Lincoln: >to audience< Some things never change, but I don't want to get on Lynn's bad side like Chandler did. Lincoln: I got to do some backgrounds for levels, sounds for the characters, and I got to add music. Zach: At least you are not in Canada anymore! Lincoln: WellI was going to do an Ace Savvy game but Ms. Merdich: >interrupts Lincoln< Dinkum? Lincoln and Lana went outside and walked towards the city centre. Zach: We shall see, I'm very excited to hear about it. Lincoln: Ladies and gentlemen of Mr. Bolhofner's class, I present to you, the game that I've been constructing three weeks ago, and I've couldn't have done this without my friends Clyde, Liam, Zach, Rusty, Stella, my neighbor Mr. Grouse, and my big sisters Luna and Lori who is at college, and i give them thanks for my support, and now ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to show the game that I've been working on that was suggested my my sister Luna, I originally want to work on Ace Savvy or A.R.G.G.H. He opened the door and watched Lola wounded and terrified and Lena with sinister grin, whole their room was a mess. YOU'RE FIRED!!! - Lana asked. Lincoln: No, it's not Lynn this time, the Hof is off for a few months and left us with a new substitute teacher in charge, she's super nice and comes from Australia. Lincoln uses painkiller to protect himself from pain because if he used armor fight would be uncomfortable for him. - I have a salve for bruises in my bag. Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Good try Chandler, but umI'm not impressed, so I'll give you a grade on it later. Goodnight. - Lincoln asked, - I do. Lori: It's a good thing>grunting while lifting a scanner< Carol let me borrow her scannerfor the weekend untilyou'redone! Godzilla Lori: I just finished up my first Kaiju fight, just shoved her face in the volcano. When the main character Creepie was an infant, she was left on the doorstep of the Dweezwold Mansion, which is home to a family of various anthropomorphic insects. Really? - Lynn desperatelly begged crying -I've already got what I deserved! - Morphine?! -I feel no grudge to you and you're no bully. "I got some news I heard this morning, that could affect you," Lori said. Lynn Sr.: >to Mr. Grouse< Here you go Mr. Grouse, a tray of my famous "Lynn"-sagna"! - Flashback: Lincoln is on Luan's business phone while she lies on her bed. (Everyone raised their hands as they were all done with the next step). 1.2K Stories. It's good to have nice company. Principal Ramirez: >to Mr. Bolhofner< Okay, first of all, you cannot insult other teachers including substitues like that, secondly, I think she did a fine example of having a better relationship with other students unlike you, look at yourself, I thought maybe that trip to Kenya would help, but no, you continue to be like this, you are a complete mess Mr. Bolhofner. Whatever would you do, you're still my sister. Despite my good intentionsI became what I tried to protect you from, a bully. Lincoln: I just finished up the animations for most of my characters on my game, I'm currently working on Rodan's animations. (Principal Ramirez approached Ms. Merdich). Rusty: That sounds like a cool idea Lincoln! Mr. Grouse: Now class, I would like for you to turn to Chapter five on your math text book and we will get started. - Lincoln asked. (A mouse then touches Lincoln as he gets digitized into a computer world where he sees digitized versions of his friends). (Then, the bell rings, and Lincoln was disappointed that he couldn't come up with a good title for his game). Stella: Sorry Lincoln, but not all of us don't have that expierence in this before. Loudhouse Stories - Wattpad (Lincoln was confused as he doesn't even know what she was talking about, back at The Loud House, the entire family was waiting to hear the results about Lincoln's game), (The family cheered as they gave Lincoln a hug, they then release him). "Oh boy this new episode is a great episode," Lincoln said. Rita: >to Lynn Sr.< Let's not get carried away with this, there is plenty of time for that. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, will you present us your character sprites and their animation? Ms. Merdich: Excellent choice little Shelia. (Lincoln grabbed Godzilla's head and jaw and pieced them together, Lori was impressed as he felt like he could do this on his own, he pieced in more of the characters and he finished them all, and saved them onto one file on his flash drive, then he needed to work on breath abilities, so he went back to drawing and did the abilities such as Atomic breath and gravity beams, he then remembered that Carol still needed that scanner, so he didn't felt like calling her, he then found and idea to scan them while he is at school, he thought he could scan them at the library, then finished them all, and finally went back to work on his characters, what he did was check