Create a paste for cleaning the bathtub by mixing one part baking soda with two parts hydrogen peroxide (or cream of tartar). When cleaning a plastic tub surround with a commercial cleaner, it is important to follow the manufacturers instructions. To use chlorine to clean a bathtub, you can simply sprinkle chlorine to a bathtub that has stains. The fourth step is to wipe away. How To Clean Plastic Shower Walls? - Nationwide Plastics There are a variety of commercial bathroom cleaners that are suitable for use on vinyl tub enclosures, including dish soap, laundry detergent, soft gel or cream cleansers that are not abrasive, and many others. Baking soda and vinegar are both common household ingredients. How to Clean Your Bathtub - The Home Depot How to Remove Yellowing From Plastic Bathtubs | Hunker Do not use abrasive cleaners or solvents on a plastic tub surround, as they can permanently damage it. Jeffrey Dmytrowich 102 subscribers Subscribe 29 23K views 8 years ago See a detailed demo at Cleaning the tub is one of. Scouring Powders: Abrasive cleaners such as scouring powders should not be used on any kind of plastic surface as they can cause scratches or damage to the material. Then, scrub the stain and mold away. Chlorine could be an effective solution for getting rid of those stains from the bathtub. Copyright 2023 Clean This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Any soft, nonabrasive cleaning tool, such as a microfiber or terry cloth towel, and a sponge, rag, scrubber or brush labeled "nonabrasive" can be used to clean a plastic tub surround without risk of scratching it. Take a nylon sponge that wont scratch surfaces and dip it in the soapy water. However, they tend to accumulate stains over time. Once done, wash away any remaining substance with clean water. If there are stains, you might not know what can remove them. Check the bathtub for any mineral deposits or soap scum that may still be there. Let the vinegar stay on the tub for about 30 minutes. If you're using a commercial bathtub cleaner, especially a heavy-duty bathtub cleaner or household bleach, always wear protective gloves and ideally open bathroom windows and doors for ventilation. 10 Effective Tips: How to Remove Yellow Stains from Shoes, 8 Safe Ways: How to Dispose of Fragrance Oils. How to clean plastic bathtub is an ordinary problem in your bathroom. Baking soda and vinegar 5. Once done scrubbing, use clean water to wash away any residual soap residue. Mix the cleaner with water and spray it all over the tub. Combine baking soda and water to create a paste similar in consistency to toothpaste. A Guide to Cleaning an Extremely Soiled Plastic Bathtub First, take a pail and fill it with half a gallon of hot water. When cleaning with chlorine, always wear protective gear like masks, hats, gloves, and glasses. Then add 1 tablespoon of dish soap followed by three parts hot water. What Part Of The Mantle Bends Like Plastic? How to Whiten a Yellowed Plastic Tub Surround Tub Cleaner Bathroom Cleaner Shower Cleaner Fiberglass Shower Pan Remove Yellow Stains Plastic Bathtub Cleaning Household Cleaning Tips Regular Cleaning More information . After an hour go back inside and use a toilet brush to give the shower a gentle scrub and then rinse. Rinse cleaning. Terry cloth towels also have some absorbency but need to be replaced more frequently than microfiber cloths do, as they deteriorate quickly with washing. Baking soda is another great go-to cleaner for plastic tub surrounds. Most important, you should never use chemicals or abrasive materials on acrylic plastic. But over time, plastic bathtubs and shower enclosures can start to look dull and dirty. The Process of Cleaning Your Shower The Grime on the Tray. Be sure to thoroughly combine the dish soap and the water. That said, you'll want to try using baby shampoo and warm water first, as this is usually the most effective cleaning method: Begin by wetting the bathtub and pouring a few drops of shampoo on a damp rag. Scrub all of the surfaces of the bathtub using a scrub sponge or a stiff nylon brush that has been dipped in the bucket. See a detailed demo at http://formula101.tvCleaning the tub is one of the most daunting tasks. Remember, Its important to know the right way of using chemicals. Step 1. The bubbles will loosen any dirt and grime. Your email address will not be published. Show more Shop the DIY Power Couple