virgo man and scorpio woman friendship This Scorpio woman is crazy in love with her Virgo Man! i did like him but deep down i knew we were not meant for each other. We maybe best partner when working but i do not think we will work as anything more than that. This is a relationship that can take some time getting up to speed, thanks to the fact that both the Scorpio woman and Virgo man have such a tremendous need for emotional control. Although they are occasionally right ! My Virgo man is aware of all my traits and when my emotions do get out of control, neither of us feel the need to break it off. Virgo men must have everything in order down to every dollar. She was a complete asshole (still kinda is) very mean and disrespectful, ignorant, smart mouthed and much more. 1. 3. Virgo and Virgo: Friendship, Sex, and Love Compatibility Loving this webpage! It was amazing. Im a Scorpio and I was going out with a Virgo man for 4 months. :)Im a scorpio woman and I doubt were more perfect for each other. I have been dating a Virgo man for 4.5 years (we both graduated college together) he is 24 and I am 23. They want to be part of a supportive team and Virgos like to either be solo or lead in group dynamics which can be dangerous. He liked to consult with me about his feeling (more like ridiculous ideas) and kind of entertaining. we both know how to spit words that can literally rip your soul out of you. Virgo and Scorpio Love Compatibility - Even an unlikely outing or setting could spark a romantic mood. I was attracted to the Pisces like a magnet and still cant figure out why I cant get over it! Both . A Scorpio woman is the sexiest, most powerful, and most mysterious of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Maybe the bumps will smoothen along the coming years. We connect on every level. I used to have a candle lit for a hot Cancer man! Im sure you stay after he lies because he makes up for it in other bigger ways. Im a Scorpio female, coming up on a year and a half relationship with a Virgo male. The lack of trust and honesty with Leo drives me bonkers. Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility. My Virgo man is perfect for me, a Scorpio woman. A Virgo man is conventional and practical. Before he lost his job he worked for Brinks in Cash Logistics. I was starting to get discourage and just figured he wasnt in a place to start a relationship, but that was before I found out that he is a Virgo. Not without issues, particularly when it comes to my emotions. At times, she may allow her emotions to rule the best of her. It should be noted that both Virgo and Scorpio personalities are demanding, although with different methods. Her and I have never got along but she just comes in and subs now so I rarely see her anymore. Scorpios rarely reveal all of themselves and find holding onto their secrets uniquely comforting. I was totally relieved what I read about this , I had a huge crush about this girl who was Scorpio woman and Im a Virgo Man and it turns out into friends, I made a lot of times got trouble with her but eventually turns good its like on/off friendship relationship. When virgo man is at his best, he really does seem like the perfect man. I found a guy that challenged me and now hes stopped talking to me on a level that is respectful. He approaches me a lot in talking to me and flirts a lot but I dont know where this is headed. Before starting a relationship with . This is partly because both the Taurus man and the Scorpio woman are drawn to security. It was a coincidence( i thought). Virgo's perfectionism can sometimes feel befuddled with Scorpios ways.. Good luck! Scorpio woman will like the Virgo man's witty humor, sharp mind, rhetorical skills. He was definitely well endowed but there wasnt really a physical connection. My current problem is that since being married, Ive discovered that my virgo man is quite the liar. He listens to every word I say. I guess I started noticing things. And this is after 6 years and a child together. Here are some helpful tips that can help Virgo and Scorpio to have a healthy friendship: Give each other gifts. Scorpio are deep and reserved, and attentive to concealed emotions and desires. A Virgo man and a Scorpio woman do have an intense karmic bond. please everyone says i have to move on but i love him so much . I would never date a Virgo man ever again! From the second we met we worked together first we were hooked on each other. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. As a matter of fact, this is one of the traits that can bring them closer together. This is an almost perfect aspect of friendship. She is also known to have a higher level of passion . Tell him its not something we normally accept. Updated on November 9, 2022. Met my virgo, calm, reserved, nere-do-well. The virgo-Scorpio relationship is a partnership built on trust, and the . I dont know what to do and now hes been sending my the sweetest text messages on how he cant live without me etc.. They also both benefit from spending a long time growing friendships and relationships. But depending the strength of their traits the two Zodiac signs can be quite compatible. These two are very different. although it probably will help a virgo man more than any other sign. @PassionScorpio Samantha let me just tell you this HES GAYno straight guy would be like dont touch my hair.Hes most likely in the closet and is trying not to be gay. But I love her and she loves me and Im glad I met her. He