Jackson was possessed of a deep thirst for adventure, and his remarkable story chronicles the very beginning of the restless road trips that soon became a way of life in America. With 146 illustrations and 1 map Read more Print length 192 pages Language English The film features many old songs, framed by a popular number from 1914 called "He'd Have to Get Under Get Out and Get Under (to Fix Up His Automobile)". On their arrival, the mud besmirched and travel stained vehicle which had borne them so faithfully and sturdily over fifty-six hundred miles of roads between the Pacific and the Atlantic was housed in a garage in West 58th Street. The Story Behind America's First Road Trip - Basin and Range Magazine "At the time they made the trip, there was a perception that the American frontier was closed. Their yellow Saxon automobile, nicknamed the Golden Flier, became a moving symbol of womens rights and a podium for speeches in many towns and cities. (Hollister Jackson was serving as Lieutenant Governor of Vermont when he died in the Great Vermont Flood of 1927. (You can see a few clips on the PBS website.) Heeding the omens of a previously failed attempt to cross the continent just a couple years earlier by automobile pioneerAlexander Winton(original builder of Horatios Winton) by way of the deserts of Nevada and Utah, the two explorerstook a more northerly route through theSacramento Valley along the remnants of the originalOregon Trail. His siblings included John Holmes Jackson, who served several terms as mayor of Burlington, Vermont. Here they prepare to light the acetylene gas headlamps. The list price 100 years ago for Jackson's 1903 Winton Touring Car was $2,500, about $50,000 in today's money. This we did the result being that we ran across the desert to Swanton Falls a distance, out of our way, 38 miles. Here we slept under our carriage. The documentary focuses primarily on Horatio Nelson Jackson and his Winton car, the Vermont; along with his companions Sewall K. Crocker, his pet pitbull Bud and frequent correspondence with Jackson's wife Bertha Richardson Wells (called "Swipes" by Jackson). Who knew there were, Are there any other thesaurus lovers out there? Making matters worse, these trails were generally considered informaland werent typically mapped with any senseof care or accuracy. Generally speaking, America in 1903 hadno roadsbetween cities, towns, or any other landmarks for that matter. Interested in having your company's ad featured on Basin & Range Magazine? One hundred years ago, on May 23, 1903, an eccentric doctor from Vermont named Horatio Nelson Jackson set off from San Francisco in a 20-horsepower Winton touring car, hoping to become the first . As the nineteenth century came to an end, there were only 8,000 cars in the United States compared to 14 million horses. Last summer I received a letter that had been carried by the Pony Express. Its not until they reach Iowa that they finally begin to travel at a decent unimpeded speed, averaging nearly 150 miles per day. A broken mud guard and a sprung front axle alone attested the hard knocks it had had on its long journey. Sewall K. Crocker Sewall K. Crocker, a 22-year-old former professional bicycle racer from Tacoma, Washington, was working in. Location. In 1903 there were only 150 miles of paved roads in the entire nation and most people had never seen a "horseless buggy" - but that did not stop Horatio Nelson Jackson, a 31-year-old Vermont doctor, who impulsively bet $50 that he could drive his 20-horsepower automobile from San Francisco to New York City. took Jackson 63 days, cost him $8,000 and left a transcontinental trail littered with broken parts, tools, clothes, flat tires and tears. Allegedly Jackson made a $50 bet that he could drive from San Francisco to New York in less than 90 days. Yesterday the framer drove in for miles to see my machine and there has been a hundred people around the livery stable since our arrival. It was for $50 and made on the spur of the moment, over drinks at the San. Two men, a bulldog and the first Great American Road Trip from S.F Several noted actors read the lines of various historical figures. Their luck would soon begin to slowly turn when they purchased Bud, a Pit Bull they obtained from a rancher near Caldwell, Idaho. That someone was Horatio Jackson Nelson. There were no gas stations and virtually no road maps as we know them today. ", Bud, wrote Jackson, was "the one member of (our) trio who used no profanity on the entire trip.". Tom Hanks provided the voice-over narration for Horatio Nelson Jackson. Jackson was unable to buy a new tire, but purchased some used inner tubes. From there on, they were able to use a few paved roads, and their trip was much easier. Jackson walked back to the town of Vale, Oregon to stock up on oil for this latestrepair. Winton and the Great American Road Trip - Automotive Hall of Fame But this newfangled automobile enticed Americans with two things they wanted most: freedom and mobility. (5) Both men and the dog were thrown from the car after striking an obstacle. We only made 45 miles in our direct route. Finally, the end is in sight! But, 2 days after the bet, Horatiofinalized the purchase of his first car, a Winton that he dubbed The Vermont after his home state. Packard and Oldsmobile had for several months been meticulously planning similar trips with expert drivers and mechanics, support crews and modified cars when Jackson simply loaded up the Winton and split. The duo was assisted in Sacramento by bicyclists who offered them road maps. Or sometimes I just need to, Read More The Right Word Peter Roget and His ThesaurusContinue, If youve never heard of Snowflake Bentley, then Ive got a treat for you! Really, it was just a matter of time before the car took over the roads. Sponsored by the National American Woman Suffrage Association, the trip began and ended in New Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip - amazon.com Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate. His beat includes earthquake research, marine biology, wildfire science, nuclear testing, archaeology, wildlife and scientific exploration of land and sea. It was one of the few original parts never replaced during the entire journey. In 1903, two men and a dog made the first documented automobile journey . After one harrowing drive over a stretch of narrow, bumpy road in the Cascade range, the two men noticed their cooking utensils had jiggled out. It is Near Soda Springs in Caribou County Idaho, 3. Horatio Nelson Jackson (March 25, 1872 January 14, 1955) was an American automobile pioneer. Western roads were still unimproved in 1909 when Alice Huyler Ramsey drove across the country. When Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson wagered in May 1903 that he could drive from San Francisco to New York in 90 days, there were only 150 miles of paved road in the entire country. $8,000 on the trip, including hotel rooms, gasoline, tires, parts, supplies, food, and the cost of the Winton. Mr. Murdock did all the driving and even drove for more than twelve hours on a few days, just to cover more distance (just like me on my road trips!). Outside of major cities, spotting a car then was almost the equivalent of seeing a UFO today. Dr. Jackson is a man of wealth, who is very fond of automobiling. The public's perception of this newfangled conveyance took a deep public relations dive on Sept. 13, 1899, when Henry H. Bliss stepped off a streetcar in Manhattan and was flattened by an electric-powered taxicab, becoming the first automobile fatality in the country. [1] Another brother, Hollister Jackson, served as Lieutenant governor of Vermont. Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson, otherwise known as "The Mad Doctor," had no idea what he was getting into in 1903 when he strapped a spare tire onto his 20-horsepower Winton touring car and started out from San Francisco's Palace Hotel on the first automobile trip across America. In those days, almost all of the paved roads were in cities, and most people traveled no more than 12 miles from their homes. If you click & make a purchase, I receive a commission! Crocker suggested that Jackson buy a Winton car. "That's why I'm optimistic. After repairing the flat, they stopped again inSacramento, CA to replace & upgrade their all too dim headlights and met some friendly cyclists who offered them road maps to the local area. We returned and took supper with the section hand. When Im writing something, I want to use the perfect word to get my meaning across. Those who had seen automobiles mostly complained about the noise and dust they caused and their tendency to spook horses. Quite a flurry of excitement was erected Saturday evening by the arrival of an automobile. The First: Cross-Country Road Trip - historynet.com As luck would have it, the movie was available on Amazon prime for just a few more days so I immediately added it to the top of my list. Automobiles were in their infancy: The first American car had been produced only 10. Want to know what other interesting things there are to see out on the road? A few companies had started to put out guidebooks with detailed instructions on how to get from one town to the next. Jackson walked back to the last town to get oil, only to discover eventually that they had been stopped only a short distance outside of Vale. ), coats and sweaters and two small suitcases for their clothes, a set of tools including two jacks, a spade, and a firemans ax, a block and tackle with 150 feet of hemp rope, a small Kodak camera to record his trip (this just warms my little memory-keeping heart! At the next available stop they outfitted Bud with a pair of goggles which Bud wore without fuss for most of the rest of the journey. "Fifty dollars says I can drive a car to New York." This was quite a boast for a man without a car or mechanical knowledge. [13], Jackson's military awards included the Distinguished Service Cross, the Legion of Honour, and the Croix de Guerre. Horatio's Drive | Video | THIRTEEN - New York Public Media It got people thinking about long-distance highways.". , At the time of Horatio Jackson's trek, only 150 miles of paved road existed in the country, and gas stations and road maps were non-existent. View my full disclosure. Watch me now come to you.Nel. My sense of humor gets me through life. Constitution Avenue, NW In 1903, two men and a dog made the first cross-country road trip I am tired & got to get up early in the morning & damn anxious to get you in my arms. Even before roads stretched across the nation, well-publicized cross-country automobile trips advertised car manufacturers, promoted political causes, and proved Occasionally horses and cars gave her She returned home by train, allowing him to take his adventure by automobile. This Place in History: Dr. H. Nelson Jackson - Local 22/44 News This article related to a made-for-TV documentary film is a stub. Copyright20062023,Somerightsreserved. The journey was arduous and slow, but their trip made headlines wherever they went. We only made 45 miles in our direct route. This growing glimmer of hope eventually attracted the attention of the Press, who would anticipate their next town arrival and show up to document their adventures. 