Blue calico dress with small white vines. Plain heavy gold ring on third finger of left hand. White and blue apron. It was, however, the third flood to devastate the town in Cambria County - the first in 1889 killed more than 2,000 . Professor of music. Blue cloth dress. Letter from her mother addressed Miss Della Davis, 142 Grant street, Johnstown. Gold band ring on third finger of left hand. Breast-pin. Black and white skirt. Boy. Tobacco box. In 1889 a dam break upstream from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, released a 30-40 foot wall of water that killed 2200 people within . Female. Purple suit. Can't take it off. One cloth slipper flowered. Calico dress. Identified by Mrs. Bingle. But it is the missing - such as little Michelle with her sweet smile - that Rudy Keck, now 70, thinks and wonders about. Name on key-ring was Frank E. Stattler, on reserve side was No. Female. 5 feet 6 inches height. Height 3 feet 8 inches. White muslin skirt. Before hitting the main part of Johnstown, the flood surge hit the Cambria Iron Works in the town of Woodvale, sweeping up railroad cars and barbed wire. A Grave Interest: Remembering the Johnstown Flood - Blogger Weight 130. Collar-button. Gingham apron. Female. Red skirt with ruffles. Blue waist. Coleman, Neil M., Kaktins, Uldis, and Wojno, Stephanie (2016). (106) 6.8 1 h 4 min 1926 ALL. Key and one cent. Gray eyes. Breast-pin. June 15th. Weight 80. Too badly burned for recognition. Red and black striped flannel skirt. Leather belt with nickel buckle. Dark hair. Light complexion. But within seven minutes, the viaduct collapsed, allowing the flood to resume its course. Black eardrops. Light hair slightly gray. Blue and white striped shirt. Male. Weight 100 White. Brown overalls. Buried at Sandy Vale. Breast-pin. Supposed to be Paul Geddes. Cambria City Found in residence of George Hamilton. Sister of David Faloon. David McCullough was born on July 7, 1993 ,and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Gold ring with rhinestone set, rubbed with sand. Age forty. Sent to Prospect. Age about thirty-five. Red hair. Female. Black knee pants supported by suspenders. F. Miller, 4422 Leipert St, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa., June 10th. Age fifty-five. Female. Female. Knife and pencil. Age fifty. Female Blue gingham apron. Brown, white and blue plaid skirt. Gingham dress. Black wool hose. Weight 150. Female. Bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati (600 miles), and as late as 1911. Male. Flannel skirt. to "M S. Collar-button One handkerchief. Valuables recovered by brother, T. P. Keedy. Full black suit of clothing. Age twelve to fourteen. Black waist. Flannel shirt. Buttoned shoes Knee pants. 329 Railroad street, Johnstown, Pa. Buried in Decker's cemetery, Morrellville. The owner's license was suspended . Supposed to be Katie Fitzharris. Male. Mineral Point. Weight 50. A female supposed to be or resembles Miss Ella Layton. Dark eye-brows. Pennsylvania History UNIT 1 2 3 4 Flashcards | Quizlet The flood had suddenly taken the life of one of every nine people in Johnstown. Medium stature. Female. [3] The first town to be hit by the flood was South Fork; the town was on high ground, and most of the people escaped by running up the nearby hills when they saw the dam spill over. Home-knit stockings. Match-safe. Received the above described ring: Mrs. Allison. White handkerchief around neck. Key. 10 cts. Male. Dark hair. Dark hair. Red striped stockings. Two keys. Female. Male. Franklin street, Johnstown. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Height 5 feet 7 inches Weight 145. Gray eyes. Male. One pin. Two small rings. Female. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Age about thirteen. White cotton drawers. Plated gold ear-ring with pendent amethyst set. Age about four years. Found with Mrs Nitche. 2,209 killed: Johnstown flood's legacy lives on 125 years later Large broad face. Medium height. Age forty-five. Eardrops with black sets. McK No 1698 Pocket-book Pocket-knife No money No on grave is 332, Weight 140 Height 5 feet Heavy jacket with heavy cord Dress with large pearl buttons in front. Red underwear. Bunch of keys. Brown sacque. Bar pin with red settings. All other clothing gone. This claim has since been challenged. Age thirty. Weight 100 to 120. Female. One old knife only. White. Weight 115. Dark brown hair plaited and tied with ribbon. Female. Breast-pin. Hair sprinkled with gray. Red and white striped skirt. [7] The Conemaugh River, immediately downstream of Johnstown, is hemmed in by steep mountainsides for about 10 miles (16km). Female. Pass book. A flood in 1936 killed another 25. Light