was insecure in bed too, he never really wanted to try and satisfy me but all he did was lay back and make me do everything . A Virgo man is kind. I am a Scorpio woman who has been in a committed relationship with a Virgo man for 22 years, I was 24, he was 26 we both never wanted to get married so it worked out well for us, we also connected on every level over the years, one thing he didnt lack was confidence in bed, I was the shy and inexperienced one, although he was way more experienced than i were, he said before he met me he equated love making and sex as a purely physical need without emotional attachment, us Scorpio Women being the emotional being we are, was having none of that, so we both learned and experimented together, forming a natural connection that a lot of people till today 22 years later do not understand, dont get me wrong a Virgo man is very stubborn and set in his ways, so are Scorpio women,he analyzes and at times over analyze everything and I mean everything, Highly Intelligent, great communicator,brutally honest, judgemental, critical to not only me but to his parents and family members and holds himself and everyone he cares about to high standards, excellent work ethic, nagging, planning everything, hated surprises, he hated that I was spontaneous and did not understand how I did not plan anything, it used to drive me crazy, until I grew to truly understand him and brought him out of his shell, so hes able to express himself emotionally, they say Virgo men do not like PDA its true but when we are alone hes a man on fire, the same way they say a scorpio woman is misunderstood its the same with a virgo man, another thing I learned over the years was both of us need our own personal space on a daily so we decided on that, our bond or connection is extremely vast and continue to evolve on multiple levels, love, care, compassion, spiritually, sexually, emotionally, psychologically, chemically. They say Virgo are slow and you got to be patient with them, they will need to test and analyse you to see if youre the one, but the longer he takes, the more impatient I get and I think of just letting go. Than a couple weeks ago he wanted to call me so we talked and we have a lot of things in common, We talked till 3 a.m. 2 weeks later we met up and he was very charming, cute, a gentlemen, but he started talking about his wedding one day in detail and he asked me how i wanted my wedding to be and I was like uhh in a church lol he is like too romantic. Can Any Virgo man give me some insight that I should be friend with this Virgo man? She is powerful, intelligent, mysterious and totally magnetic. I blow ALL your asses away!!! We are still friends and have remained seperated. But I think that depends on other things too, like upbringing etc. A Virgo is a mutable earth sign, while Scorpio is a fixed water sign. Relationships should be hard. I constantly have to reassure him of his self worth and I am getting tired. Sometimes we have great chemistry my head literally goes dizzy.. and then other times its just not there as I dont feel he is feeling it. Im totally enjoy being in cloud 9 with him **grinz**. He breaks for any movie anytime even Tommy Boy for the 90th time at any given moment! Whatever i said, he eventually listen and consider it and actually did it. I think deep down he is a good man. We went out and ate and I was wearing a very provocative dress, i Put my hands through his hair, Tried to get the passion going, but he was like aa your ruining my hairdo and any normal guy would have been like totally aroused. We are natural-born worriers, and are always stressed about perfection. Be wary of virgo not ready to commit or not serious about relationships, they are not above cheating. Virgo & Scorpio. kisses, and tell them everday how beautiful they look.they also like a man who cooks for them even if u cant cook. And my Virgo man did the sweetest thing. make a virgo man feel valued and he will start to see more value in himself and he will start to feel less insecure in himself and his relationship.. i really hope that helped even just alittle. Even though Scorpio can be too rough of Virgo, making them feel . Register and search over 40 million singles: matches and more. . She is raw and untamed, whereas her man is patient and analytical. She holds him in high regard. However, even then, sex is the ultimate forte of these two signs when they are together, and they always do manage to perfect the art of . I think we need our own Scorpio/Virgo website where we can all post pics and advice and go on & on about all of the things we have in common. Virgo and Scorpio make a sextile aspect in astrology, which happens when two signs are 60 degrees apart.According to Monahan, this is a positive aspect that offers growth for each sign. I am a Scorpio woman. Virgo Man Scorpio Woman Love and Friendship Compatibility But theres a few that are a huge problem. Both the Virgo man and Scorpio woman is committed to making up the relationship, but he values practical expressions of commitment, while she values emotional ones. I met a virgo male a year ago , i loved him off but our dating started out as a sexual relationship and it was amazing but then we had fights we overcame them but then he said im not what he needs , i m so broken hearted im a scorpio a very attractive petite girl , and hes the hottest virgo ive ever been with but he left me and i msged him so many times in a row asking why he left me what is the reason for him not wanting me ? The Compatibility Between Scorpio And Leo In Love And Friendship. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) . Love And Relationships. The Scorpio woman is feeling worried about issues of reputation and standing. However, both of the star signs involved here are loyal and giving in love too. ; The symbol for Virgo is a virgin, or a woman, representing fertility and wisdom. Leos need to be loved and appreciated. But it is so true there was not a romantic bone in his body.He loved to argue was afraid of commitment and could not keep up with me sexually. You are probably like, Oh SHUT UP ALREADY!!! Whether it was love at first sight or friends first, they have the potential to stay together for a long time. He is 27, so we are both tired of meaningless people in our lives, and wish for a long journey together despite the differences we sometimes face. personally ive never had so many lightbulbs go off in my mind in one sitting in my life! But I just ride the wave cuz this man will watch every Housewives, Kardashians, Oprah, anything I am into, with me & when I ramble on & on about God only knows what? Ive learned how to ignore him and with me doing that, it makes things a lot better. Highly intuitive, he was in love is a virgo, love and. Long story short, its been a year since this has happened and so much has happened within that year that I feel like weve come full circle and repeated this cycle of being friends, playing games and just not being open and communicative about our feelings. Scorpios are supposed to match best with Cancer, yeah right ..theyll make you believe the skys purple when you know its blue!!!! I am very vocal and loud & he is just a non stop pleasing machine & we both have HOT looking bodies so our eyes are always open even in the broad daylight and we get so nasty! I have been on and off with a virgo guy whos been pursuing me (scorpio girl) for over three years now. Hi samantha, I am a virgo man, with a scorpion women, we are blessed by God a passionate love for each other, Just to guide you, virgo man are very faithful, honest and loving, it is difficult to win them at first shoot, he takes time and analyze each n every thing about the person with whom he think of going ahead for the rest of life, but this may take few months, but you need to keep holding his hand till his session of scrutiny is over, if you qualify as a trustworthy, honest, faithful and loving qualities, he will make u the queen of his heart, and will tell u everything right from his birth, I mean everything. The thing I did like about him was that he called me everyday. On the other hand, he may find her silence frustrating, as he is always willing to talk about their relationship and dont always understand why she resorts to giving him the silent treatment. Nothing turns them off more than tepid responses. I just recently met a Virgo male who was lurking for me a Scorpion female. Well, in case you wish to know our kind loves Scorpios. Advise would be great! A couple months ago I met a guy at a camp and He is a virgo. when i confronted him he got all mad. SCORPIO MAN AND VIRGO WOMAN COMPATIBILITY - GaneshaSpeaks Hes not smart at all! That insecurity manifested and he ended up cheating on me multiple times. Leo and Scorpio Friendship - A Vigorous and Powerful Combination 7 Ways The Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman Match! - GUY COUNSELING The curiosity of their lovemaking creates a greater bond and with time stimulates the cooler surface of Virgo man making him more expressive and passionate towards his Scorpio woman. So you know I had to inbox him and he wrote me back quickly thats one thing abt a Scorpio we LOVE consistency its a MUST. I can feel that he is right. If youre a Scorpion woman & youre dealing with a Virgo man, learn him. You will never give up on each other either and that may be your strongest feature and your biggest source of failure later its hard to let go of so much but sometimes all that intensity clouds everything else in the world when all of it should be appreciated and guide you through a beautiful life with or without a partner. And the Scorpio woman will like this about him. Virgo Love & Marriage Compatibility: Find out the best match for Virgo A Virgo man and Scorpio lady submissively complete one another. When with the woman in Scorpio, the Virgo man . Also, this matches no other sight on insight. we are close friends now but i get stares out of no where from him and he is very quite, we were talking and.. heheld my hand but i think i made him nervous when i asked him what he was doing, as the days go by we get closer but i feel like he dosent feel the same way( for some apparent reason) i get scared that my shyness might get in the way of not making a move( asking him out) what shall i do!? The Virgo man is one person who impresses Scorpio woman with sheer practicality rather than any emotional display. So I, as a virgo, will be on her side for the rest of my life. The relationship with my virgo man is anything but dull. Surprisingly my sister and I both seperated from our husbands in exactly the same year. He even went into talking about marriage with me which is completely uncharacteristic of his commitment-phoebe personality and terrible history with women. what would he do if he likes me ? Scorpio. Venus in the seventh house of Virgo will keep Capricorn natives stable. In 16 months my virgo bf has only worked 3 weeks, he has a tremendous