1st auto passed thru yesterday; came via Camas Prairie and Croy Gulch to Hailey, "hence to Bellevue and on to Blackfoot." Take good care of yourself & dont worry. The trip,. But still, troubles continued to plague Horatio and Jackson. Horatio Nelson Jackson - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core They include: Archival footage of Horatio Nelson Jackson is included. Jackson was unable to replenish the tire he blew but was however able to purchase some slightly used inner tubes. About the Film | Horatio's Drive | Ken Burns | PBS Horatio's Drive America's First Road Trip In the spring of 1903, on a whim and a fifty-dollar bet, Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson set off from San Francisco in a 20-horsepower Winton touring car hoping to become the first person to cross the United States in the new-fangled "horseless carriage." To commemorate Jackson and Crocker's trip, a rerun of the approximate route in a similar 1903 vintage car will start in San Francisco on June 17 and finish the same day as the original 1903 drive, in New York City on July 26. It will be undertaken by Dr. H. Nelson Jackson of Vermont and S.K. But if there was one thing Horatio had, it was a steadfast commitment to the dream. We shall try & get away tonight. In 1903, Horatio Nelson Jackson, a doctor from Vermont, was in San Francisco with his wife when he made a bet. Sign up for my occasional email updates! When I telegraph you to come down leave on the first train, telephone the agency you are at the Holland & I will telegraph you both then come. My darling Swipes,Just a line to say that I am still alive Our things arrived this morning & we held divine services in the Blacksmith shop. When the Rubber First Hit the Roads of America - Los Angeles Times In Caldwell, Idaho, they met a man who offered them a dog as a mascot. , Read More Who was Snowflake Bentley?Continue. [1] H. Nelson Jackson and Bertha Wells were the parents of daughter Bertha (19061984), the wife of George B. Kolk and the longtime editor of the Burlington Daily News, of which her father was publisher.[2]. Here we were advised to changed our course a little and take the left hand road of the R. R. One old fellow said keep to the left road. 2023 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). In addition to owning and publishing the Burlington Daily News, he was head of the Burlington Trust Company, and owned and operated radio station WCAX (now WVMT). Ken Burns takes 'Horatio's Drive' - UPI.com On the first night of the journey they discovered that the side lanterns were too dim. It took five months, and covered more than 10,000 miles. [14][15], The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Major (Medical Corps) Horatio N. Jackson, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 313th Infantry Regiment (attached), 79th Division, A. E. F., near Montfaucon, France, September 26-29, 1918. [6], Jackson continued to reside in Burlington, Vermont, with his wife Bertha and Bud the dog. Jackson and Crocker followed trails, rivers, mountain passes, alkali flats, and the Union Pacific Railroad across the West. He also had the sense to hire a good bicycle-turned-car mechanic in Crocker. H. Nelson Jacksons trip in 1903 inspired dozens of motorists to cross the country. [1] He married Bertha Richardson Wells, the daughter of William Wells, a Medal of Honor recipient and one of the richest men in Vermont as a partner in Wells, Richardson & Co., manufacturer of Paine's Celery Compound, a popular patent medicine. It was also the same year that the "Frontier" in America was considered closed. Hi! The automobile was about to transform American life. He twice ran for Governor of Vermont. The trip, sparked by a $50 gentlemen's wager, took 63 days. Jackson had spent Some people even took to dangling steel cables across roads to stop the "devil wagons.". I have been using thesauruses (thesauri is the preferred plural of the author but thesauruses is definitely more fun to say!) The first American automobiles had been built only 10 years earlier, and most people in America had never set eyes on the wildly expensive contraptions. Article from American Heritage . Contractor Welland assisted the party back to Archer and they are now coming to Cheyenne to remain till repairs can be made. At Hailey, Idaho, Crocker wired the Winton Company for more parts. Its subject is the first cross-country automobile journey in the United States, which occurred during the summer of 1903. Explore the Winton touring car, which Jackson took on his historic trip. Google Maps Following the war, he became one of the founders of theAmerican Legion, and twice ran forGovernor of Vermont. Horatio Nelson Jackson died on January 14, 1955, at the age of 82. 1903 was a big year for the United States- President Teddy Roosevelt sent a wireless radio message across the Atlantic to the King of England, a cable was laid across the Pacific Ocean, completing the circuit and allowing Roosevelt to send the first telegraph around the world, and the Wright brothers made the worlds first airplane flight. Jackson described the mostly unmarked paths he was forced to bounce over as "a compound of ruts, bumps and thank-you-marms.". At this point, the trio became celebrities. A stop of two days was made here to await their arrival, and on Tuesday morning the adventurous travelers resumed their journey.". Jackson and S.K. This historical marker was erected by America's Byways. My darling Swipes. I am always amazed by the hot air balloon gondolas on display, seeing how small they are while reading, Read More A Sky Full of Adventure at the Balloon MuseumContinue, I dont know what it is about windmills, but whenever I see one of the old classic designs out on the prairie, I just want to stop and take a picture. Jackson was seated in a gentleman's club when he overheard a discussion at another table about the impracticability of automobiles. One hundred years later, another doctor is following in Jackson's patched tire tracks. Until that time, the current route was but a well-traveled wagon road parallel with the Oregon Short Line railroad. Between June 20 and 21, all three of them got lost in Wyoming, and went without food for 36 hours before finding a sheepherder who gave them a meal of roast lamb and boiled corn. The only mishap happened just east of Buffalo, New York, when the Vermont ran into a hidden obstacle in the road and Jackson, Crocker, and Bud were thrown from the car.