and see if there were any errors, he did not find any errors on the characters, except for King Ghidorah whos left headed jaw was a little bit off the scale, so he cleared off the head and replaces the completed head and jaw and did it perfectly, Lori then noticed what is up with Lincoln). - That's all? - No, it's Lynn. Let's see how this one holds up. - You too, Lana. (All of the class nodded their heads in agreement). Lynn Jr. gets sent to juvenile hall and Aunt Shirley decides to take in five of the sisters including Lynn Jr. upon her release from juvie. (It then cuts to the last student's game presentation of the Ace Savvy fan game made by Chandler who's desgins of Ace himself are atrocious, he fights one of ace's bad guys and the entire class cringed at the game , once the game was over, Chandler exits the game and pulls his flash drive out of the computer, Ms. Merdich was not pleased with his game). (They then went back to the Loud House where they sat at the dining room table). (Lincoln then grabs his Ace Savvy comics and reads a few of them before going to bed, three days later, at his new classroom, Lincoln and the other class mates were waiting for thier new substitute). Guest 3 - I guess Bobby never got, This is a bunch of scenes for my fics I've thought of but not entirely sure what they should be involved in. Mr. Grouse: >to audience< I think this will be a start of a new chapter for me! She closed door loudly, what took Lola's attention and angry glare. - Then you and I have similar problems. - Lincoln asked. Lynn: Ouch, that's a bummer, maybe you could do a sports kinda game, after all, I am a master of sports games, but I'm not that much of a video game nerd like you are. When he stood up she stroke him again. Ms. Merdich: Now, I see that you have found your assigned seats, that's good on ye, now do you have any questions? - Not bad but this is just the beginning. Ms. Merdich: Look mate, no offesne but you are compltley intimidating to your students, it's no wonder everyone hates you. Lincoln walked into kitchen accidentally bumping into Lori. Lincoln: Trust me, it'll be done in no time at all. Riley: I'm going to make a game aboutsurvival! (Lincoln even had an idea for which characters he wants to add for his game, he thought he could add at least eight). Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lincoln took a scissors from a table and grabbed Lynn's ponytail much to her fear. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. It was caused by a transparent plastic rope sticked to door frame. Posted on February 27, 2023 by laguardia airport food terminal c Luna: >to Lincoln< Yeah dude, you did a great job with your game,. - Lana asked and looked at Lynn - I see you do, now it's my turn. (Lincoln goes on his phone for a good picture of Godzilla, he selects the one he likes and shows Lori a Godzilla picture he liked). Ms. Merdich: Okay class, pencils down and pass up all of your test papers up front, >to Lincoln< and Lincoln, would you be a dear and bring them to the desk please? After it was time to go, Lincoln then took off his costume and went upstairs. (She then writes his name in the disipline list, Chandler was then grumbling with his arms crossed, but in no time, she heard his grumbling and checked his name only once). Rita: >to Lincoln< If Lori was here, she would have been proud of you! Lincoln: Yes, I can almost smell that A+ already, only one I'm working on will be Rodan, and it's going to be hard. Employee: >on speaker phone< Welcome to Burpin' Burger, How may I take your order? - Lynn said to Lincoln - Besides now I know you know how to deal with bullies even if you should without gadgets and traps. Ms. Merdich: G'day class, I'm your new substitute teacher, Ms. Merdich, and this is my fine feathered friend, Rob Paulsen, you know, after the cartoon voice actor. Ms. Merdich: Chandler, is there something you would like to share with the class? Lincoln: Oh well, I guess I'll have to live up to it for a whhile. Ms. Merdich: Now class, I will return your math tests that you all did last week, most of you did well, but for others, you need to improve your grades. Rusty: Yeah, it's not the same without you Lincoln. Lincoln: It's fine you guys, at least I have that nice substitute, who knows how long that will last. One day, Lincoln Loud was one day watching Arggh on television. Clyde: I'm so sorry to hear that, say would you like to-- Lincoln: >to Ronnie Anne, interrupts Clyde< Have a tour of our school before the bell rings? Digi Rusty: Better get a move on, or the Virus Hoff will get you. (The kids then left the school building and got on the bus, Lincoln was as happy as he could be and the group was confused as he was in a good mood). Check out Ace Savvy Strikes Back or Love Is Loud Sometimes. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,795 - Favs: 4 . She even kicked him between legs but only she suffered pain and expressed it in scream. Curious, he change into his clothes and run through the backyard, he see's the girls in the front yard in a deluxe pool, they're having tons of fun; Lincoln then walk back in the house and sits on his bed) LINCOLN: See what I mean? - I did reconcile with Lincoln. Stella: I remember my grandpa telling me when my dad watched those kind of movies as a kid and he used to pretend that he was a kaiju, but those days are long gone. - Oh, the salve is so cold. Lori: That's it, you got the head and the jaw together, now let's see if we can put the rest in. I hardly found Trustworthy to be the worst of Yoshi's fics. (Lincoln then inserts the flash drive on the computer and the shortcut pops up, Lincoln double clicks on it and the game starts loading, then the Godzilla theme starts playing, and then the menu pops up offscreen they were all amazed on what Lincoln had done with oo's and aa's, the family started to comment on Lincoln's game, it laters zooms out to the Loud House where everyone was proud of Lincoln's hard work on his game, four days later, the day had finally come, Lincoln was fully prepared, he got his backpack ready, and his flashdrive in his backpack, it then cuts to the school bus where Lincoln is sitting next to Clyde, as he tells everything on how it will go). Luan: I had a fantastic day, Benny asked me why he didn't like Pizza jokes, because they always end up too cheesy >hahahahahahaha< get it? Mr. Grouse: Don't know? (Lincoln unzips his backpack and grabbed his drive), (All of Lincoln's friends gazed into the flash drive, he was excited to present his game to the class). Nsl Stories - Wattpad Zach: >to Lincoln< Aw dang it, I was looking forward to playing against you as N. Tropy, and just so you know, I've beaten all of the time trials and boy it wasn't easy. Fanfiction Warning: This story contains content not suitable for children. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Ms. Merdich: >to Rob Paulsen< Thank you Robbie, >to Lincoln< Sorry about that Lincoln, I'll take care of him, now go back to your seat. Lincoln: Cinnamon sticks? Please! And no, I haven't been watching it as much. This is Fanfiction #7. Credit goes to Harburton81 and Lokibaker for dialogue support. Zach: But we don't know much about programming just yet. Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler, clears throat< Consider this your first and only warning young bloke, if that happens again in my class, I'll write you on the discipline list, >to the rest of the class< and that goes for the rest of you! - Please forgive me. Heaven And Hell Bond Chapter 50: Spending Money Wisely, a Loud House Check, Jeans? Mr. Grouse: >stops Lincoln and Clyde< Hold on there boys, what's this about Godzilla I see? (Mr. Bolhofner's jaw dropped in shock as he couldn't believe on what he was seeing). Bolhofner MechaGodzilla: >to grils< >beep boop bop bop< You girls are in after school detention, prepare to suffer consequences >whirrrrrr click<, (Bolhofner MechaGodzilla fires three finger missles from the right hand, but the monster girls were able to dodge them, so Luna Rodan helped attack Bolhofner MechaGodzilla, while Godzilla Lori and Mothra Leni teamed up against Chandler Ghidorah, Mothra Leni was grabbed by his two heads, and his middle head zaps her, knocking her to the ground, this angers Godzilla Lori as she uses her atomic breath to knock him off the air, he fell and was stomped on, Bolhofner MechaGodzilla shoots the laser eyes and gets her attention, she charges at it as she tries to topple it down, the robot was about to zap her with the chest beam, it succeeds, knocking her down, Bolhofner MechaGodzilla aims it's finger missiles at her, Lincoln was witnessing it in shock, as he dives onto the robot, the robot notices him). - Lincoln corrected Lana - He reminds me of myself. The stories are presented in a way that mimics the Kamishibai storytelling technique. (Lincoln's luck was starting to grow brighter than ever, normally Mr. Bolhofner would give Lincoln trouble more than Chandler, but this time the tables have turned, but he need to be on Ms. Merdich's side so this way he doesn't end up on the disipline list, after school, Lincoln then went back to on his project, he finished up Rodan's animations, he got them tested and he knew that his work is done, he wanted to go downstairs and watch a Godzilla movie on the TV room, "Godzilla vs. Biollante" on Blu-Ray, but Lynn pushed him aside). - Lincoln said enjoying being rubbed by Luna. based game! Stop blubbering, boys don't cry!". Ms. Merdich: Oh uh, none of them are playing games during class time sir, I was just showing them an idea of making a videogame, I could maybe give them a jumpstart in their future career one day. Chandler: BOOOOOOO, go back to Great Lakes City, BOOOOOO! Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< So son, how is your project getting along? The day bad luck became good luck. - Lana said - Lola is very similar to Zuko's sister. I beg you! The idea of this is that as an example of how weird Lori's relation with Bobby is, Lincoln tells Lori that Bobby will take off one of her shoes to feel her foot while making out, yet Lori doesn't even notices. - Onion powder?! Ms. Merdich: >to Rob Paulson< Thank you Mr. Paulson >to Chandler< I've already warned you yesterday, now, you are on the discipline list, and like I said, if you get three strikes, you will be sent to the principal's office, >to class< and that goes for the rest of you. Lincoln: I guess you do have a point, I have been working on those since Lori left and-- >checks the clock on his laptop, it was 9:42 pm< Oh my gosh Luna, I need to hit the hay, goodnight Luna! - Do you remember what we trained? They were the company that made "Rugrats", which was basically Nickelodeon's juggernaut until a certain sea, I'll explain in case if anyone is new here and isn't aware of this. The Loud House: Lincoln Loud - FanFiction (Back at The Loud House during night time, Lincoln was ready for bed, he puts on his pajamas and starts reading the latest issue of his Ace Savvy comic, he couldn't stop thinking about making the game that he wanted to do, after all he is an Ace Savvy fan, but if someone already has a plan to do an Ace Savvy game, he could do either an A.R.G.G.H! Fanfiction: Lincoln's Farewell - The Loud House Encyclopedia - Lynn was shocked - Couldn't you just tell me I go too far? Leni: >to Lincoln< Yeah, you are like totes popular with your game now. Luna: Oh, that's okay, there isn't much musical games out there anymore, I tried that before but it was hard, so I also got an F on it, Leni tried a fashion one, but failed. (UPDATE) - Unless you guys have something to actually say about the story or my writing, please stop whining about it just because "its just another No Such Luck fic". Lincoln: Sure, it better not be a romantic movie on NetFlix or HBO Max, I know you like these kind of movies, and I know you like Dirty Dancing. - That's a scent of fear. You both must fix what's broken and forgive each other. (The entire class raised their hands as they are all eager to present their game). Ms. Merdich: >whew< Sorry I'm late class, I got caught on traffic, I should have left earlier than usual, I tell ya mates, it's not easy getting to class on time when traffic wants to beat you to it >giggles< anyway, let's start with our lessons shall we? (Lincoln and Stella high fived each other, it later cuts back to the classroom where Lincoln and his classmates have completed their history tests). It made her fall from stairs and got hit multiple times in all limbs. Lincoln using his brain, gadgets and traps against Lynn's strength was inspired by fight between Batman and Superman. Ms. Merdich: And we have our answer, so what is nine times twenty one? Can I join you? Lincoln: Her name is Ms. Merdich, she's from Australia and has a Cockatoo named after voice actor Rob Paulsen. The parents are sitting on bed in their room and they were expecting their sixth child. "Growing Up Creepie" was created by Anthony Gaud, Chris Woods, and Carin Greenberg. You just went too far in self-defense. - asked Lincoln cynically. - You speak wisely. Mothra Leni: Thought you could use some help! Mr. Bolhofner: >to Chandler< MCANN. - Lola, Lana and Lincoln commented simultanously, - Finally! Please! Chandler Ghidorah:> to Godzilla Lori, middle head< Hey, that's not fair, >to Mothra Leni, right head< You will pay for this! Lincoln: Okay, but I don't know which to choose. Luna: Yup, you gave up on Ace Savvy and moved onto Godzilla not too long ago, then you went back to Ace Savvy, just because you like just Ace Savvy doesn't mean you should always pay more attention to him then anything else you like. - I have an idea but I'll tell you this outside. Lincoln: >annoyed< Great, now it's a Bolhofner MechaGodzilla. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. Lincoln pulled a cord and a line of cannons blasted out confetti, delighting the audience. Mr. Bolhofner: >gasps< Principal Ramirez, I can explain on why is that Aussie is making my students create their game and waste their time. Ms. Merdich: No worries class, I'll still be here on Friday, we will surprise Mr. Bolhofner on how good you have been for me, and for making your game, now before we get started, has everyone added backgrounds, music and sounds to their game? based videogame or a Muscle Fish game, because it couldn't matter because he has a compassion for these things since he favored them so well, the next day at school, Lincoln and his classmates were just about finished up with their history lesson). Lincoln then woke up in his bedroom with Lori. Lynn Sr: Hey, there's my biggest pumpkin! Lincoln: Sweet, I knew I had the right