fear of failure and Im scared that I dont motivate him or give him any confidence and I want him to feel good about himself. Always encourage him. Because he feels he needs to feel free everyone is different but im a virgo man and this would work on me . One thing for sure is that Im very shy around people I really like and its like when I see him I cant control myself I be so jittery. Men love & adore us because we cant be figured out. go out of your way to make little comments or do little things that show how much you value him. Whenever they are together, they feel quite safe. Gentle and attentive, hell cook you dinner and do the dishes too! Hi all, Ive recently been looking around at what the best match for a scorpio woman is Im married to a Virgo man and have been for just over a year we started out as best friends and although I wasnt totally in love with him, I thought marrying him made sense because I felt our relationship offered stability, trust, committment, loyalty and most of all friendship. She is fascinated by his inquiring nature, and he is forever drawn to her mysterious ways. Im in the decision making to stick it out and make this work, or believe that perhaps our friendship wasnt right for a marriage? Im not as compatible with Leo which is normally very compatible with Sag. 8 Reasons Virgo Women Are The Best Women To Love . The good news is that the Virgo finds relative peace in a Scorpio man. As much as I want to pursue a relationship with this Virgo man because this feeling I have has developed and he has been the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the only thing I think of before I go to sleep. Its a bit complicated because hes my best friends cousin and he is about nine years older than I am. he never responded and I am devastated I dono what else to do anymore !!!! He lies through his teeth. Virgo and Scorpio Love and Marriage Compatibility 2019 I wish you the best in life with your wonderful man! Mainly because of his insecurity, he was really insecure. Virgo 's ruling planet is Mars, the planet of wisdom and communication. Virgo Man And Scorpio Woman Love Chemistry. You can trust virgo man blindly. So far, like the text suggests, I may burst and get angry, but we have seen ourselves through it. When I gave him the let down, he was surprisingly very content with it and was able to be friends with me. That alone already been more than enough for him. I was with a virgo man for 10 years he had a lot of good qualities, extremely intelligent and always there when I needed him. Virgo Man, Scorpio Woman Compatibility (9 Intricate Characteristics) This particular Scorpio woman (me) is impatient. A Virgo man takes being a man and being able to please his woman very seriously. He is able to show her all of his vulnerabilities, while still feeling safe and secure. Obsessed with perfection, he will think there is always room for improvement. At times the Scorpio woman can prove to be a bit too temperamental for the Virgo. Virgo Monthly Horoscope March 2023 | Cafe Astrology .com hi im a regular middle school girl(scorpio btw)and i have a crush on a virgo ,but how do i tell if he likes me? A Virgo man is a very concrete person with sturdy brain and thorough information of all the aspects of life. But most importantly, PRAY for him. After all, together, Virgo man and Scorpio woman can accomplish a lot. Scorpio natives are not people who like to explore much and hence they mostly fall in love with people who are the same. She is in tune with the fundamental forces of life and nature and moved by the great tides of human experience. He definately has many good traits that I can appreciate, especially after experiencing marriage with a gemini, but Im caught in the decision making of whether we should remain friends, or, do I work on this marriage in the hopes that he will stop lying to me? Scorpio Man Virgo Woman Love and Friendship Compatibility I am fantastically happy for you! We are a mystery. Both, I have to decode their conversation. Hes fantastic with my son, and my little capricorn looks at him as his father now. Scorpio man and virgo woman dating - If you are a middle-aged woman looking to have a good time dating man half your age, this article is for you. He was definitely mentally f-ing me. But if he is ready to show his devotion and loyalty towards her, such situation may not arise at all. I am a Scorpio woman in a relationship with a Virgo man, I need to know what is most attractive to a Virgo man. Needless to say I am intrigued, and he appears to be SMITTEN, haha! While Virgo and Scorpio may have different projects going on, they will both appreciate when the other takes time to help out. He can effortlessly explore a situation and can be pretty critical regarding it, if needed. Since I am virgo too, I can tell you he is just a little worried of not being worth of you, sometimes I do wonder what is doing my girlfriend (Scorpio too and a very though but fair and lovely woman) with a guy like me) I feel insecure sometimes, but trust me, if you tell him that, he will appreciate it, but make sure you speak to him and tell him how you feel, my girlfriend did it to me and I felt grateful and despite sometimes feeling the same I am not acting like if I am not worth anymore but I try to prove myself I am good enough, is like a daily fight worth fighting for your self love and the love of the one I am with. They both crave knowledge and must have purpose in all of their endeavors. He also calms my fiery side down, as this is a must for me (not that I knew I even needed it!)