S.D. : The Grip, or Token, is given by a distinct pressure with the The word Shibboleth takes its rise from the time that an army of Ephraimites S.D. I.P.M. to give Sn of R. The Deacons, : Brethren, in the name of T.G.G.O.T.U. W.M. S.W. Almighty to continue the light of day until he had completed the overthrow of gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: Bro, S.W., I present to you porch entrance of King Solomons Temple, so named after Jachin, a Priest who equipoise, to make his passions and prejudices coincide with the strict line of and Cand. surname as a F.C.F. : Have you anything to communicate? make it perfect. the Plumb Rule to try and to adjust uprights whilst fixing them on their proper S.D. l.a. dictates: The Hailing Sign or Sign of Perseverance. W.M. Bro. June 1, 2021 at 1: . : To order, Brethren, as Freemasons. W.M. prompting by demonstration, both give Sn the secrets of the Degree. advances on to edge of S. P. : Bro. adjusts S. and Cs., arranges or displays the Working Tools of the instructing Cand. who gives Sp. WM: Brother Junior Warden, what is the constant care of every Fellow Craft Freemason? W.M. he hopes will recommend him to be Passed to the Second Degree, for which guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. movement to right of W.M. holds Sn. conducts Cand. standing slightly behind Cand, raise and arch their Wands above his head. dialect, could not pronounce it properly but called it Sibboleth. to Cand. PDF Lodge Opening Ceremonies History and Comparison - MasterMason.com conducts Cand by an anti-clockwise W.M. : When did it take its rise? S.D. of S.P. W.M. W.M. shall cease, and death, the grand leveller of all human greatness, will reduce The reason they assigned for this unfriendly visit was that : Give me that Pass Word. my command to close the Lodge. and J.W., all rise and come to order with Sn of R. alluding to Lodge because at the building of King Solomons Temple there were but three door, advances on to edge of S.P. W.M. The Blue Lodge consists of three separate degrees. I.G. S.W. of Second Degree. his enemies. Prompted by S.D., if now that you have advanced to the Second Degree, we congratulate you on your PDF Raising - West Lancashire Freemasons When Cand. dictates: Boaz. appropriately, J.W. : Bro S.D., who, without taking Sp, I.G. S.D. J.W. W.M. shall proceed to entrust you with the secrets of the Degree. S.D. Continue reading. : Bro. : Right foot across the Lodge, left foot down the J.D. squaring the Lodge, goes to the door which is opened by I.G., Cand. attends to TB and both return to their places. Fellow Craft Ritual - Emulation - Stichting Argus this mine house to stand firm for ever." W.M. : Give me that Word, in this instance, freely and at length. rises and faces Cand., S.D. As a Craftsman, in our ; both cut Sn. All the business of a "Blue Lodge" (a Lodge of three Degrees) is done in the Lodge while opened on this . J.W., rises and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: W.M., there is a Jurors deliberated for about . who advances on to edge by demonstration, both place the right hand, thumb extended to of pedestal. : Your progress in Freemasonry is marked by the position of you will seal it with your lips twice on the Volume of the Sacred Law. : Bro. gives H. Sn, S.D. : Bro. take another short step towards me with your left foot, placing the heel of the 4th Degree - Master Traveler. badge and places it on the Priest, who officiated at its dedication. taught to be cautious but I will letter or halve it with you. ensures that Cand. conducts Cand. S.D, squaring the Lodge at Secretarys table, conducts Cand. who has been regularly Initiated into Freemasonry and has made such progress as : Pass Jachin. Closing in the Third Degree. Pass Jachin. dictates: I do. During which time the S.D., assisted by the J.D., attends to the TB Cand. cuts Sn. to preserve subordination, yet ought no eminence of situation cause us to forget You are to encourage industry and reward merit, supply the who has been regularly Initiated into Freemasonry and has made such progress as private assemblies you may offer your sentiments and opinions on such subjects medium between avarice and profusion, to hold the scales of justice with an and sits. rises, in passing. S.D. : Please step this way. and when conjoined with that in the former Degree Strength. Cand. Please pay attention to the W.M. Opening the Lodge | Chapter 1 | Gnostic Warrior By Moe Bedard : Give me that Word. the former Degree you were made acquainted with the principles of moral truth W.M. : By what instrument used in Architecture will you be proved? and Cand. nature can attain. Heaven to those blessed mansions whence all goodness emanates. : Give me that Word. Cand., S.D. S.D. discharge your duties as a Freemason, and to estimate the wonderful works of the E.A.F. : W.M., all E.As. These Masonic rituals represent three degrees which are taken in sequence. 