hair Dark brown eyes. Gold watch. Cambria City. Gray hair. Bodies turned up 600 miles away in Cincinnati, and as late as 1911. . Black stockings. Female. Male. Sex unknown. Age nine or ten. Initials, I. P. or J. P. Male. Height 3 feet. A jury convened by a county coroner to investigate the cause of the Johnstown Flood that swept more than 2,000 people to their death on May 31 found on Saturday evening . Female. Age about twenty. Large. Male. Five pennies in purse. Sacque with beads. Child. Age twenty-one to twenty-five. [17], The total death toll from the flood was calculated originally as 2,209 people,[1] making the disaster the largest loss of civilian life in the U.S. at the time. Canton flannel underclothes. Bible. Aged about thirteen months. Striped dress. Black stockings. Dark brown hair. Height about 4 feet. Age about fifty. Somerset street, Johnstown. Unfortunately, Parke did not personally take a warning message to the telegraph tower he sent a man instead. Light hair. Two bunches of keys. Rather heavy build. Woolen shirt, has evidently been blue. Age about twenty-five. Diamond ring on third finger left hand with garnet. Female. Banged hair. Black pants. . 1. Blue and white barred gingham bib Small chased gold ring. Food, clothing, medicine, and other provisions began arriving by rail. Black stockings. Penknife. Daughter of Godred Hoofman, Washington street, Johnstown, Pa. Male. Blue calico dress with star figures. Female. White. Brown coat. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Separable collar-buttons. Black hair. P.R.R. Match safe. Brown hair. Plain gold ring. By dark, the entire city was a lake anywhere from 10 to 30 feet deep, the destruction so nearly complete that all many could do was pray. Weight 185. Female. As a result of this criticism, in the 1890s, state courts around the country adopted Rylands v. Fletcher, a British common law precedent which had formerly been largely ignored in the U.S. State courts' adoption of Rylands, which held that a non-negligent defendant could be held liable for damage caused by the unnatural use of land, foreshadowed the legal system's 20th-century acceptance of strict liability.[31]. Dark hair mixed with gray. Red flannel barred red and black. Watch chain. Red flannel skirt. Pink bow in hair. Colored. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 9 inches. One small gold ring. Auburn hair. Age fifty. Female. Gold watch, No. Was lost in the Hulbert House. Male. Such was the price that was paid for fish! Stencil plate marked with name Pocket-book containing $75 94. Remains were found for months, even years after the flood - The final remains were found in Cincinnati in 1911. Valuables taken by her sister, Mrs. Ella Mulhern. Hager Block Plain band ring. Black silk dress White collar. Age three. Rather small face Striped black and white skirt, pleated front and pearl buttons. One week's growth of sandy beard, mixed with gray. Age about thirty-five. Cash $6.21. The South Fork Dam in Pennsylvania collapses on May 31, 1889, causing the Johnstown Flood, killing more than 2,200 people. Body shipped to Indiana, Pa., via. Weight 120. Female. Frank Shomo, the last known survivor of the 1889 flood, died March 20, 1997, at the age of 108. B. Weight 115. Supposed to be George B. Sutliff, Crawford county, Pa. Blue and white striped skirt. Black skirt. Blue and white barred skirt. The Johnstown Flood Analysis - 1190 Words - Internet Public Library Hair black. White underwear trimmed with embroidery. Green corded petticoat. Male. Barred flannel skirt. Gray cotton socks. Stiff hat Heavy band ring with letter Z and star inside on little finger of right hand. Colored. Removed. Middle-aged Full head dark brown hair. Age forty. Rubber hair pins. Brown stockings. Front teeth good. Thin ring on third finger of left hand. Light complexion and light hair. Age about ten years. Gold ring marked M. S to G. S., September 25, 1887. One plain gold ring. Recalling the Johnstown Flood after : 100 Years - Los Angeles Times $25 00 in paper $1.68 in silver. Gold ring with white setting on second finger of right hand. White handkerchief, red stripe border. Brass hair pin. Male. Thirty-five years. Ring on finger. Coarse cotton socks. Supposed to be John C. Clark's son. It's a story of great tragedy, but also of triumphant recovery. Double chain with square slide and square locket, charm black stone set on one side and blue stone set on the other. Dark eyes Right hand deformed. Deformed. Weight about 200. 