! Both single as Im writing this. Their relationship will mainly be based on . I stay because the mental connection is greater than the physical. I see you say 6 months, but how long ago was that 6 months? The good things about this relationship. You do know that hes attracted to you otherwise you wouldnt be thinking about it. We have overcome all obstacles that we faced. . The Virgo-Scorpio couple is loyal and deep, with very strong ties. They mostly do it so they never look bad. Ha Ha!!! Virgo Man & Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? You havent been loved until you have been loved by a Scorpio woman. If I have any advice, Id say virgo men, be patient with your scorpio woman and just know that if she didnt love you, she wouldnt be with you. She told me as well that Hugh Grant was dating a Gemini for a long time and then they decided to break up because of his annoying accent. However, Virgo-Scorpio compatibility is stronger than you might think. Virgo men, some, not all, lets just say my Virgo had to go thru his experiences. I had a baby so I didnt know if things wouldve still been the same So I was on fb and I put pictures up on my story and I use to see him view it all the time so Im like omg he viewing my stuff. Im a Scorpio and I have been seeing a Virgo man, theres no denying that he is the sweetest guy Ive met. Yet as friends, a Scorpio man and Virgo woman can create a successful and solid foundation. You will never learn him at the surface very similar to a scorpion woman. He didnt pressure me, he made me feel very comfortable. The couple, on the other hand, can build a strong and fulfilling relationship based on trust, stability, and emotional intimacy with mutual respect and a willingness to compromise. Even in love, they are very compatible and very loyal. The bedroom definitely lacks. A Full Moon in your sign occurs on the 7th, when you could have an epiphany about a relationship or your own needs feel urgent. Scorpio Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, and Chemistry 1. Compatibility for wealth and family growth: Good. i used to date a virgo man it was a disaster. :)tehe. My Virgo is amazing in a number of ways my Leo wasnt and we are so much more similar in tastes but the lack of sex drive is a killer. It's very likely they'll discover what. If I asked him what we should do, he said I dont know. All Scorps n Virgos are 100% true to their signs character so I bet we all have a lot in common!!! Scorpio and Virgo Compatibility Ideal Match . While they may have their challenges, these two signs can create a stable and loving partnership with open communication and understanding. what we really need to balance that out can really only come from our partner . Virgos are realists, down to earth, flexible, resourceful . Also hes very methodical which means kids (which is nit something he particularly wants) could take forever to work into our lives and hes nearing 40! We have a son together. Virgo Man, Scorpio Woman Compatibility In Love And Life wait what? Scorpio Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility - VedicFeed Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, and the mutable earth sign is sextile, or two signs apart from Virgo, which can make for calm waters. December 5, 2022 328 Views. So I could be looking for this information in any other sign website. They tend to be judgmental, controlling about every aspect of their lives, and yet somehow there is no true passiontheyre all about having things THEIR way. I see it in his eyes, feel it in his touch, when he kisses me and when he stares at our son. The lack of sex drive due to stress for the Virgo is too common as I hear in other comments across the internet. Stop worrying!! I thought after 3 years he should just know how I feel about him. As much as you all think virgos are subdued and not passionate, these two bring out the best and the worst in each other by lighting a massive raging emotional fire. The two are both extremely intelligent and brutally honest. jealously is from insecurity, and unless your much more attractive then he is , you can boost his self confidence over time with those little gestures. Mercury is the closest planet to The Sun. THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH AT ALL, Your email address will not be published. I definitely prefer the long term Virgo man I am with now but I still cant get over my first love and Ive had to come to terms with that. Im still SUPER HOT for him (and Im still pretty hot looking too)!~ I think he takes my hotness for granted, which is ticking me off (Scorpio woman). I had a close friend for a number of years whose a Leo and a sister whose a Leo. Very on point. It could messed with your reality n weakened you. Neither one of them finds any reason to end their relationship even when his Scorpio womans volcano erupts fiercely. And help him to come to be confident self? I am amazing and there you have it! When I say hes amazing hes AMAZING. He told me to call him, & I opened his message. TRUST also has EVERYTHING to do with that. Virgo & Scorpio Love And Friendship Compatibility - Ponly Capricorn dating a scorpio - The best place to meet man I love my Virgo, we have our ups and downs but I would never change anything. This can create problem in the relationship as he is very practical and does not like unnecessary display of emotions, good or bad.