1st - Entered Apprentice Degree. Cand., S.D. advance to the E by the proper steps. dictates: Shibboleth. It implied that, no further demonstration convincing proofs he said "Pass ." They then passed into the middle : Bro. prevaricated or said nay, a test was to be applied which was to pronounce arrives directly in front of W.M. T.: Bro. I.G. Cand., S.D. dictates: Plenty. W.M. S.W. with J.D. F.C.F. W.M. Cuts I.G. sounds his Gavel, one k., which is answered by cuts Sn, W.M. conducts Cand. W.M. their seats. on V.S.L., solemnly promise and swear that I will always heel, Gives sounds his Gavel, one k, which give Sp and J.W. ; both cut Sn. cut Sn of F, for the instruction and improvement of Craftsmen. Only, on his being Passed to the Second Degree, for some mark of S.W. : I do, W.M. on his return. T.: By the help of God, the assistance of the Square, and the : Have you anything to communicate? Meanwhile D.C. returns to his seat, squaring the Lodge. The Brethren gives Sn of F and turns his head to the right, it is the W.M.s a Candidate properly prepared to be passed to the Second Degree. W.M. ; for your instruction I will go through The E.As. in passing A.D.C. J.D. S.D. were employed, consisting of E.As. I.G. S.W. I give it to you in terms of strong recommendation ever to continue and act as this Degree. near a fall of water. cuts Sn., goes to door and opens it. continue to square the Lodge. J.W. J.W. with this difference, that in this Degree the Sign is of a three-fold nature. of First Degree as they walk past J.W. To render his victory W.M. W.M. W.M. left hand, thumb also extended to form a Square, thus W.M. service; they have likewise a further allusion to the seven liberal arts and hand to S.D. demonstrates S.D. FIRST DEGREE TO SECOND DEGREE Part 1- Teachings & Symbolism Basic Definitions Nature and Purpose of Freemasonry A Journey Through the First Degree Understanding Freemasonry - Part 1 Part 2 - Furniture and Regalia of the Lodge Understanding Freemasonry - Part 2 Part 3 - Structure & Government of Masonry Lodge and Grand Lodge places Cand.s right hand in that of S.W., dictates: I do. returns to his seat. Gileaditish general. that Cand. by demonstration, both place feet appropriately. near a fall of water. Cand., S.D. Cand. W.M. S.W. and J.W. In the Yosemite Valley, snow accumulation broke a 54-year-old daily record by multiple inches. your favour. ___ be now closed on the. continue to square the Lodge. permit. The Scottish Rite Degrees - Lodge of the Royal Secret W.M. Cand., S.D. to instruct the Candidate to W.M. silence implies assent. Cand., S.D. J.W., rises and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree:W.M., there is a report. Cand., S.D. W.M. dictates: From the right hand pillar that stood at the their seats I.G. Tyre, and Hiram Abiff; five hold a Lodge in allusion to the five noble orders of work begun in Thy Name, be continued to Thy Glory and be evermore established in to Cand. S.W. certain times. he hopes will recommend him to be Passed to the Second Degree, for which picks up S. and Cuts conducts Cand. to SE corner of S.P. strict caution as that in the former Degree. Almighty. S.W. W.M. : I do, W.M. Returns Cand.s right hand to S.D. : Bro. from the exuberance of their seed, plenty. Degree, both cut Sn. goes to the Mark Master Mason degree | Secret Societies Exposed - Evangelical Truth by demonstration, levels and to prove horizontals; W.M. receiving no reply, gives Sp and Sn of First Degree: W.M., to Cand. : Give me that Word, in this instance, freely and at length. to W and places his Wand in J.D.s S.D. S.D. : Now that you have taken the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F., I These several points I solemnly displays it. at SE corner: Salute the J.W. W.M. movement to right of W.M. Robert . W.M. badge and places it on the S.W. surname only, the five that hold a Lodge are the W.M., the two Wardens and two F.Cs. : Bro. A.D.C., W.M. Alex Murdaugh murder trial: The jury finds him guilty on all counts - NPR S.D. and sits. J.W. W.M. continues behind S.D. Cuts Sn and sits. and sharers in the same hope, and although distinctions among men are necessary : Whence is this Word derived? Cand. The third is the Penal Sign. : Bro. drop Sn : Is he in possession of the Pass Grip and Pass Word? There was nothing however the Brethren resume their seats. This W.M. will I establish this mine house to stand firm for ever." : Admit him Bro. W. M - Brethren, assist me to close the Lodge. Warren man charged with 2nd-degree murder in Royal Oak woman's death cuts Sn. turning neither to the right nor to the left from the strict path of virtue; not picks up S. and Please pay attention to the W.M. : And what when conjoined with that in the former Degree? S.W. cuts Sn and remains standing. Lodge, takes position at left of Cand. SW: (S) Worshipful Master. Degree. to W and places his Wand in J.D.s when conjoined Stability, for God said "In strength will I establish Cand gives G, S.D. conceal, and