store DIY. Required fields are marked *. What you need to do before cleaning plastic bathtub 1. Be sure to rinse the rag often to get rid of soap residue. Allow it to set for up to one hour. You do not want a dirty and moldy bathtub in your house, since it does not only affect the appearance of your house, it is also unhygienic. Allow the plastic tub surround to dry completely before being used again afterward. Required fields are marked *. Rinse the soiled sponge under the running water as often as you can so that you do not spread dirt back onto the bathtub. Acetone or turpentine. Harrington's specialties include small business information, crafting, decorating and gardening. If you want to use a commercial product, consider all-purpose cleaners or bathroom-specific cleaners. Scrub with a brush to loosen the stains, then flush all of it off with water. To clean a plastic tub surround with a commercial cleaner, follow the manufacturer's directions, which will generally tell you to spray or wipe the product liberally over the surfaces, let it sit for a certain amount of time and then rinse with water. Vinegar, lemon juice, all-purpose cleaner, and baking soda paste can be used for ultimate cleanliness. Remove any signs of mildew from silicone caulking surrounding the tub enclosure by rubbing it with a cloth dipped into a solution of 3-parts vinegar to 1-part water. Step 3. Your email address will not be published. Mild dish soap can also be used to clean the plastic tub surround as it is gentle yet effective for removing dirt and grime. Avoid steel wool, scouring pads, melamine sponges, and commercial abrasive cleaning products, along with solvents. Use this in the same way as you would use dish detergent. Step 2. Wipe gently and slowly and dont apply pressure or use any sharp and hard objects and materials to rub the tub. These scuff marks are difficult to repair and could end up making your bathroom look even dirtier. Alternatively, use a nonabrasive tub and shower cleaner. Vinegar is commonly used to clean tubs because its acidic properties soften soap scum, allowing it to be easily brushed away. How To Paint a Tub & Shower Surround | BEFORE & AFTER FIBERGLASS REFINISHING @DIYPowerCouple Subscribe for more DIY! Alcohol 2. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Rinse away all traces of bleach residue using clean water after each application until all stains are gone. How to Whiten a Yellowed Plastic Tub Surround - Pinterest Spread baking soda or a gentle cleaning agent over the entirety of the bathtub, then wait anywhere from five to ten minutes for it to take effect. Ensure to take a look at the label for important details like non-abrasive and whether its suitable for materials such as plastic, ABS, polystyrene or acrylic. CLR will certainly help. Next, add one tablespoon of a gentle liquid dish detergent to the pail. Cleaning a plastic tub surround does not have to be hard or time-consuming if done properly. When you're applying the bead, use a constant, steady speed to avoid an uneven finish. Some of the best bathtub cleaners without scrubbing are effective, but others will need to be used with some scrubbing action, especially if the surround is visibly dirty or stained. Use a bucket or a pitcher to rinse your tub. Chlorine isnt just used to disinfect water. Put on protective gloves before handling any bleach solution, as this will protect your skin from any splashes or spills that may occur during the cleaning process. Mix dishwasher detergent and water into the bathtub or bucket. Make sure all of the surfaces that you want to clean are wet. Utilizing Peroxide to Restore the Original Color of Yellowed Plastic A container should be filled with straight peroxide. The last thing you want to do is cause more damage to the tub by trying to clean it yourself. Be sure to choose soft clothes such as microfiber cloth or terry towels for best results. Commercial all-purpose cleaners are typically safe to use on plastic tub surrounds as they are formulated specifically for this purpose. To loosen grime and remove oils from the skin, scrub the entire bathtub with the soapy nylon sponge. 3 Right Methods: How to Clean Hands After Touching Raw Chicken, 10 Smart Ideas: How to Dispose of Concrete. 