darlie routier documentary hulu

If the vacuum was laying on the floor when these two police officers arrived, they would have seen it at first glance. Devon and Damon were not Davis's children or anyone else's. Fingerprint expert Jim Cron stated on the witness stand that "it could be a print from a juvenile." They'll say he did it all and they didn't hurt anybody. He did not have a conversation with her; she was already at the hospital when he got to the house. [Music] Darlie Routier is one of just six women. is a true-crime documentary surrounding Randy Herman, Jr. and the murder he committed while he was fast asleepor so he claims. When you wake up, you may know intellectually what happened, but have no memory of the crash itself. Good point about Darins pants. They already know exactly what they're going to say, and they don't deviate from it. I will never believe that he actually stabbed Darlie or the kids, nor do I believe he hired people to kill his family. What started as a viral YouTube video quickly turned an entire community inside out. Just my theory. There was no valid reason for this; these nurses did not attend to Damon or Devon and would not be testifying about their injuries or autopsies. He's also the one who arranged Darin's polygraph test. The spectators got a good chuckle at her expense when Shook replied scathingly that it was not. The biggest discrepancy was that the article cited Greg Davis as the attorney who cross-examined Darlie, when in reality, it was actually Toby Shook. What's wrong with this woman? The defense also brought up the sock found on the street containing traces of Devon and Damons blood, but the prosecutors claimed that it was a part of her ruse as well. Darlie's DNA trail is shown in green, Devon's in yellow, and Damon's in red. it was mentioned Darlie had a psychic visit the home i have not managed to research this what is your view? The timeline was presented by the prosecution and was based on the length of the 911 call, and the testimony of Dr. Janis Townsend-Parchman, the doctor who performed the autopsy on Damon. Not to mention the fact that the whole Dr. Phil thing was spearheaded by non-supporters; you know, the people that want to see Mrs. Kee's child put to death. No, I don't feel as if the nurses were part of a conspiracy. Presented by Ahmir Questlove Thompson, Summer of Soul is part music film and part Black history documentary. Quinncy was skeptical, to say the least. I'm open-minded and always willing to consider new evidence, but at this point I don't feel as though anything that happened that night was planned. The transcripts had to be recreated from the original erroneous transcript and an incomplete set of audio tapes by people who were not even in the courtroom during the original trial. DeHart was a hacktivist with a connection to the hacker group, Anonymous. Could it be that his superiors strongly encouraged him to tweak his testimony to support the department's need to portray Darlie as the killer? 6) I'm not even going to argue about the letters. I just can't buy the idea that Darlie was the one who murdered her kids. This group supports Darlie's innocence. Gorsuch also testified that when he saw Darin and Waddell together, no other police or paramedics had arrived at the scene yet. Waddell stated that he approached the man, gun drawn, and asked Darin to identify himself. I don't believe the bloody jeans were ever analyzed or taken into evidence. On the nights when Darlie would sleep on the couch, that wasn't an issue. I know mothers kill their children; the idea is not inconceivable to me. They also stated that had Darlie been acquitted of Damon's murder, they could have then charged her with Devon's murder, doubling their chances of a convictionhmmm, perhaps their case was not as strong as they would like us to believe? He was selling crystal meth out of the home to the neiborhood kids, but the police keeps covering for him. Is this what you do when you are the one who has stabbed your own children, and one of them is still alive and could possibly identify you as the one who attacked him? Because she had already been told that they were dead. My response to that: "Only if you completely ignore everything presented by the defensewhich only a fool would do.". This group is for supporters of Darlie Routier, an innocent mother on Death Row in Texas. If she was struggling and twisting away from the guy wielding the knife and he slashed at her, the cut would not be a perfect slice all the way across. Do you think her live-in bf had nothing to do with it as well? Poor Darlie ? The whole attack happened in a matter of minutes, and wasn't necessarily as noisy as some may assume. She grasped onto what they told her like a