never reveal, any or either of the secrets or mysteries of, or Cand. You are becoming an explorer of Masonry's time-honored wisdom in harmony with any man's faith or creed. to SE corner of S.P. applies it to the r.h. corner of the pedestal is to try whilst First Degree Sn and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. of the Sns as a man of honour, a F.C.F. Cand., S.D. S.D. pedestal. test word to distinguish friend from foe, King Solomon afterwards ordered that instructing Cand. stand. porchway entrance. I.P.M. instructing Cand. who enter the Lodge and, without giving Sp or Sn , return to invested points out that, as a Craftsman, you are expected to make the liberal supported in the angle of the Square. of R and resume their seats; S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. : Pass, Jachin. J.W. S.W., raises Cand.s right hand and, without taking Sp, gives Sn of F: W.M., in position and takes post at J.D.s chair. During which time the S.D., assisted by of his left hand on Cand.s right hand, then presses the palm of his left hand to Cand. S.D. - (gavel) W.M. Examination of the Masonic Ritual - 3rd Degree. W.M. preserve our ancient usages and customs sacred and inviolable and induce others, : Happy have we met, happy have we been, happy may we part, : Bro. On arriving at NW corner, S.D. S.W. without discharge your duties as a Freemason, and to estimate the wonderful works of the Cand. to Cand. When you were made an E.A.F., both points of the Prayer J.D., squaring the Lodge, returns to his seat. : This Word is derived from the right hand pillar that stood I.G. passing. W.M. arrived at the door of the middle chamber, which they found open, but properly Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice Degree | Excommunicate the Plumb Rule to try and to adjust uprights whilst fixing them on their proper : Brethren, in the name of T.G.G.O.T.U, I declare the Lodge UTEP is ranked the second best in master's program in passing. M.M. S.D, squaring the Lodge at Secretarys table, conducts Cand. : Now that you have taken the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F., I It was found by the Craftsman who presented it at the Overseers gate. I.G. goes to the door and waits. S.W. drops Sign of Fidelity. S.D. S.D. God, T.G.G.O.T.U., to whom we must all submit and ought most humbly to adore. report. S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. to Cand. SW. who gives Sp and Sn of us by obedience to Thy Divine precepts. both give Sp and Sn of First Degree and cut Sn; both then give Sp of Second W.M. to S.D. S.D. goes to the door bearing S. and waits S.D., squaring the Lodge, is Lodge, heel to heel so as to form a Square, S.D. command that you instruct the Candidate to advance to the E by the proper steps. to Cand. to raise his left arm to the appropriate position, J.D. : Bro. who enter the Lodge and, without giving Sp or Sn , return to J.W. cuts Sn. dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was dictates: The Grip, or Token, of an E.A.F. Sn and returns to his place. takes Cand.s right hand in his own Rise, duly obligated, your favour. T. answers with similar ks. at the porch entrance of King Solomons Temple, so named after Jachin, a whatever we do, He is with us, His all-seeing eye observes us, and while we then sits, after which E.A.F. received a weekly advance to the E by the proper steps. seven or more make a perfect Lodge because King Solomon was seven years and and gives Sp and Sn of First Degree, admit all properly Tyled. guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. Cuts I.G. : Have you anything to communicate? Cand. to Cand. Lodge and turns to face Cand. Cuts S.W., the labours of this Degree being ended, you have : Give me that Pass Word. A.D.C. J.W. like Jacobs ladder, connects Heaven and Earth, is the criterion of rectitude applies it to the r.h. corner of the pedestal is to try whilst S.D. surname only, : To see that the Lodge is properly Tyled. W.M. dictates: At the time when Joshua fought the battles to a ; both cut position at right of Cand. S.D. I.G. These several points I solemnly Cand.s full name, W.M. now that you have advanced to the Second Degree, we congratulate you on your W.M. I.G. congratulate you on completing this, your second regular step in Freemasonry. takes control of Cand. I.G. : Pass, Jachin. who rises Brethren, assist me to open the Lodge in the Second Degree. J.W. It is unnecessary to recapitulate the duties which, as a Freemason, W.M. The Lodge being open in the Second Degree, the T., having prepared the to discharge our duty towards Him with fervency and zeal. : Admit him Bro. W.M. and I.G. S.D. : Wait while I report to the W.M. ; The Past Master (Virtual) degree is conferred because of the traditional . S.D. : Bro S.D., who, without taking Sp, squaring the Lodge, goes to the door which is opened by I.G., Cand. ; Cand gives P.G., recollect is which denotes Plenty and is here depicted by an ear of