3 Step 3. How to Clean Bathtub Stains (DIY) | Family Handyman Dont worry if your plastic tub surround looks old because the right cleaning solutions will make it look brand new. The plastic should be placed inside the container. Then, rinse it all with water. Bleach should be diluted in water with approximately equal parts of each, sprayed or wiped on the surfaces and then rinsed with water. This particular one is quite easy to understand. 2 Step 2. If the stain still has a white, chalky appearance, spritz it with white vinegar diluted to the maximum amount. Scatter a small amount of baking soda all over the tub and let it sit for at least five minutes or more depending on the severity of the stains. You can also use shampoo or body soap. Step 1. Plastic bathtubs are durable and long-lasting. This is possible because the oxidizing effect of chlorine could get rid of most of any stains on your plastic bathtub. White distilled vinegar: fill a spray bottle with full-strength vinegar; let it stay there for a few minutes, and then scrub it off. Give your plastic tub enclosures a sparkling clean finish with vinegar. Plastic bathtubs can be stained and dirty easily because theyre in contact with water and water alone. Less than $20 Step 1: Remove the old caulk and clean the joint Photo 1: Loosen the old caulk Push a razor scraper in all the way under both edges of the old caulk bead to release its grip. Use a hammer and chisel to remove the rounded tiles from the top of the tub surround. If you're dealing with a dirty tub, you've come to the right place. To loosen grime and remove oils from the skin, scrub the entire bathtub with the soapy nylon sponge. Dish soap is another effective cleaning solution for your plastic bathtub. Cleaning your bathtub is easy with hand sanitizer. More information How to Whiten a Yellowed Plastic Tub Surround More like this Diy Cleaning Products Cleaning Household How to Whiten Plastic or Fiberglass Tubs & Showers | Hunker When cleaning a plastic bathtub surround, vinegar( lemon juice) is an effective option that may be used. The first step in restoring plastic bathtubs and shower enclosures has to be a deep clean. Step 4 Sprinkle baking soda onto the tub's surfaces and use the wet sponge to scrub it in gently. Step 1 - Heat vinegar. 3 Ways to Clean an Acrylic Tub - wikiHow Repeat this procedure until the tub is clean. Continue reading below Our Video of the Day. Rub the paste over the yellowed surround. In order to do so, pour a generous amount of peroxide into the bathtub. Cleaning a plastic bathtub is a different process than cleaning a porcelain or fiberglass tub. To avoid the accumulation of soap scum and dirt, clean the shower once per week with a gentle cleaner and water. After that, spray the solution over the glass door of your shower and allow it to rest for a few minutes. How To Make Plastic Pots Look Like Ceramic? Surrounds only require waxing twice a year to look good. How to clean plastic bathtub 1. Simply cleaning it will remove any stains caused by harsh water. Cleaning liquid, or bathroom cleaner, is a very common cleaning agent. [18] [1] Avoid abrasive cleansers like scouring powders. How to Caulk a Tub Surround (DIY) - Family Handyman Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 2. This will help loosen the dirt and grime before you clean the tub. Rinse the soiled sponge in the water many times throughout the cleaning process to avoid spreading dirt back onto the bathtub. Scrub the baking soda into the bathtub and faucets with a moist cloth or sponge. Call a professional cleaner You have to read this! When cleaning a plastic or ABS tub enclosure there are certain products that should be avoided. Scrub until the stains disappear. Lemon remains to be an excellent natural cleaner. Warm up around 100 milliliters of white vinegar in the microwave until it is hot. You might think that cleaning your bathtub is something you can do on your own, but youre wrong. Diluted bleach is another great option for cleaning bathtub surrounds. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Spray purified or ordinary tap water onto the cleaning powder. When you are cleaning, you should make use of a sponge or towel that is not abrasive.Surfaces can be scratched or damaged when using a sponge with a rough surface.To avoid the accumulation of soap scum and dirt, clean the shower once per week with a gentle cleaner and water.Wet & Forget Shower is a weekly shower cleanser that does not require scrubbing and is kind to surfaces made of acrylic and fiberglass. great option for cleaning bathtub surrounds, How to Clean Cat Urine from Bathtub: 6 DIY Methods [Hygienic], How to Clean a Bathtub Without Hurting Your Back: 3 Methods [Cautions], How to Remove Candle Wax from a Bathtub: DIY 3 Steps [Super Easy], How to Remove Adhesive From Fiberglass Tub: 4 Methods [With Steps], How to Remove Toilet Bowl Cleaner Stain From Bathtub | 5 DIY Methods, How to Clean Coconut Oil From Bathtub | Only 5 DIY Steps, How To Clean Calcium Buildup In Bathtub: 4 Methods [Proven], Can You Use Oven Cleaner On A Bathtub: 7 DIY Steps [Solved]. Cleaning a tub surround can seem like a daunting task because there's generally a lot of area to cover, although the surround doesn't tend to get as dirty as the tub itself. Allow the mixture to dissolve. 8 Best Tub Surrounds 2022 - Organize Your Bathtub Walls - Lueliving Make a thick paste of baking soda similar to peanut butter or toothpaste consistency. Oven cleaner: let sit for one hour. Using circular motions around the entire surface area, slowly scrub away at tough stains until they are no longer visible on the surface. Give it at least sixty minutes to an hour to mature. Step 8. Before you attempt to actually clean your fiberglass tub surround, rinse the material with clean water. It is your source for tips, tricks, cleaning tools, and anything related to cleaning that will help you live a cleaner lifestyle. The question arises of how you can safely scrub away dirt and soap scum without damaging the material. Scrub with a brush until the stain is gone. Despite pricey natural stone or tile with difficult-to-clean grout lines, Acrylic has a smooth surface that complements any look and feels and is easy to clean. Keeping your bathtub or shower looking clean and shiny should mean you don't need to worry about restoring it nearly as often. Dry the surround after every use to prevent discoloration and yellowing. These cleaners are gentle on surfaces so as not to damage them in the process. Irregular cleaning, chemical cleaners or a scratched, dull surface all can make the yellowing more severe. Your email address will not be published. Their uneven texture can still lead to light scratching which ruins the appearance of a smooth finish on a bathtub surrounding area. How to Clean Your Surround Tub and Make it Shine! Simply fill the tub with equal parts water and vinegar and allow this solution to sit for at least 15 minutes. Submerge a cleaning tool, such as a soft-bristled brush, into the bleach solution. Itll foam, so scrub it all over using a sponge or brush. How to Clean Your Acrylic Shower or Tub | Delta Faucet Blog Continue with Recommended Cookies. Step 3. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Create a bleach solution by mixing two tablespoons of bleach into two cups of water in a bowl or bucket. Allow this to sit for ten minutes, or for the amount of time that is specified on the label of the box. The third step is to spray the mixture. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Then, flush with water to clean it all up. Make a paste using baking soda and water, the consistency of which should be comparable to that of toothpaste. Plastic is a popular material for bathtubs and shower enclosures as it's known for being durable, making it ideal for daily use. Then, rub or wipe the surface of the tub with some rubbing alcohol on a wet paper towel or cotton ball to remove stains or mildew. 2 Rinse the tub with water. They are gentle on the surface of the plastic tub, so no damage will be caused by using them. Step 1 Fill a spray bottle with 3-percent hydrogen peroxide, which is found in drugstores or convenience stores for a minimal price. Vinegar may take time to cut through grease, so it can be left for several minutes before being wiped away. After spraying the vinegar at full power on the stains and allowing it to sit for a few minutes, scrub the area to remove the vinegar. Apply this paste to the affected areas of your tub or shower enclosure and then leave it for around an hour to really work at the limescale. Chlorine 3. Bathroomer: How to Clean Plastic Bathtubs and Keep Them White as New, Family Handyman: How to Clean Bathtub Stains. With the addition of moisture, the powder will take on a thick, foamy consistency. How to Clean a Glass Coffee Pot: 7 Simple Tips! Thorough weekly cleanings, occasional stain removal and semi-annual waxing help whiten the plastic