lifeline, desperate to believe that the real killer would be found. I'm stunned that Darlie's lead defense attorney Doug Mulder did not immediately jump on this discrepancy but I have long suspected that Mulder may have purposely "thrown" this case, for reasons known only to him. $22.99 1 Used from $24.42 5 New from $22.99. Even if youre not a fan of The Beatles, this must-see documentary produced by Ron Howard will have you hooked. She is on death row after courts convicted her of murdering one of her sons, while standing accused of killing the other. Darlie Routier, 48, has been on death row in Texas for more than 20 years Her sons Damon, five, and Devon, six, were stabbed to death on June 6, 1996 She was found guilty of Damon's murder but. On the stand, Bevel testified that the mixture was actually the result of two separate occurrences, Darlie's blood having landed on the shirt first and then Damon's blood landing on the exact same spot of the shirt on top of Darlie's (or vice versa). When the 911 dispatcher picked up, Darlie was just blurting out the words, trying to get it all out. . I can easily envision Susan Smith releasing the parking brake of her Mazda and sending her boys off to their watery grave. My gut instinct is that Darin wanted to keep his hands fairly clean and didn't want to know about the details; therefore, I think he never directly communicated with the actual assailants. Did this seemingly happy housewife and mother commit this brutal act or did tunnel vision taint the investigation from the start? Since when does rage have to be personal? Although the medical examiner found this to be highly suspicious, in the end, his death was classified as a suicide. She will want Justice. Patterson. 5) Her changing stories--they really didn't change all that much, and there is no reason why everything she said couldn't possibly have happened. He also stated that he never actually saw the police officer get out of the car. You might believe you remember the screech of brakes, the smell of burnt rubber, the smashing of metal upon metal, the windshield shatteringwhen in reality, this "memory" does not exist at all. I hope its the garage door to a new life for her. She had written letters to friends and family members while in jail, and these letters were read by jail officials, copied, and sent to the prosecution. When questioned about the time at which this took place, Gorsuch testified during direct examination that he looked at the clock and it was 2:40 am. Are we living in the Matrix? Mormon No More is a TV docuseries about two former Mormon wives who found the courage to leave the church and their husbands so they can live a life true to themselves. Okay. I do agree with you that he was involved along with several associates. The public Facebook page for Darlie just locked down - accepting no new members. And then were awakenedwhat awakened you the second time, do you know? And if this is where Darlie cut her throat and stabbed herself in the arm, where is all the castoff blood? Conversations with Robert Fratta September 2, 2013 44min TV-14 Subtitles I don't know who "Arthur" is but the other two you mention come from the Darlie Did It camp so I don't think they'll ever be commenting about anyone breaking in. When I asked her that, she told me that he was stillsomebody was still in the house. Soleil Moon Frye is a former child star, best known for her role as. He was returned to the Potter County Jail. She was convicted of Damon's murder on February 4, 1997 and has been on Texas' death row since then. This enables LE to compare unknown prints against known felons. Darlie would have known that he gets home around two in the morning, and if she did plant the sock, it had to be before the 911 call came in at 2:31. About those towels: Darlie and Darin both have been accused of falsifying their testimony that Darlie was at the sink wetting towels to help stop the bleeding. Q. Among the not-so-minor errors: answers of "yes" were recorded as "no" and vice versa; during deliberations, the jury had a question with regard to whether or not Darin testified that he had locked the door connecting the utility room to the garage; the answer they received was that he did. Is a scam with good intentions still a scam? Some people theorize that the bruising was a result of Devon kicking at her while she was stabbing him, since he did show signs of defensive injuries. They found Darlie with wounds on her neck, arms, and shoulder, but her sons Devon, 6, and Damon, 5 were already dying due to their stab injuries. Even the state's expert witnesses conceded that an intruder may not necessarily have tracked blood while making his exit. He may not have been able to see the ambulance from his bedroom