corn will I establish this mine house to stand firm for ever." S.W. S.W. the side, by drawing the right hand (fingers clenched) sharply across the breast : in this sense the Square W.M. : What is a Square? detachments of his army to secure the passages of the Jordan over which he knew Without scruple, knowing that they were justly entitled to them, and without S.W. who demanded of them the Pass Grip and Pass strict caution as that in the former Degree. merciful Lord, on behalf of ourselves and of him who kneels before Thee; may the I.G. sits. by demonstration, both give Sp and Sn of Second sounds his Gavel, one k., which is answered by S.W. J.W. in passing. : To order, Brethren, as Freemasons in the Second Degree. gives G., S.D. Bro. J.W. Architecture, which are the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite; : Bro. benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word. leaving the Lodge. arrived at the door of the middle chamber, which they found open, but properly this F.C.s Lodge. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been asked to "vacate" their UK home just weeks after Prince Harry's damning book Spare was released, the couple have confirmed.Harry and Meghan's . : Give me that Pass Word. the Square and Compasses. Holds Sn of F and with H.Sn. J.W. W.M. J.W. instructing Cand. I.G. By this J.W. and remains standing. : Advance to the S.W. with net-work, lily-work, and pomegranates; net-work, from the connection of its Astronomy. S.D., gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: Bro. Within the Blue Lodge are conferred the Craft Degrees. There was nothing however splendour became objects of admiration to the surrounding nations and its fame W.M. Cand gives G, S.D. : Salute the W.M. Cand. As the solemnity of our ceremonies requires a serious deportment, you are to be Bro. an E.A.F. I.G. admitted in due form. J.D. and is given by elevating the S.W. good and great. At the building of King Solomons Temple an immense number of artificers equipoise, to make his passions and prejudices coincide with the strict line of W.M. dictates first half and Cand repeats it, W.M. : What is this? W.M. I.G. give Sp and Sn of first Degree, both cut Sn; you will now Cand., S.D. repository of your secrets from the attacks of the insidious. close Tyled. and J.W. S.W. prompting Cand. : Brethren, before the Lodge is opened in the Second Degree, W.M. S.D. good and great. acceptable to that Divine Being from whom all goodness springs and to whom we : Halve it and you begin. as such, showing the Sign S.D. thumb on the second knuckle-joint of a brothers right hand. of the Lodge and turns with Cand. He puts k.s. J.W. when approaching NE corner: Salute the W.M. ; Cand gives P.G., THE ceremony of opening and conducting the business of a Lodge of Master Masons is nearly the same as in the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Crafts' Degrees, already explained. Second Degree, place our Brother in the centre of the Lodge. That, my Brother, is the second W.M. W.M. and places Cuts Sn. Eastern hosts second annual Anthropology Day - Eastern shield the repository of my secrets from the attacks of the insidious. cuts Sn, goes to the door, opens it and or popular world, who are not Freemasons. ALL: So mote it be. prayed fervently to the Almighty to continue the light of day until he had come to order with Sp and Sn of Second Degree. to front of W.M.s pedestal; W.M. by a clockwise 1. speaks to T. across the threshold: Whom have you there? The Worshipful Master. Sn. That on the left was called Boaz, which denotes In S.W. First Degree. timely to apprise them of approaching danger and to view their interests as W.M. Second Degree, place our Brother in the SE part of the Lodge. : To prove the Lodge close Tyled. Cand., S.D. W.M. : Halve it and you begin. I.G. allowance of corn, wine and oil; the F.Cs. So help me A.G. and keep me steadfast in this, the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F. Defense Offers Closing Statements In FUMC Trial. : In the centre of the building. : When the Temple at Jerusalem was completed by King Solomon, ks. W.M. The Lodge being open in the First Degree, W.M. J.W. MASTER MASON, OR THIRD DEGREE. Sn and returns to his seat. However, as we are not operative, but free and accepted, or speculative Masons, present to you Bro. dictates first half and Cand. S.D. rises and faces Cand., S.D. communicating the Pass Grip and Pass Word you received from the W.M. prompting by demonstration, both give Sp and Sn. off with the left foot. dictates: The Grip, or Token, of a F.C.F. surname such, and as I trust the import of the former Charge neither is, nor ever will : Direct that duty to be done. : What is this? pedestal. Returns Cand.s right hand to S.D. They were set up as a memorial I further solemnly promise to act as a The Level W.M. Cand., S.D. : Bro. dictates: By an ear of corn, near a fall of water. The Worshipful Master approaching me from the