61 cts. $75 in money. Age about sixty Weight about 140. height about 5 feet 6 inches. Waist of narrow striped black and white goods. $497million in 2016), and 4 square miles (10km2) of downtown Johnstown were completely destroyed. Perfectly natural lower teeth. Red dress trimmed with fringe around yoke. Brown hair. Age thirty-five. Died after flood. Small plain gold ring on left hand. Hazel eyes. Hair gray. Extremely heavy golden hair. Aged. Ear-drops set with white glass sets. Weight 250 to 300. Low round forehead. Breast-pin. Female. Gaiter shoes. Papers, keys, etc. Teeth short and dark. Afterwards identified as Mrs. Frawater, mother of Colonel Frawater. Brown hair. Blue calico waist with white dots. Female. Dam-Breach hydrology of the Johnstown flood of 1889 challenging the findings of the 1891 investigation report, Heliyon. Spectacles. Blue check shirt. Ring marked "K. T. Earrings. Age five years. Plain cloth dress. Long, dark brown hair, calico dress. Pearl buttons. Sandy mustache and goatee. Female. Initial on one ring, "W H.". Age eighteen. Male Age seven years. Dark brown hair. Black stockings. Weight 20. One broken. One light plain gold ring. Age about fifty. Weight about 170. Calico dress, red and brown. Dark hair. Button shoes. the "Robber Barons" Hounded by the media, members of the club donated to the relief effort. Child's gold breast-pin. Female. Blue silk tie with dots. Buttoned shoes. Black hair slightly gray. The in-depth story of the deadly 1889 Johnstown Flood caused by the Johnstown Dam Collapse.On Memorial Day of 1889, western Pennsylvania was caught by a mass. Weight 160. Ring on second finger of left hand. Light calico dress with dark diamond spots. Three keys and a bunch of keys. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Daily weather map for 8 am May 30, 1889, the day before the big flood in Johnstown. Long gold breast-pin. Weight 125. Red and white barred calico dress. Height 5 feet. Black silk tie. Buttoned shoes and patent heels. Age twenty-two. Papers, etc. Female. Heavy dark brown hair. Cigar case Pocketbook containing ring, key and five cents. Female. Identified by the father. Though the former reason was probably more central to the failure of survivors' suits against the club, the latter received coverage and extensive criticism in the national press. Gray hair. Brown hair. 2. No collar or neckwear as near as could be told. Age about fourteen. In an updated, the newspaper reported that Pennsylvania railroad officials said "that over 200 dead bodies have been counted floating down the . Supposed to be Hoffman. Age about four. [16] Some people who had been washed downstream became trapped in an inferno as the debris that had piled up against the bridge caught fire; at least eighty people died there. Light hair. Age about fifty. Full face, large forehead. Light brown hair. Weight 155. Steel buttons. Fifty-seven minutes after the dam collapsed, the flood hit Johnstown. Black hair. Gray pants with black stripe. Buttoned shoes, spring heels. Blue calico dress. Male. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Purse delivered to brother. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Valuables placed in hands of her son Patrick. The Pittsburgh speculators built cottages and a clubhouse to create the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, an exclusive and private mountain retreat. Black pants. Conemaugh Borough. Age thirty. Ear drop with small balls attached. Badly burned. Grand Army Badge. Male. Female. Was to have been married on the next Tuesday. Light hair. The flood lasted only 10 minutes, but the destruction and fear continued . Prospect, June 14th. Blue waist, brass buttons. Red skirt, with six inches of checkered cloth at top of band. Valuables given to G.A. Age three. Black cashmere dress. Knife. Spring heel button shoes. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Female. Weight 140. Height 5 feet 3 inches Badly burned. Fourteen years old. Weight 145. Brakeman Cambria Iron Co. Left eye gone. Canton flannel drawers. Auburn hair. Age twelve. Hazel eyes. Age about six months. p.475. Gold watch. Height 5 feet Light complexion Auburn hair, brown eyes, blue check dress, blue waist. White stockings, No. Weight 120. Valuables given to John Marshall, his brother. Of Woodvale's 1,100 residents, 314 died in the flood. Dark hair. Cameo ring with man's head. Two rings on right hand. Height 3 feet 2 inches. Boy. Female. Bunch of keys and paper. Pocket-book with $6.10. Earring-drop. 135 pounds. Screw-driver. Eyes burned out. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, Membership, archives, facility rentals & more, Johnstown Flood Museum/Heritage Discovery Center/Cultural Programming, Johnstown Children's Museum/Children's Programming, Los Lobos to headline AmeriServ Flood City Music Festival 2023, 99 entire families died, including 396 children, More than 750 victims were never identified and rest in the Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery, Bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, and as late as 1911, Four square miles of downtown Johnstown were completely destroyed, The pile of debris at the stone bridge covered 30 acres, Flood lines were found as high as 89 feet above river level. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Black hose. Female. Metal buttons, with square figures in centre. Weight 200. Buried at Sandy Vale in lot of John Tittle. Found in Millville, in the cellar of H. W. Given's store. Female. Brown hair. Catholic prayer-book. The ASCE committee completed their investigation report on January 15, 1890, but its final report was sealed and not shared with other ASCE members or the public. Male. On the morning of May 31, in a farmhouse on a hill just above the South Fork Dam, Elias Unger, president of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, awoke to the sight of Lake Conemaugh swollen after a night-long heavy rainfall. Weight 90 to 100. Postcard Real Photo Main Street Flood Body Found Johnstown Pennsylvania 1936. Blue calico wrapper, brown and white stripes. Hair mixed with gray inclining to curl. Age thirty-five. Buttoned shoes. $30 in greenbacks. Weight 180. $1.13 loose. Age four years. An hour after the dam's failure, a 60-foot wall of water and debris smashed into the thriving 30,000-person community of Johnstown at 40 miles per hour. Silver open faced watch, Elgin movement Silver chain. One rhinestone ear-ring. Male. Dark blue suit. Weight 40 Height 3 feet 9 inches. Garter shoes. Open-faced watch with chain. Height about 5 feet 6 inches. Sent to Prospect for burial. Heavy black coat. Dark dress. Hazel eyes. Brown badge, O. O. S. of A. Interred in Sandy Vale or Grand View. Four collar-buttons Set ring. Female. Skirt black and white. Record of Bodies - Johnstown Flood National Memorial (U.S. National Age thirty-five to forty. At Johnstown, the Stone Bridge, which was a substantial arched structure, carried the Pennsylvania Railroad across the Conemaugh River. Calico dress. Gray woolen drawers. Watch and chain. Plaid skirt. Green and brown striped skirt. Age about thirty-five. Female. Age about twenty. Some patches of quilt on body. Pocket-book. Had valuables. White handkerchief with blue polka dot border. Muslin skirt. Brown dress. Large. Silver ring and gold ring on second finger of left hand. Age six. Female. Before daybreak, the Conemaugh River that ran through Johnstown was about to overwhelm its banks. Twelve years old. Wife of J. W. Tross. No goods. Weight about 110. Age about eighteen months. Mouth-organ. Why is everyone hating The Red Cross now? : r/OutOfTheLoop - reddit Calico dress cut in two at waist. Silver watch and chain. Gray eyes. White plaited waist. Small child. Postal card and envelope addressed to M.J. Murphy, 1030 Callowhill street, Youngstown, Ohio Valuables taken by M J. McAndrew. Haws, Grand View, June 13th. Full face. Buttoned shoes. Also had watch, wallet and papers received from Safety Deposit Company and given to brother-in-law, E.P. Chased band ring. May 1JOHNSTOWN, Pa. Johnstown police are investigating deaths of a middle-aged man and woman whose bodies, as well as a dog's, were found with gunshot wounds in a second-floor bedroom of a house on the 500 block of Pine Street on Saturday afternoon. Supposed to be a child of John Thomas. 1528. Male. Heavy set. Light hair turning gray. Barred underclothes. Hair turning gray. The Johnstown Flood (locally, the Great Flood of 1889) occurred on Friday, May 31, 1889, after the catastrophic failure of the South Fork Dam, located on the south fork of the Little Conemaugh River, 14 miles (23km) upstream of the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, United States. The book recorded victims able to be identified and descriptions of the unrecognized. Alex. The devastating 1889 Johnstown Flood killed over 2,000 people in Male. Sandy hair. Upper and lower false teeth. White. Height 5 feet. Female. Claimed by Sol. Height about 5 feet 4 inches. Scarlet underwear. Female About eight. Gum overshoes and shoes. Hair light brown. Knee pants. Grand View, June 14. Babe. Blank book. Age twenty five. The cleanup operation took years, with bodies still being found months (and years) after the flood. Large Brown gray hair. Gold ring marked James Potts, died March, 1874. Gingham apron. Blue gingham striped apron Blue woolen dress. Height 4 feet 9 inches. Age about twenty-five. Button gaiters. Blue calico dress, new, with white vine stripes. Dark dress. Weighs about one hundred and eighty. Height 5 feet 5 inches.