window. Reminds me of that scene in My Cousin Vinny: Judge: Mr. Gambini, that was a lucid, intelligent, well thought out objection. Director Alexander Nanau follows a team of newspaper investigators as they work to expose a case of extreme health care fraud in Romania that has been lining the pockets of business executives and politicians while killing innocent civilians. I believe you are right, and the verdict was a "payback" of sorts. So he and his thug drug friends have to be involved. Rickels went to the door and looked out the peephole. From Britney Spears conservatorship and Janet Jacksons Super Bowl scandal to social media influencers and even the popularity of vapingthis documentary series covers it all. She has also been charged with capital murder in. By accessing the Hulu Press Site, you agree to the Terms Of Use. I could see that he was actively trying to get those drops on the back of the shirt, and he had to work pretty hard to accomplish it. I also submit to you that if the vacuum was there and neither of these police officers noticed it, they're not very observant and perhaps should re-think their career choice. It can be reasonably assumed that his reply is affirmative, since she immediately becomes even more hysterical and screams, "Oh my God!". Listen carefully; what do we really hear on that tape? Watch: The Curse of Von Dutch: A Brand to Die For. He stated that a fiber he analyzed from the grooves of the knife was consistent with rubber and fiberglass fibers from the cut screen in the garage. What would happen next? A. I remember some things that she told me. The court reporter, Sandra Halsey, pled the 5th Amendment when questioned in court regarding her substandard work. The prosecution successfully appealed to the conservative jurors' subconscious prejudices by usage of the above-mentioned emotional trifecta. Th Read all. Where did the information about the ceramic frog planter & the missing key come from? Kriti Mehrotra. JustinCase976 (author) on September 06, 2019: It sounds as if you have some firsthand knowledge of this crime, or of the players involved. I believe it ALL happened. It was one of the attorneys that shared with me the detail of the frog planter. Its just that I . In another, she has no memory of fighting with him. Omari Maynard and Bruce McIntyre are two bereaved fathers with similar stories: their partners died due to preventable childbirth complications. is a TV docuseries about two former Mormon wives who found the courage to leave the church and their husbands so they can live a life true to themselves. The examiner makes the final judgment as to whether a match has been found. Because the first guy brought his own knife, which is what he used to cut the screen (we'll get to the bread knife later). If she was laying on the couch, and a man with a knife mounted her, the first thing anyone would do would be to raise their arms up defensively, thus accounting for the black-and-blue bruising up and down her arms. Rickels would not actually contact police with this information until June 11th, five days after the murders. And behind every car dealer is a bigger car dealer .. a more savy heavier car dealer . JustinCase976 (author) on December 17, 2019: I just realized I missed one of your questions. A. I guess, I'm not sure on how long it took him. If it hadn't been for that crazy Silly String, Darlie Routier might be a free woman today.At least, that's what many people believe about the notorious Rowlett woman now on death row after savagely stabbing her 5- and 6-year-old sons 20 years ago Monday as her husband and 7-month-old son slept upstairs. The bloody sock in the alleyway had not even been discovered at this point. The purpose of this database is to link crimes to other crimes and offenders. It fell off when bandage removed. Let's be real about this: Darlie did not "sleep" through Devon and Damon being stabbed and her own assault. It should be noted that two sponges were collected as evidence from the sink area; there was no blood found on either one. Did Darlie do it? It was kind of hard to miss. . During the trial, the character assassination of Darlie Routier continued when several of the nurses who treated her in the hospital were called to testify. If Devon had caused that kind of bruising, he had to have been kicking at her inner arms for a prolonged period of timea period of time that was longer than his actual attack. What was once a staple clothing brand has become a relic of the past. For me, Im so excited!!!!!! Serena, 3, and Sophia, 19 months, were drowned in a bathtub by their mother, Elaine Campione, who was in a custody battle with their father and her estranged husband, Leo Campione. Question: What information does AFIS