and bring back the luster of the tub surround. If you have an acrylic tub, you can use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath without worry, but you should avoid using bleach. When you clean your bathtub, you should start by emptying your bathtub. Put two tablespoons of dish soap and a half gallon of hot water in your bucket, and then fill the bucket with hot water. Wet a clean cloth with the soapy solution and use it to wash your newly whitened tub surround. They can be directly applied to the surfaces of tubs and shower enclosures composed primarily of plastics such as acrylics and polymers. Video of the Day Step 2 Fill a spray bottle with a bathroom cleaner approved to treat rust stains. How to Clean a Bathtub (Homeowner's Guide) - Bob Vila Make sure to rinse the tub off afterward so any remaining rubbing alcohol doesnt dry onto the surface of your tub. Method 1 Using Natural Products 1 Fill the tub with hot water and vinegar. If the stain still has a white, chalky appearance, spritz it with white vinegar diluted to the maximum amount. Abrasive cleaners include any commercial products that are not clearly labeled "nonabrasive" or as safe for acrylic or plastic as well as DIY cleaners, such as baking soda scrubs. Rinse off any remaining residue with fresh water. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker, How to Clean a Really Dirty Plastic Bathtub, How to Remove Yellowing From Plastic Bathtubs. Soft rags or scrubbers may also be used as needed but should only do so if absolutely necessary- these tools can leave scratches if not handled properly so caution should be taken when using them for tough stains or debris. Alternative cleaning products suitable for use on a plastic tub surround include dish soap, white vinegar and household bleach. It will be easier to remove the stain if you give the plastic time to soak in the sunlight. By emptying the tub first, you will be able to access all the corners of your bathtub and clean it thoroughly. The chemical reaction will continue until the stain is almost entirely gone. Alternatively, use a nonabrasive tub and shower cleaner. To clean a plastic tub surround with a commercial cleaner, follow the manufacturer's directions, which will generally tell you to spray or wipe the product liberally over the surfaces, let it sit for a certain amount of time and then rinse with water. Rinse the soiled sponge under the running water as often as you can so that you do not spread dirt back onto the bathtub. By cleaning regularly, you can control the growth of microbes and remove bad odors. Surfaces can be scratched or damaged when using a sponge with a rough surface. 4 Step 4. You might let the vinegar or bleach sit on the surfaces for 15 or more minutes before scrubbing and rinsing for extra cleansing power. Scrub clean with a rag. If you are planning to clean your acrylic tub using a ready-made cleaner, you need to read the label very carefully to make sure that the cleaner wont scratch the surface of the tub. Step 3. Rinse and wipe clean after 30 minutes or an hour after applying the paste. Drain and pat dry. Then, take an old toothbrush (or whatever your preferred brush is), and scrub the sides of your bathtub. Wear your protective gear Then, use a scouring brush to scrub off the moldy spots. Turn on the shower and direct the flow of water to the walls. Wipe of the excess with a clean rag. The bubbles produced by hydrogen peroxide also make it more efficient at removing dirty stains than using just water would. How to Clean Plastic Bathtub: 9 Simple Method - World Sustainable They are highly absorbent and can easily collect dirt, dust, and grime without leaving behind streaking or residue. Scatter baking soda on all of the surfaces of the tub. Head to your pantry and pull out a natural-cleaning classic white vinegar then follow these simple steps: Fill a spray bottle with a half-and-half solution of vinegar and warm water. Spray the tub surround with the cleaner. Do you have a bathtub that is discolored and stained? Doing so will loosen soaps and other products, facilitating the cleaning process. Required fields are marked *. Make use of a bristle brush to collect debris in the crevices and along the borders of the bathtub. Plastic tub surrounds usually wipe clean easily because they feature a smooth surface with no grout lines to collect dirt. Here you will learn more about how to clean a plastic bathtub. Tools you should never use include steel wool, scouring pads and melamine sponges. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Step 1. Step 2. This is a simple, non-toxic way to clean and preserve your acrylic tubs and shower.You can do it by yourself, but we are happy to help!Call anytime for an estimate: 1-866-252-3241---With same day service and 25 years of experience, you can have confidence the job will be done correctly.If you need plumbing, water damage restoration, HVAC repair, sewer \u0026 drain cleaning, or mold removal \u0026 remediationCall the Twin Home Experts.WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK!Let's Connect!Website: The piece of plastic should be placed inside the container. Otherwise, you could get sick and potentially make other members of your family sick as well. Scouring Pads: Scouring pads, too, could cause scratching due to their rough texture so these should not be used either. 5 Step 5. If your acrylic tub is heavily stained or dirty, consider filling the tub with hot water and vinegar. Step 6. These directions will typically instruct you to spray or wipe the product generously over the surfaces, then let it sit for a certain amount of time before rinsing it off with water. Don't pry the caulk with the scraper because you could break off the razor blade. Let it sit on the surface for 10 minutes. Dont worry! Vinegar that has been distilled. It can help to sanitize the surface but should never be used in its concentrated form because it can damage the plastic surface. Repeat as many times as required to completely remove the stain. Dirt comes to all of your furniture including the bathtub. Melamine Sponges: As for melamine sponges, while their softness prevents them from causing deep scratches like steel wool does. Microfiber cloths come in a variety of sizes and can be washed and reused multiple times. To apply it, mix the dish soap with water and spray it on your bathtub. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Turn the water off. Applying the paste to the yellowed surroundings will help. 5 Step 5. Let the baking soda paste sit for five minutes before using a soft sponge or scrubbing brush to lightly rub away any residual dirt or grime. However, Acrylic is a preferred choice for bathtub surrounds, and for a solid reason. Next, add one tablespoon of a gentle liquid dish detergent to the pail. Chlorine is very harmful if its not handled properly. Spray a large amount of a bathroom cleaner that contains bleach and is advertised as being effective against soap scum on the fiberglass or tile that is found in the shower enclosure. 5. Step 3 Wet a cleaning sponge with vinegar. By staying on top of your cleaning regimen, you can prolong the time in between deep cleans too. Step 1 - Remove Excess Dirt From Fiberglass. Even while removing the tub surround from the wall isnt particularly challenging, doing so may result in substantial damage to the wall that lies behind it.The correct approach to removing a tub surround may be laborious and time-consuming, but it is the only way to assure that the surround will be removed with as little damage as possible.Put on goggles, long sleeves, trousers, and work gloves before beginning the job. Let us share all the details on how to keep your plastic tub looking as good as new. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts baking soda to make a bathtub cleaning paste (or cream of tartar). After waiting an hour, use a towel or sponge to massage the area. However, it's important to check the label for the description "nonabrasive" and "suitable for acrylic, plastic, polystyrene, ABS, etc." Your email address will not be published. However, over time due to everyday use, bathtubs can get dirty and stained. Take a nylon sponge that won't scratch surfaces and dip it in the soapy water. How To Clean Plastic Shower Surround? - Nationwide Plastics Pesky, caked-on stains in your plastic bathtub got you down? Required fields are marked *. Scrub the surround with the baking soda and brush. Steps for cleaning plastic tub surrounded with dish soap: Step 1. Dissolved white vinegar in water. Allow it to sit for several minutes to allow it to absorb any dirt or grime present on its surface. Vinegar, dish soap, bleach solution, DIY degreaser, baking soda, and all-purpose cleaners are some of the best ways to clean a plastic tub surround.