idea to add these characters in. (It starts on a warm Tuesday afternoon with Lincoln is in his room reading his book, in complete solitude and relaxation) LINCOLN: Ah, there's nothing like a good book on a warm day. I call dibs on Crash Bandicoot. Ms. Merdich: Listen up class, it's time we pull out our history books and learn about the history about ancient China, turn to page three hundred and six and go to Chapter Seven lesson one. Ms. Merdich: Oh Crikey, I almost forgot, >to students< class, it's time you present your games to our guests of honor, who likes to go first? - We were disguised as an adult and bought it in a pharmacy. Lincoln: >to Stella< Come on, you helped me with the background and the military vehicles before have you? The Loud House: Bad Blood Chapter 1: Prolouge: How it all - FanFiction Lincoln Loud: Goodnight. Thanks to all who gave me recommendations, by the way. She quickly stood up and dashed again but Lincoln took a small sack from his bag and throwed it on floor. fan game, but I made a fan game based upon my new interest, Kaiju, if it hadn't been for my two elder sisters Lori and Luna talking me into it. I am sporty and strong enough to defend myself when you merely train your hands on game pad. Mr. Bolhofner: >annoyed< Alright, which one of you twerps is responsible for breaking the wind during class time? Ms. Merdich: Ever since I was a little girl, I've had a passion for videogames, since then, I've learned to make my own game, it took me at least three weeks to make my game and for the first time, I made great progress with my game, and today, I want to see your own game, and I want to be impressed >inserts the flash driver onto the computer< here is my own game that I've created! (It later cuts to Lincoln as he has brought his laptop over to Mr. Grouse's, he taught Lincoln how to program his game, Lincoln types in the address to the programming site and added it to the file, Mr. Grouse even teaches Lincoln about programming the main menu and options and he also learned about how to test the games codes for gameplay, the more he worked on, the better he's gotten, it took him all afternoon to get the programming correct, and after all the experience he's gotten from Mr. Grouse teaching him, his game is now completed, but first, he and Clyde decided to test the game to make sure it runs good, once they got his game tested, it was working properly, Lincoln and Clyde high fived each other, it then cuts to sundown with Lynn Sr. holding a tray of Lasagna). Mr. Grouse: Sorry boys, but hard pass, not even your dad's Lasagna would help conveince me? Lincoln: Well, I wanted to an Ace Savvy or A.R.G.G.H. Lori: That's okay buddy, I'll take you to the library tomorrow afternoon and we'll get them scanned, and afterwards, we will work on animating your character, we'll do one together, then you can do the rest all on your own, unless if you need Luna's help. Now as they still live in the Loud House, they find their food sources limiting but luck turns to them and with the help of Lucy, invites them to a secret vampire cafe. Just colder. Lincoln: Well, I dreamed that I was in Tokyo, and you were here, and Leni, Luna, Luan, Chandler and Mr. Bolhofner as well, at least you were Godzilla beating up Chandler as King Ghidorah, and--. He wanted to relieve by watching Avatar: The Last Airbender episode "Zuko Alone". (Most of the class except Chandler raised their hand). For those who don't know, Kamishibai is a form of Japanese street theater that was popular back in the 1930's. Ronnie Anne: Oh sure, and according to the schedule, I have the same classes as you. Don't do this to me! Leni: It's okay baby bro, at least I was here to rescue you, >confused< Wait, what's a computer virus? Not yet. - Why do you this after all? YEAH! - 7.5/10 "Street Sharks" - 7/10 "Megas XLR" - 7/10 "Chop Socky Chooks" - 7/10 "Monster Buster Club" - 7/10 "League of Super Evil" - 7/10 "Adventures From The Book of Virtues" - 7/10 "Sabrina: The Animated Series" - 7/10 "Bounty Hamster" - 7/10 "Sheep In The Big City" - 7/10 "Bump In The. (His friends started gulping as they are intimidated by her, Lincoln had seen the incident and turned to the audience). I won't be like this to you again. Ms. Merdich: Ah, Fair Dinkum mate, not many people in Australia is big on Godzilla than in America or Japan, but that seems to interest me, because you know I like all things Bird or Reptile alike, but Mammals? Lynn: Yo Linc, why do you look down in the dumps? fan game, but everyone else already had the same idea, so my sister Luna suggested I do a Godzilla game, we did all the work but im still on the final step, programming! Rob Paulsen: >squawk< Well done Lincoln, well done. They made brofist for good luck and entered their house. Ms. Merdich: Okay class, put down your pencils, >to Lincoln< Lincoln, be a good sport and take up all of the test papers for me.