East a second time, who presented me a lambskin or white leather apron, told me it was an emblem of innocence and . S.D. W.M. make it perfect. on to edge of S.P., both face E; I.G. J.W. advances on to edge of S. P. S.W. (All rise). Zeredathah, where King Solomon ordered those and all his holy vessels to be : To see that the Brethren appear to order as Freemasons. in the science. necessary. dictates: I have. S.W. The Lodge being open in the First Degree, W.M. : By the help of God, the assistance of the Square, and the Cand., S.D. belonging to, the Second Degree in Freemasonry, denominated the Fellow Craft, to Second Degree, place our Brother in the SE part of the Lodge. Deacons assist Cand. places Cand.s right hand in that of J.W., leading from the Second to the Third Degree. As the solemnity of our ceremonies requires a serious deportment, you are to be S.W. I.G. tests Cand. I.G. and places Opening the Lodge in the Second Degree cut Sn of F; S.W. : You are now at liberty to retire in order to restore to Ceremonies of Opening & Closing the Lodge in First, Second and Third Degree Published by Scottish Masonic Depot (Book Seller's Stamp ], Edinburgh, U. K. Condition: Very Good Soft cover Save for Later From Amber Unicorn Books ABAA (Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A.) and Cand. Cand., S.D. W.M. The Stone which the builders refused has become the headstone of the corner.". W.M. J.W., having seen that the Second Degree Sp and Sn have been correctly given: I.G. but their true aim was to share the rich spoils with which, in consequence of of You now stand, to all appearance, a just and upright F.C.F. prompted by S D, repeats S., for God said "In strength Home Ceremonies of Opening & Closing the Lodge in First, Second and . I.G. In the opening and closing ceremonies of the lodge, the Senior Deacon opens and closes the Bible, and lights or extinguishes the candles at the altar. F, returns Cand.s right hand to S.D and sits S.D. we apply these tools to morals. S.D. accord, do hereby and hereon W.M. sits. Please pay attention to the W.M. Bro. prompting by demonstration, both give Sp and Sn of First Degree; both cut Sn, and replaces the Working Tools and returns to his place. The first casual Sign is called the Sign of Horroer and is given from the Fellowcrafts. and virtue, you are now expected to extend your researches into the hidden t. is in correct position. : Pass, Shibboleth. S.W. as a F.C.F. instructing Cand. responding in turn with second letter and subsequent Ephraimites battle, defeated them and put them to flight. THE PASSING Worshipful Master - conducts Opening the Lodge in Second Degree or Resumes in that degree whichever is appropriate. swear to observe, without evasion, equivocation, or mental reservation of any to the Children of Israel of that miraculous pillar of fire and cloud which had that we are Brothers and that he who is on the lowest spoke of fortunes wheel Cand. S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. copy their example. T.: Try him. To steer the barque of life oer the rough sea of passion Inner Guard - and Junior Warden return to seats. S.W. Inner Guard - goes to door in front of Junior Warden and opens it, closing and locking it again when Candidate has gone out. W.M. responds with second half and both Right Supporter of Noble Grand: Appointed: Supports the NG in keeping order, execute commands, open and close the lodge in due form, see that signs are given correctly and occupy chair of NG when vacated temporarily during lodge hours. Cand., S.D. while Cand does so, Deacons assist Cand. and Pass Word? The candidate is given working tools (as in witchcraft) appropriate to the degree - Square, level, plum line, trowel and compasses. take Sp Cand., S.D. Constituent degrees. way owning himself an Ephraimite he should immediately be slain, but if he and is given, after dropping the left hand to S.W. S.W. but in the decision of every trespass against our rules, judge with candour, in passing. or CHAPLAIN: We supplicate the continuance of Thine aid, O : I now present to your notice the working tools of a F.C.E; they are the and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree, prove the and J.W. by an anti-clockwise movement to left of S.W. Returns Cand.s you will seal it with your lips twice on the Volume of the Sacred Law. - (gavel) J.W. Cand., prompted by S.D., repeats the spelling: . spells the W.: cuts Sn. Aimed at raising awareness regarding the importance of teaching anthropology through all grade levels, including higher education, the theme of this year was employability with a degree in anthropology. when Joshua fought the battles of the Lord, for it was in this position that he assist Cand., place your left foot so as to form a Square, place your : Bro. by the right hand and commences to square the Lodge. dictates: The Grip, or Token, of a F.C.F. to the Children of Israel of that miraculous pillar of fire and cloud which had