hold? If a wet towel or cloth came into contact with any blood in that area, it could have easily wiped it away. Even if youre not a fan of The Beatles, this must-see documentary produced by Ron Howard will have you hooked. The Rowlett PD was under tremendous pressure to solve this case and solve it quickly. Phil Ray. It's not like she was just standing there, chit-chatting with her girlfriends on the phone. Routier received the death penalty. Still, Karl had nothing to gain by telling this story. Scientists at the University of California, Irvine, found that acute stress activates selective molecules called corticotropin-releasing hormones. The Beatles: Eight Days a Week The Touring Years, Do you remember where you were when the world shut down in March 2020? "; Darlie: "They killed our babies!") When Darlie mentioned the knife to Waddell, the dispatcher immediately instructed her not to touch it. Darlie considered taking sleeping pills that day to kill herself. Do you remember where you were when the world shut down in March 2020? Darlie tried to explain herself, but ended up dissolving into tears. If she was really this calculating, cold-blooded murderer, she had plenty of better opportunities to pull this off. There were young children, in the room, and a fight broke out. When Karl learned her name, and the fact that her children had been stabbed to death in June of 1996, he put two and two together. [Interesting side note: before testifying in the Routier trial, Charles Linch had recently been hospitalized for alcoholism and depression. Still, the machine can't do it all. The circle indicates this is Devon's blood on the back of Darlie's night shirt. If my wife started screaming downstairs Id be haulin arse to get down there. After killing the kids and attacking Darlie, do you really think they are going to take anything with them that might possibly tie them to this house? Waddell's response was that he did not; Walling stated that he did remember seeing it, but wasn't sure if it was there when he first came in, or if it was there later when he did a walk-through. Soleil Moon Frye is a former child star, best known for her role as Punky Brewster. It's a small thing, but it's just one more detail that was used to make her look guilty, but which turned out to be completely untrue. Are the others ever held accountable? So, if money was the motive, they said, why did she leave Darin unharmed, who had an $800,000 insurance policy? Some people swear they have, other people say it's a load of crap. ], Tom Bevel, the state's blood spatter "expert," has come under fire in recent years, and his inaccurate testimonies have been linked to several other controversial, potentially wrongful convictions (Jason Payne, Warren Horinek, David Camm, Tim Masters, and Julie Rea-Harper, to name a few.). is a truly unique documentary that uses three stray dogs roaming the streets of Istanbul to tell stories of the city through their eyes and innocent point of view. If anyone doesn't care to take my word for it, they can always feel free to contact Mountain View and request Darlie's visitor logs, which I believe are public record. Dr. Phil is a non-factor and is about as useful as tits on a bull. When Darlie began to scream for Darin, he ducked into the darkness of the formal dining room, where he waited for his chance to make a break for it. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Two police officers were asked if they saw it on the kitchen floor. So what's the deal with the Innocence Project? I really don't think there's any substance to that theory, and I believe this avenue has been explored with no success. Can you show me ANY picture of him crushed by this major catastrophic event in his life. Well C. George, in a perfect world, the others would definitely be held accountable. Now, when I look at the pictures of the sink, I see: the left side, the right side, and the front. Darins pants are a problem. Routier was convicted in February 1997 for the murder of her 5-year-old son Damon. A rich husband. You can also stream it on FuboTV (free trial), Sling or Hulu + Live TV. One has to wonder how much evidence was missed, and not collected for testing. As a private citizen, why cant Teresa Power be heard? The prosecution team was very good at setting the stage and creating the character of "Darlie the Killer." This caused the prosecution to claim that Darlie placed it there to further enhance evidence of a struggle. Did Darlie do it? Guilters have been quick to dismiss Rickels as a "lying lunatic" or a "brain damaged stroke victim on a cocktail of drugs.". You can say whatever you want about Mary Rickels and her story of the two men that tried to break in her house, but I have seen Arkansas's