over time, you will eventually be emotionally drained. For a Venus in Pisces person, love is a mystical experience. With Mars in Pisces, you probably love the rush of dopamine you get when you first meet someone. Emotional intelligence is generally accompanied by creativity, and this is certainly true of you. RyanHart.org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Though this can sometimes lead to an overly pragmatic approach to matters of the heart, Venus in the sign of the Goat usually meets her love goals. You have to be in the right mood to want anything physical; once youre out of the mood then theres no recapturing it. This man will have an easier time connecting sexually when he feels emotionally connected, but he may be physically unable to engage sexually after an argument. They are willing to surrender to love or anything that they consider divine, thus losing track of reality. They tend to get stuck in their heads. Turn-ons for this woman include deep, emotional bonding, as well as her partner noticing her idiosyncrasies. A man who has his Mars in Aries may be most compatible with a woman who has her Venus in Leo. Your Venus is in an Air sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. This man admires beautiful things of nature and enjoys music very much. Mars in Pisces can have a very simple outlook on life, with an almost childlike sense of wonder and curiosity. He has many mood swings, so the initial meeting will depend on where in his mood cycle he is. They are so deeply committed to this dream they are good at getting other people to rally to their side. Hes very emotionally unstable, his various reactions being the talk of the town. Strange Facts on Aries Woman and Cancer Man - Law of Attraction Blog They can be reclusive and withdrawn, unless there are other planetary factors to offset this. Likes: As a Venus in Pisces individual you are often attracted to new age spirituality, crystals, oracle cards, and energy healing. It takes work and it takes time to trulyknow another persons soul. This makes you pretty engaging and witty during conversation, and you can easily hook people without being super outgoing; your energy is enough. These individuals are the ones who will readily seek new adventures, not only because of their curiosity but also because they want to offer help or provide assistance wherever it is needed. Aries and Leo connect through a. What does this placement say about your personality? Even a good waterbed can add some extra zing to your sex life. She is an excellent listener, very wise and insightful, so she knows how best to help the people around her. Ultimately, what the Mars in Pisces woman isreally looking for is a safe haven. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. They are deeply peaceful, sweet, and kind men.