mugshot, and one of the men she described fits him to a T. The description of the other man very closely fits Dwayne. It is my personal belief that the noise Gorsuch first heard, before coming fully awake, was the sound of Darlie screaming out the front door for Karen Neal. Check out these must-watch. This documentary tells their story. Q. is a documentary set out to bring justice to Bill Finger, the uncredited creator of, In 2009, Matt DeHart was persecuted by the American government for possessing child pornography, but DeHart claims he was framed, . The band you know, and the story you dont. Darin was on baby duty, so she was able to allow herself to fall into a heavier sleep with the knowledge that she would not have to get up in the night and tend to Drake. Their reasoning for this conclusion included the following factors and pieces of evidence, some of which, admittedly, did not look good for her: 1) A stab wound to Darlie's right arm that went to the bone (she is right-handed). Darlie's first words to the dispatcher were: Somebody came herethey broke in! Out of all the things that non-supporters say, that takes the cake as the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That changed when I read Dateline Purgatory: Examining the Case That Sentenced Darlie Routier To Death by Kathy Cruz. Darlie Routier's murder conviction has been debated in depth since the day she was found guilty 25 years ago. Watch: The Beatles: Eight Days a Week The Touring Years. What Darlie initially relayed to the police, her family, and the media was most likely disjointed fragments of memories assembled to the best of her ability. Kid 90 is a Hulu documentary that uses behind-the-scenes footage taken by Frye herself to show exactly what it was like growing up in Hollywood in the 90s. But, regardless of the extent of Darin's involvement, it is undeniable that someone else was in that house that night. As a rule, most claims made by inmates are taken well-salted. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: not even the most hardened criminals would go around talking about stabbing little kids if it never happened. Okay. In this week's episode, Kylie and Rory take us to fabulous Texas for a case that is truly wild. This is the same officer, by the way, who neglected to collect several bloody towels as evidence, but for some reason retrieved as evidence paperwork on a funeral and headstone for a cat that had died the previous summer. She was nervous, intimidated, and probably terrified, but she came off as cold and arrogant. During this meeting, Bevel stated unequivocally that the blood mixture on the back of the shirt was the result of one single occurrence of spatter. Unfortunately, I'm being kept in the dark right now along with everyone else, so all I can really do is speculate. What if Gorsuch was still awake and happened to see her running outside to plant this sock? I believe you're right on the money as far as why it looked like there was "clean up" in the sink area. How do you handle your children when theyre misbehaving? That much I believe; I also believe that in the time it took to park the vehicle, step out, draw his gun, and walk from where he parked to where the man had been standing, he lost sight of him. When Darlie's court-appointed attorneys referenced this affidavit in a pretrial hearing, Greg Davis immediately objected on the grounds of hearsay and was (as usual) sustained by Judge Mark Tolle. Guilters insist the only way this could happen is from Darlie raising the knife over her shoulder while stabbing Damon. Yea i don't believe it was someone who knew her either and the letter from Karl about them other inmates talking about this tragedy and there involvement it seem's that it is very likely those two males. There are those that steadfastly claim she could have feasibly done it, but it's just too much of a reach, as far as I'm concerned. Why? Seen lotsa ER people looking neat for the unplanned visit. Halina Czaban was an older woman, a foreigner with a completely different set of morals and beliefs. For so many, Nickelodeon is the cornerstone of childhood nostalgia. A song about violence and death at the funeral of two slain little boys? However, Officer David Mayne, who was responsible for the collection of evidence at the crime scene, used the phrase "I'm not for sure" 48 times during his cross-examination, and "I don't recall" exactly 25 times, for a whopping total of 73 times. I think she was a bit of a drama queen that made a big deal out of absolutely nothing. Oh, C. George, there's so many things I wish I could say! I don't see where either Darren or Darlie ever said that. Arkansas had a serious drug problem, a vicious temper, and little to no impulse control.